Happy Passover!
"We Stand With You"

Congregation Har HaShem and The Boulder Jewish Community Center both experienced security threats this week that were communicated by each organization and have been covered by the media.

Har HaShem takes incidents such as these very seriously. The safety of our staff and our community is always our first priority. We will keep you informed if any more information becomes available or if we need to take any additional steps to secure our ourselves.  We are cooperating fully with an active law enforcement investigation and as part of that process we will not be casually discussing any details.


We have very strong relationships with the other Jewish organizations in the area.  This is the product of deliberate work we do together year round to build and enhance our shared Jewish community. These relationships will help us as we face the challenge of collaborating on shared security concerns.  


We are deeply moved by many expressions of concern and support that we have received, both locally and nationally.  This edited message from a local pastor is very typical:  We strongly condemn this horrific threat against the Boulder Jewish Community. We stand as friends with you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help and know that our prayers for the protection of  HaShem be over your community and that you continue to have a joyful and blessed Pesach.

Shir Aviv Gala

Sunday, May 3rd; 5:00-9:00pm
The Boulder Theater

A musical evening honoring outgoing Rabbi Glickman and starting the celebration year of our 50th anniversary.

Featuring our own Or Zimrah and with special guest Rocky Mountain Jewgrass.

Look for the invitation soon, use the RSVP form, or CLICK HERE to purchase tickets by April 17 for a discount.


Volunteers Needed to Make Desserts

We'd love to have your beautiful and delicious desserts to enjoy at Shir Aviv this year. To move forward and keep it all organized, we need to know WHO, WHAT and HOW MANY.

Please send an email to Lisa Hainline at lisahainline@gmail.com letting her know the details of your donation. Lisa's cell phone is 720-218-0678. Two to four dozen of each item would be fantastic, in bite-sized, finger food portions.

Had Enough Passover Food? California Pizza Kitchen Fundraiser Scheduled for After Passover Ends

Monday, April 13th; 11:00am-9:00pm
California Pizza Kitchen 1711 29th Street #1180
Boulder, CO 80301

Have you had enough matzah for the year?  Come and have pizza, soup and sandwiches, and salads. Grab a flyer from the lobby at Har HaShem or CLICK HERE to print one out here and bring it with you on April 13th for dine in or take out for lunch or dinner. The Women of Har HaShem get 20% of total purchases.
Community Wide Yom HaShoah Event
Telling the Story: 70 Years of Responding to the Holocaust

April 15; 7:00-9:00pm 
Congregation Bonai Shalom

Join Haver, Boulder's Rabbinic Council, for Four Multi-Generational Voices in Fiction including readings from Tadeusz Borowski's This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen; Carl Friedman's Nightfather; Etgar Keret's The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God and Julie Orringer's The Invisible Bridge
Women of Har HaShem Book Event

Sunday, April 26; from 1-3pm
Nancy Cohen's house

Announcing our next BOOK EVENT!  We will be reading Anita Diamant's book DAY AFTER NIGHT, with Dawn Rogers providing questions for discussion.  The meeting will be held at the home of Nancy Cohen from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday, April 26th


The bestselling author of "The Red Tent" re-imagines a true event in the aftermath of World War II in a haunting fictionalization of the post-Holocaust experience.  Atlit is a holding camp for "illegal" immigrants in Israel in 1945. There, about 270 men and women await their future and try to recover from their past. Diamant, with infinite compassion and understanding, tells the stories of the women gathered in this place.  They find salvation in the bonds of friendship and shared experience, as they confront the challenge of re-creating themselves and discovering a way to live again.

If you have questions or plan to attend, please contact Dawn Rogers at drogers@dividendcapital.com or 303-807-8602.

Father's Day Rockies Game with Women of Har HaShem

Sunday, June 21; 2:10pm first pitch

EVERYONE is welcome to join Women of Har HaShem.  



Tickets $20 each. Overlooking field on 3rd base side and after a few innings, IN THE SHADE!

They will be distributed on a 1st ordered, 1st seating choice arrangements.

The tickets are in Section L345 Rows 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.


To place an order or for more information, please contact Alise Jackson at 720-839-4544 or thejxns@hotmail.com.                    

Keitanat Har HaShem Day Camp Registration is Open

camp logo
Start your summer break with Congregation Har HaShem's camp for kids entering 1st-5th grades led by Co-Directors Caroline Saliman and Leah Boonin
Each week is filled with ruach, games, swimming, challah baking, crafts, field trips, music, mitzvah projects and more! Field trips have included Coors Field, hiking, boating on Lake Estes, the Denver Aquarium, the zoo, and lots of swimming pools.
The regular day camp week runs Monday through Friday 9 AM to 3 PM. You can join us for one week, or for all five. The summer session ends with a one-night overnight that is open to everyone who attends one or more sessions. Click here for session dates and costs and to register for camp.
Har Nevo, Har HaShem's Legacy Society

Leaving a contribution to Har HaShem in your will is a wonderful way to help ensure its future for years to come without any impact to your current annual giving. We hope to build our endowment fund over time so that annual returns can be used to continue to serve our community for future generations. This would provide a cushion of safety to smooth over any yearly fluctuations in resources due to emergencies, the economy or other adverse events.
Please join the following members who have already committed to do this via their wills or retirement accounts:
Erik Bernstein
Dianne Glenn and David Price
Debra Jan Borstein
Mimi and Jon Goodman
Deborah Ruth Bronstein
Michelle and Ira Greschler
Brenda Burnell and Andrew Halperin
Rosalyn ("Ardee") Imerman
Dorothy Cohen
Cynthia and Harvey Jacobson
Madeline Cohen
Jane Stein
Sara-Jane and Bill Cohen
Barbara Stern and Craig Balter
Gary Fifer
Joe and Lauren Stewart
Elizabeth Graham Freedman
Roxanne Sugar
Alice Gansfield

Many of you have already included Har HaShem in your Estate Plan, and if you have - please contact Jane Stein at 303-247-0481, so that we may thank you and confirm that your wishes are documented. If you have any questions or want to know more, please contact Gary Fifer at g.fifer@harhashem.org or Jane at  janemstein@hotmail.com.

Ziknei Brown Bag Lunch and Learn on the Topic of Human Services

Thursday, April 16; noon
Har HaShem North Building

BrownBagLunch David Bernstein will be speaking on the "Challenges and Successes of Using Evidence-Based Models in Human Services." David, a long-time member of Har HaShem, holds an MSW and is director of the Center for Effective Interventions at the University of Denver Graduate School. Bring your own dairy or vegetarian lunch. We supply drinks and dessert.  

Snipers, Searchers, and Sages: A Rabbi's Adventures in Jewish America led by Rabbi Glickman

Saturday, May 16; 7:00-9:00pm
Havdalah, Refreshments, and Program
Har HaShem North Building
No Cost. Click here to register.

The work of a rabbi involves much more than leading services and officiating at life-cycle events...and in Rabbi Mark Glickman's case, it tends to involve a lot more!  Are you interested in hearing how a Jewish leader such as Rabbi Glickman could find himself in the Alaskan tundra officiating at the funeral of a Jewish Eskimo? Or how he could find himself testifying in the trial of a world-famous mass murderer? Or teaching Torah to Benedictine monks at a mountaintop monastery in the Canadian Rockies? Or having a clandestine meeting and a latte with a Jordanian imam in Washington State? If you're interested in hearing these and other true tales of rabbinic adventure, then come to this session and hear them from our very own interim rabbi.

Visiting Scholar Rabbi Arik Ascherman

Friday-Saturday, May 22-23
North Building Sanctuary

Rabbi Arik Ascherman, director of Rabbis for Human Rights (in Israel), will speak at Shabbat services on May 22 and again on May 23. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting visit. 

Second Shabbat Musical Service Followed by Dinner
Join us for the last night of Passover

Friday, April 10; 6pm
Led by Or Zimrah, Cantorial Soloist Holli Berman and Rabbi Glickman

Join us for the last night of Passover as we celebrate "2nd Shabbat" with a lively evening of inspirational song  and prayer. Stay for dinner or the Oneg. We'll be serving salmon, matzah lasagna, salad and a vegetable. Click here to RSVP by tonight! No RSVP required for services.

Saturday Morning Torah Study and Minyan with Rabbi Glickman

Saturday, April 11; 8:00am NOTE TIME CHANGE
Please stay for Yizkor, immediately following

What a combination! Passover breakfast foods, coffee and inspiration. Wake up to your Saturday morning with a group discussion of the weekly Torah portion, led by clergy or a visiting scholar. We will weave together traditional Jewish wisdom and insights with a modern angle and walk away spiritually awake with ideas to carry into the week.

Yizkor Service

Saturday, April 11; 9:00am

 Yizkor, which means remembrance in Hebrew, is Judaism's service for commemorating the dead, held on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzereth, the second day of Shavuot, and the last day of Passover. This is a brief service with an opportunity to remember and recite the mourner's kaddish.
On the Colorado Jewish Community Calendar

Fairview Leads for Change is hosting a fundraiser for Daughters for Life Foundation at 7:00PM on Friday, April 10th at the First United Methodist Church in Boulder. We are working to bring together Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities (and of course the general public) in shared belief that "lasting peace in the Middle East depends on empowering girls and young women through education to develop strong voices for the betterment of life throughout the Middle East."


Temple Emanuel in Denver presents You Are Not Alone: Navigating Our Path Toward Mental Health and Well-Being on Sunday, April 12 from 1:30-3pm. This free panel presentation will cover strategies for reaching optimal mental health and well-being, tips to help someone with a mental health condition, and exciting innovations for accessing care in our community. RSVP to rsvpteMHTF@gmail.com.   


Jewish National Fund invites you to the Annual Breakfast on Friday, April 17, 2015 at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum with special guest speaker Ron Dermer, Israeli Ambassador to the US. Click here for more information and to register. 


Flatirons Habitat for Humanity's Upcoming Interfaith Build Day: Friday, April 17. No construction experience necessary! These will be hands-on days of making a difference for a family whose home was lost in the 2013 Flood by rebuilding their house, and of building bridges of friendship between people of various faith traditions. (And please share this with others!)

For more information and to sign up, please contact Catherine: 

cballance@flatironshabitat.org303-447-3787, Ext. 230.


Hadassah's Shoshanim Brunch will be held on April 19 from 10:30am-2pm at the Boulderado Hotel in Boulder. Honorees include Liz Fox, Estelle Miller, Cheryl Fellows, Linda Loewenstein, and Judy Megibow. If you have questions about the event and to get registration information please contact Lauren Stewart at 303-910-5173 or stewart.lauren454@gmail.com  


The Boulder JCC is hosting several Parenting Groups, including groups for parents of children with special needs, and an adoption group. Click here for more information.


Boulder Jewish Family Service is looking for compassionate, sensitive people to establish relationships with older adults. Visits can take place during the week or on weekends. We ask for a commitment of one or two hours a week, for a minimum of six months. Currently, we have people in Boulder, Louisville and Lafayette, who are waiting for such wonderful volunteers! www.jewishfamilyservice.org to complete an online application Ingrid Swords iswords@jewishfamilyservice.org 303-415-1025.

Jewish Together - Boulder, a collaboration between 30 Jewish organizations and synagogues in Boulder, including Har HaShem, has just launched two new life cycle compilation guides. One guide is for b'nai mitzvah resources in Boulder including tips on planning an environmentally responsible event, venues and a bit of learning. Our teen resource guide focuses on local opportunities to connect with other Jewish teens, national and international Jewish programs of interest, and information on local camps. If you have a pre-teen or teenager at home, these guides are for you!


JEWISHcolorado is pleased to initiate a three-year pilot project to bring PJ Library back to the greater Denver/Boulder community. PJ Library mails free, high-quality Jewish children's literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis. There is funding for 1,500 families in the Boulder/Denver area for families with children ages 6 months to 5.5 years, so please register ASAP. A waiting list will be created for additional families.

Visit MazelTot at www.mazeltot.org to sign up for discounts on Jewish programming for families with kids under age 5. Find Congregation Har HaShem listed on the MazelTot organization page for a list of activities you can apply your Mazeltot discounts.
Interested in Joining?
Contact Gary Fifer at g.fifer@harhashem.org

Main Office: 303-499-7077