Please Contribute to the Kol Nidre Appeal 
Congregation Har HaShem
Congregation Har HaShem
3950 Baseline Road
Boulder, CO 80303
303-499-7077  |
Weekly News for the Week of October 7, 2015
Lifecycle Announcement
We are saddened by the passing of:
  • Ted Karpel, father of Gil Karpel, father-in-law of Shelley Karpel, grandfather of Josh and Lee, who passed away on September 20th.
Hamakom y'nachem etchem - may the family receive strength and comfort from the blessing of their beloved's memory.
Lifecycle Announcement
We are pleased to announce that Spencer Needle, son of Jonna and Stan, will be called to the Torah on Saturday, October 10th as a bar mitzvah. Please join us at 10:00am for Shabbat morning services.
A Message from Rabbi Greene

While I wasn't here, I have heard just how intense the challenges were to our Boulder Jewish community, our Har HaShem congregants, and yes, our own building, when Boulder experienced a devastating flood. I have heard over and over again just how moved HHS members were with the support and assistance from Jewish communities and organizations from around the country.
Well, friends, it is time to pay that generosity forward. The Jewish community hasn't organized yet due to final holy days of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah. I anticipate we will be hearing from:
There is already a response from Nechama:
As more is shared with us, we will respond with an open heart and a full hands as we are taught: "What is might? When you see people about to fall and rescue them." (Midrash Tehillim 52:24)
Rabbi Fred Greene

Help Us Build Our Community
The Har HaShem community that we have built and that we continue to build costs over $100,000 per month to sustain. More than 15% of this comes from voluntary donations beyond dues and tuition. We hope you will support our annual Kol Nidre appeal.
Click here to donate to the Kol Nidre appeal.

Support Women of Har HaShem
All female members of HHS are automatically members of the Women of Har HaShem, which creates community through educational, spiritual and social activities. Many women make a yearly donation of $18 or more to Women of Har HaShem to help us carry out our activities. You may send checks to the synagogue or donate online here.   
Thank you for your Contributions to the High Holy Day Food Drive  
Thank you to all those who contributed towards our collecting
5000 pounds of food in honor of our 50th anniversary.
Our High Holy Day Food Drive, our September lobby collections, and our left over unopened food from our barbeque has been distributed to  local organizations.  This will provide over 5,000 meals to less fortunate people struggling with basic nutritional needs.
Our next 50th anniversary challenge is to provide 50 turkeys to local food banks.  Please drop off a frozen turkey at Har HaShem anytime between now and November 20.   As stores begin to run specials, please consider picking up an extra turkey for this purpose.  
Second Shabbat Musical Service and Dinner
Friday, October 9 at 6:00 pm

Join us as we celebrate "2nd Shabbat" with a lively evening of inspirational song and prayer. Dinner will be pasta, salad, and garlic bread.

Nun-The Number 50 in Kabbalah & Gematria led by Morah Yehudis Fishman  
Sundays, Oct. 11 and Oct. 18 from 6:30-8:00pm at Har HaShem.

In 5776, Congregation Har HaShem celebrates its 50th year. The Number 50, in Jewish Sources, is filled with mystery and possibility. Explore learn and explore what the Kabbalah and Gematria has to say!


Ziknei Lunch and Learn
Thursday, October 15 at noon
The first speaker for the fall meetings of the Ziknei Senior Group will be Roxanne Bailin. The topic of her talk will be "The Jewish Communities of Cotopaxi and Trinidad, CO."  Cotopaxi was an agricultural experiment in the 1880's near La Junta & Trinidad is a true long-term settlement with a synagogue & Jews living in the town through the 1980's.  All are welcome to hear this presentation.  Bring a dairy or vegetarian lunch.
An Evening with Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Khaled Abu Awwad of
Thursday, October 15;
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Congregation Bonai Shalom

Please visit for more information on the inspiring grassroots projects being done by these Israelis and Palestinians who share the conviction that human understanding and trust are the prerequisites for lasting justice, freedom and peace on that tiny sliver of land that they both call home.

Community-Wide Pink Shabbat to Raise Awareness of Breast and Ovarian Cancer
October 16; 6:00 pm
Please wear something pink  to show your support. Rabbi Greene will be delighted to honor survivors for their courage and will remember those who have lost their lives to breast or ovarian cancers. If you would like to share a name to remember, or if you are a survivor and would like to attend for a blessing, please CLICK HERE.

 Learn More

Rabbi Greene's Installation
October 23-25
Friday Night Oct. 23, 6:00 PM, North Building
Formal installation at Shabbat evening services followed by an oneg. Rabbi Greene will be installed by Rabbi Jason Rosenberg. RSVP REQUESTED.
Saturday morning, Oct. 24,  North Building
9: 00 AM Torah Study led by Rabbis Greene and Rosenberg
10:15 AM Shabbat morning services
11:45 AM Lunch with a discussion of Jewish Life in the 21st Century & the Role of the Synagogue. RSVP REQUESTED. 
Saturday evening, Oct. 24, Party Time at the South Building
6:00 PM - Heavy hors d'oeuvres and beverages
7:30 PM - Havdalah
8:00 PM - Scrumptious Desserts
Sunday morning, Oct. 25
School children and their families will have a special program during the regular tefillah (prayer) sessions.
No RSVP needed. More details will follow to school families.
Please CLICK to RSVP or to make a donation in support of these events
Har HaShem Book Discussion
Sunday, November 8; 11:00am-1:00pm
The HHS Book Club Similar Interest Group will be meeting to discuss A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell.  Everyone at Har HaShem is welcome to attend.  Norma Portnoy has graciously offered to host and lead the talk. Please email or call for directions to her Lafayette home if you are planning on attending-

BDT Stage (Boulder's Dinner Theatre): "The Addam's Family"
Come join the Women of Har HaShem on Sunday, January 31 at noon for a family-friendly musical. Tickets are $56.50 each and include salad, main course, coffee, soft drinks and tip, as well as the show. Parking is free.

Purchase Tickets

Women of Har HaShem's Third Annual Fashion Show
Thursday, November 12 at 6:00 pm; South Building

All women welcome! Cost is $36/person before Monday, Nov. 9 and $40/person cash or check at the door. Be a table sponsor for $180. Contact Lisa Hainline for more information.


Photos of the Week
Rabbi Greene kicked off his Lunch & Learn series on Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers in the Sukkah
Thanks to all our volunteers for the Fall BBQ who made the event a success despite the rainy weather and the inadequate grill:
Beth Lev-Tov, Jeff and Dani Hemmat, Michelle Lieber, Prudence Carter, Lila Rosenthal, Matt Webber, Andy Schultheiss, Diane Madigan, The Carroll Family, Noah Maldonado, Julie Cohen, and Bruce Henderson.

Lifecycle Event Notification
We rely on you to let us know when a member has celebrated a simcha, endured a loss, or is ill. Please call Carol at 303-499-7077, ext. 13, or email It is not guaranteed that we will see it if you post it on Facebook. Thank you!
On the Colorado Jewish Calendar

Join Frasier Meadows for a free screening of Glen Campbell: I'll Be Me, October 9 at eTown Hall, 1535 Spruce Street, Boulder. For tickets, visit

Newish and Jewish - Boulder JFS. Come on...get happy! If you're 60 or older and have moved to the Boulder area in the last couple of years or have recently experienced a change-of-life event, join us for a happy hour to meet new people and learn about area programs and services. Wednesday, October 14 from 4:30-6:00 pm at Carelli's of Boulder, 645 30th St. $10 includes one drink and appetizers. RSVP by October 12 to Jodi Ansell at 303-415-1025 or

Boulder Bach Festival presents the opening concerts of its historic 35th season. Italian Roots. Friday, October 16th at 7:30pm at the Stewart Auditorium at the Longmont Museum and Saturday, October 17 at 7:30pm at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder. tickets and more information.

Jewish Genealogy Society of Colorado presents the Annual All-Day Seminar on Jewish Genealogy; "Taking Genealogy to New Heights Using Criminal Research and Technology" featuring author Ron Arons and including four lectures, Kosher dairy lunch, and door prizes. Sponsored by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Colorado and MACC JAAMM Festival. To be held on Sunday, October 18th from 9 - 4 PM at Denver JCC Social Hall, 350 S. Dahlia Street. Online reservations only. Purchase all-day access at $20 for JGSCO members and $40 for guests. OR NEW this year, single session lectures can be purchased (without lunch or door prizes) for $20 each at Register early. This event will sell out! For information, contact or JGSCO is a nonprofit run 100% by volunteers. Membership is open to the public interested in researching Jewish family history.
Boulder JFS
and TrU Community Care present an eight-week facilitated Grief Group beginning Tuesday, October 20. It is recommended for those who are at least six months past their loss. Registration is required. For information, contact Cathy Summer at Boulder JFS, 303-415-1025,

The Interfaith Network on Mental Illness (INME)
presents Hidden Gifts in Caregiving: Supporting Mental Health and Wellness, featuring Megan Carnarius, Executive Director of Balfour Cherrywood Village, on Thursday, October 22nd from 6:00-9:00pm at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 1241 Ceres Drive in Lafayette. For more information and to register, contact Anne Weiher.

Hadassah presents Inspirational Stories from Israel by award-winning journalist Barbara Sofer, Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00pm. This event will be hosted in a lovely Chautauqua home. Donations go to Hadassah Hospital: $18/person or $30/couple. RSVP for location to or call Sandy Friedman at 303-257-3995.

HOPE Coalition Supporting Depression Awareness and Suicide Prevention in Boulder County
presents HOPE Lights the Night, Seventh Annual Candlelight Vigil to Remember Those Lost to Us by Suicide on Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00pm. Non-denominational gathering at the Community United Church of Christ - 2650 Table Mesa Drive in Boulder. For more information, contact Nancy Clarke at

Dialogue about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
for members of the Jewish Community. Sunday, November 8th, 11:00am-2:00pm at the Boulder JCC. Co-facilitated by Beth Ornstein and Yocheved Landsman.  The dialogue is designed for a small group.  Because there will be a limited number of participants, pre-registration is required by Wednesday, October 28, 2015.   Brunch provided.  $15 donation suggested.  To RSVP or for information, please contact Barbara Trager at (303) 786-9003 or

Hazon - Environmentalism tastes good! Come see for yourself at the Hazon Food Conference, Dec 29 - Jan 1. We'll connect the dots between our dinner plates and our changing climate and top it off with a rocking New Years Eve party! Join over 200 farmers, chefs, rabbis, activists, foodies and more who are working for sustainable food systems nationally and internationally. Explore how our choices - from the grocery aisle to the ballot box - help to build or destroy a healthy climate. Learn from the experts, gather insights from Jewish texts, and delve into hands-on workshops. You'll never look at your lunch, your grocery store, or your health the same way again. Scholarships are available for people in the Denver/Boulder area on a first-come, first-served basis, so apply now. The conference always sells out early, so if not applying for a scholarship, register now!

Alternative Winter Break in Israel.
CU students are fundraising for a team of students to go to Israel this December with Jewish National Fund. Click here for more information and to make a donation.

The Boulder JCC
is hosting several Parenting Groups, including groups for parents of children with special needs, and an adoption group. A new 7-session series with topics on preschoolers and sleep, facing challenging behaviors, how to talk with children about sex, navigating food in the preschool world, raising children in your interfaith family, easing the new sibling transition, and potty training 101, begins soon.  Click here for more information on all of the parenting programs and to register.
Boulder Jewish Family Service
Looking  for a way to spend an hour a week? An hour that that can make a huge difference in someone's life?  Jewish Family Service has a list of seniors, waiting to be matched with a Friendly Visitor. If you'd like more information about this meaningful program, please contact, Ingrid Swords, Volunteer Coordinator, at 303-415-1025
Jewish Together - Boulder, a collaboration between 30 Jewish organizations and synagogues in Boulder, including Har HaShem, has just launched two new life cycle compilation guides. One guide is for b'nai mitzvah resources in Boulder including tips on planning an environmentally responsible event, venues and a bit of learning. Our teen resource guide focuses on local opportunities to connect with other Jewish teens, national and international Jewish programs of interest, and information on local camps. If you have a pre-teen or teenager at home, these guides are for you! Click here for all life cycle resource guides. 
JEWISHcolorado is pleased to initiate a three-year pilot project to bring PJ Library back to the greater Denver/Boulder community. PJ Library mails free, high-quality Jewish children's literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis. There is funding for 1,500 families in the Boulder/Denver area for families with children ages 6 months to 5.5 years, so please register ASAP. A waiting list will be created for additional families. Click here to register.

Visit MazelTot at to sign up for discounts on Jewish programming for families with kids under age 5. Find Congregation Har HaShem listed on the MazelTot organization page for a list of activities you can apply your Mazeltot discounts.