Current Business Issues Forum

April 8,  2013 


Fraud and Embezzlement


Presented by Missoula County Attorney

Fred Van Valkenburg 


All Missoula businesses are encouraged to attend and contribute to the conversation!


Monday, April 8, 2013 . 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 

Mountain West Bank Community Room 

3301 Great Northern Ave.  

Missoula, MT  59806 



Fred Van Valkenburg, the Missoula County Attorney, will present a program about the prosecution of people who steal or embezzle from their employers. It will include information on what you should expect law enforcement will want from you in order to prove the theft, examples of prior cases in Missoula, a frank discussion about what you should expect for an outcome and some thoughts on what you can do to prevent these kinds of thefts.


Fred has worked as a prosecutor in Missoula for 28 years and been the County Attorney for the last 14 years. He previously served in the Montana Senate and was both the Majority Leader and President of the Senate.


Free to all attendees. 

Space is limited. 

 R.S.V.P.  today by emailing Kimberly at


Please carpool as parking at the site is limited.   

For more information, please call the Chamber at 543-6623 or email Kimberly Hannon at or visit