As your incoming president, I am writing to all members in a sincere effort to reach out to all of you. Together we can improve awareness of our profession and make a difference. Throughout my career I have had the good fortune of meeting many of our fellow architects from the state, national and international level. The collective wisdom of our profession is noteworthy and my major goal for 2013 is to spread that word.
AIA National is in the midst of the AIA's Repositioning initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to develop a clearer vision of how to communicate to the public that architects and architecture play an essential role in everyone's lives. Having reached more than 30,000 individuals through interviews, surveys, and visits to AIA components a keen understanding of the issues that are most important not only to members, but to prospective members, AIA staff, clients of architects, and the general public. One of the most compelling findings from the online member survey was the fact that members have a strong desire for AIA to become a bolder leader. Nearly 70% chose "AIA is the voice of the profession, advocating for architects, championing innovation, anticipating change and leading the way forward"
Please take the time to review the "Repositioning Update".
Following suit, the AIA Louisiana Board has engaged Rockit Science, advertising agency in Baton Rouge, to help us with a similar campaign. Our goal is to improve communications within our profession and to enhance the public's perception of architects and architecture. As part of this effort, interviews with AIA members, allied professionals, public officials and clients will be conducted. Also a short survey will be sent to all members. This is where you can voice your opinions, so please take the time to respond. It does make a difference. Use your voice and get involved.
I would like to take a moment to reflect and look back at just a few of the many accomplishments of Mark Stielper, immediate past president, Lynn Robertson, executive director, AIA Louisiana Staff and the 2012 board; meeting with allied professional organizations to address public bid law, Critical Issues Summit and other legislative issues including Board of Ethics for Public Employees changes for architects; increased recognition of newly licensed architects and emerging professionals; successfully guided annual events and tasks such as Celebrate Architecture, Honor Awards, State Conference in Lafayette, and guidance and support for the Louisiana Architectural Foundation.
I am honored and proud to represent our noble profession in the State of Louisiana and I hope for the collective guidance of all of you towards a successful 2013.
Jeffrey Smith, AIA
President, AIA Louisiana