Congregation Har HaShem
Congregation Har HaShem

3950 Baseline Road

Boulder, CO 80303

303-499-7077 |

CLICK HERE to make your appointment via our website to write YOUR letter. 
Weekly News for the Week of July 6, 2016

Upcoming Classes With Our Sofer, Rabbi Selwyn

Your 12 Jewish Senses
Monday, August 15th, 7-8:30 pm
Are you sensitive to all your senses as well as how to use them? These 12 Jewish senses, as derived from the Hebrew letters, can be channels for grasping and absorbing who we are. In this workshop we will explore alternative ways to understand oneself, the world and God. Discover new ways to enhance relationships and communicate with others effectively. 

The Magic of Hebrew Letters - Writing a New Torah
Tuesday, August 16th, 12:00-1:30 pm
All Ages Welcome
The scroll of the Torah is written without vowels. Without vowels, the consonants bear many meanings and splinter in to sparks! Join us for a fascinating interactive workshop on everything that goes into writing a Torah!
You are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch (vegetarian or dairy). 
Schedule Your Scribing Appointment
Have you made your appointment to write YOUR letter?  Appointments are filling up quickly.  Bring your entire family, invite your out-of-town family to join you, but make plans now.  FULL DETAILS HERE

Annual Membership Renewal is Underway
Second Shabbat Musical Service followed by Dinner
Friday, July 8 at 6:00 pm
RSVP Today!
Join us as we celebrate "2nd Shabbat" with a lively evening of inspirational song and prayer led by Or Zimrah. 
You are invited to stay for dinner or the Oneg afterwards. The service is family friendly and open to everyone. There is no cost or RSVP needed for the service or oneg. Dinner will be salmon, vegetable medley, salad, and dessert.

Read the Chadashot Online!
The July/August issue of Chadashot is now available on our website.   Click here to read it and find out what's going on over the next few months.
Guest Speaker Rabbi Nir Barkin on The Changing Paradigm in Israel-Diaspora Relations
Monday, July 25 at 7:00 pm

The latest events happening in Israel and the Jewish world, including the struggle of the Kotel (the Western Wall), challenges relating to Mikvaot and Kashrut, require a new approach and new engagement between Israel and the Jewish World. Rabbi Nir Barkin will bring a new paradigm formulated to approach these issues.

WEEKLY Shabbat Morning Torah Study and Service starting on August  6th at 10:15 am
For the past number of years, there has been a Shabbat morning service only when there were b'nai mitzvah. The weekly Shabbat morning service will start at 10:15 a.m.
Har HaShem also will expand its Shabbat morning Torah study program. Previously, the Torah study group of about 30 people met approximately every two weeks. Torah study now will be from 9-10 a.m. weekly, just prior to the Torah service. Bagels and other food, coffee and tea will be available starting at 8:45 a.m.

Our Partners

Registration open for Tuv Ha'Aretz, Boulder's Interfaith CSA. 
2 or 4 week trial share available
Weekly or bi-weekly shares of delicious wholesome food.
 Click here to register.  For more information, please contact Ru.
 Click here to learn about Red Wagon Farm's Farmer Worker Support Fund.

Request for Friendly Visitors
Enjoy visiting with older adults? Looking for a meaningful way to volunteer one hour a week?
Boulder JFS can match you with an older adult in the community. Go out for coffee, play scrabble, take a walk or just visit.
Make a six month commitment and build a beautiful friendship. (Volunteer must be 18 or older)
If you or someone you know would like to be matched (1:1) with an older adult,  contact Ingrid Swords, Volunteer Coordinator at
or 720-749-3403.
Lifecycle Event Notification

We rely on you to let us know when a member has celebrated a simcha, endured a loss, or is ill. Please call Mikaylah at 303-499-7077, ext. 26, or email It is not guaranteed that we will see it if you post it on Facebook. Thank you!

On the Colorado Jewish Calendar THIS WEEK

Click on these links for more information:

For more information about these events and everything else going on in Boulder, please visit the Boulder Jewish News. 

Congregation Har HaShem | 3950 Baseline Road | Boulder | CO | 80303