Tisha B'av Study Session with Rabbi Greene this Sunday  
Congregation Har HaShem
Congregation Har HaShem
3950 Baseline Road
Boulder, CO 80303
303-499-7077  |  info@harhashem.org
Weekly News for the Week of July 22, 2015
Welcome Rabbi Greene!
Help us welcome Rabbi Greene to Boulder during the month of July. Come meet Rabbi Greene at these events:

July 24, 6:00pm Shabbat Services 
July 25, 9:00am Torah Study and Minyan 
July 26, 10:00am Tisha B'Av Study
July 31, 6:00pm Shabbat Services

There are a number of social events being planned for Rabbi Greene and his family to meet you after they have settled in a bit.  

Tisha B'Av Study Led by Rabbi Greene
Sunday, July 26 at 10:00 am
Har HaShem North Building, School Wing

Tisha B'av is the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av. It is a memorial day marked by the destruction of the First and Second Holy Temples in Jerusalem. Come gather on the morning of the 9th of Av to learn about this holy day and help find a meaningful Reform Jewish approach to a day traditionally 

marked by mourning. 

Help Us Help Our Community

Tikkun Olam is a Hebrew phrase that means "repairing the world" or "healing the world" and is a fundamental concept of Judaism that Har HaShem has embraced from our earliest days.  As we approach our 50th anniversary, our Tikkun Olam Committee would like to bring back a Har HaShem tradition from about ten years ago that was very meaningful to many members.  We would like to plan a Mitzvah Day for January 10, 2016.  For those of you who don't know about Mitzvah Day, we will spend the morning learning about not-for-profit agencies in Boulder County and the early afternoon volunteering at some of them.  Some past projects have included planting a vegetable garden for Community Foodshare, reorganizing and stocking the food pantry at Emergency Family Assistance and collecting clothing suitable for job interviews  for Bridge House.

Our goal is to make this a family activity, while respecting some restrictions regarding younger children that are often imposed by the participating local organizations.  To make our efforts more effective and meaningful, we would like to connect with members who are either on boards of directors of not-for-profits or volunteer or work  for them.  We would like your help in connecting us with these organizations.  Please write to us at info@harhashem.org and  let us know about organizations that might benefit from our involvement.   By letting us know, you are not committing yourself or your organization to Mitzvah Day.  It's just the beginning of the process to see if there is a way to make good connections with organizations in our county.

Har HaShem Book Club
The Book Club that came out of the Similar Interest Group project will hold their first meeting on August 2 at 11:00am at Glacier Ice Cream at the Meadows Shopping Center in Boulder. The book selection is The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green by Joshua Braff and the the discussion will be led by Nancy Cohen. Any questions about the Book Club can be addressed to Nancy at  Nancyreads52@gmail.com  

Membership Renewal
Please take this opportunity to renew your membership for 2015-2016. Further delay on your part makes it harder and more expensive for us to serve you. If you are not going to renew, we would appreciate hearing from you by a reply to this email. Thank you.

CLICK HERE for all membership renewal and payment forms.

Photo of the Week
Welcome Back IST (Israel Study Tour) Participants
Our IST kids just got back from an amazing 5 week trip to Israel. Here they are enjoying sunrise on Masada.

Lifecycle Event Notification
We rely on you to let us know when a member has celebrated a simcha, endured a loss, or is ill. Please call Carol at 303-499-7077, ext. 13, or email c.maldonado@harhashem.org. It is not guaranteed that we will see it if you post it on Facebook. Thank you!
On the Colorado Jewish Calendar


It's time for Boulder Hadassah's Annual Summer Brunch!  

Come join the women of Boulder Hadassah on Sunday, August 2, at 10:30am, for our annual social event at a lovely private home. Learn about the history of Jewish Boulder and the beginnings of Boulder Hadassah, and meet old and new friends!  Our knowledgeable panel will include Nita Cahn, Sara Jane Cohen, Liz Fox and a possible surprise guest!   For reservations and location, please contact Sara at 303-997-7328 or imsweller@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing you there!

JCC Ranch Camp will have Stumpy's Stampede 5K/10K trail run on Sunday, August 9, in Elbert, Colorado. The trail run will benefit camper scholarships. Learn more at www.ranchcamp.org/stumpysstampede. 


The Boulder JCC is hosting several Parenting Groups, including groups for parents of children with special needs, and an adoption group. Click here for more information.


Boulder Jewish Family Service

Looking  for a way to spend an hour a week? An hour that that can make a huge difference in someone's life?  Jewish Family Service has a list of seniors, waiting to be matched with a Friendly Visitor. If you'd like more information about this meaningful program, please contact, Ingrid Swords, Volunteer Coordinator, at iswords@jewishfamilyservice.org 303-415-1025


Jewish Together - Boulder, a collaboration between 30 Jewish organizations and synagogues in Boulder, including Har HaShem, has just launched two new life cycle compilation guides. One guide is for b'nai mitzvah resources in Boulder including tips on planning an environmentally responsible event, venues and a bit of learning. Our teen resource guide focuses on local opportunities to connect with other Jewish teens, national and international Jewish programs of interest, and information on local camps. If you have a pre-teen or teenager at home, these guides are for you! Click here for all life cycle resource guides. 


JEWISHcolorado is pleased to initiate a three-year pilot project to bring PJ Library back to the greater Denver/Boulder community. PJ Library mails free, high-quality Jewish children's literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis. There is funding for 1,500 families in the Boulder/Denver area for families with children ages 6 months to 5.5 years, so please register ASAP. A waiting list will be created for additional families. Click here to register.

Visit MazelTot at www.mazeltot.org to sign up for discounts on Jewish programming for families with kids under age 5. Find Congregation Har HaShem listed on the MazelTot organization page for a list of activities you can apply your Mazeltot discounts.