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Family Fabric - Disconnect from the virtual, reclaim what is real


By Cris Rowan.


As a recent guest lecturer in Canada, US, China, India, and Nepal, I've witnessed vast disparities in wealth, religion, and culture. Yet my travels to globally based remote villages have also revealed one striking similarity, one unifying value, one central concept that ties all of humanity together. Above all else, human beings cherish their families. Partners all over the globe unite together to be an indomitable force to advocate for their families. Parents everywhere love their children above all else, and grandparents provide valuable connections and stories from the past. In fact grandparents over all others, are the most worried and vocal family members about technology overuse.


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Cris in the News





Huffington      Post has recorded over 2.2 million Facebook likes for Cris Rowan's article 10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12.


Click here to see the article.  

Foundation Series Workshop Schedule


June 25, 2015 - Guayaquil Ecuador

Workshop and performance art show on the impact of technology on children.

Contact: Carolina Baez  + 593-99-968-0286


April 16, 2015 - Littleton, Colorado

Workshop on impact of technology on children.

Contact person: Jon Spencer 720-365-8709


April 22, 2015 - Powell River
Workshops for parents, educators, and health professionals sponsored by Contact 4 Children on Impact of Technology on Child Development, Learning and Behaviour.
Registration @


April 24, 2015 - Squamish BC

Workshop on impact of technology on children.

Contact person: Della Halvorson 720-365-8709


September 19, 2015 - Dublin, Ireland
Workshops for professionals and parents sponsored by Young Presidents Organization.
Contact person: Denise Johnsen + 49.176.878.27621 


Research and News Review


Childhood Development


No Tech or Slow Tech? 

By Diana Graber
Allowing tech slowly into your child's life is more reasonable, and manageable, than no tech at all. Learn how to implement 'slow tech' at home


How do early relationships shape our brains?

By Ian Hughes April 5, 2015

As infants, we develop best in an environment of love and fun.


Tech Addictions & Psychotropic Meds


Mental Health, Addictions, Technology/Gaming Abuse, and Suicide Prevention at Torrey Pines High School 2015

Video published on YouTube March 11, 2015 
Andrew Doan - End Game: Winning in the Digital Age. 


CCHR Awards National TV News Journalist for Exposing the Dangers of Psychotropic Drugs

Douglas Kennedy, correspondent for FOX TV News for 18 years, receives award for reporting the dangers of psychiatric drugs on national television.


Bootcamp where China makes internet junkies go cold turkey: The military fitness regimes and psychiatric assessments facing some of the country's 24 million addicts as they attempt to kick the habit

By Guy Adams April 1, 2015 for the Daily Mail 
- Dax Internet Addiction Treatment Centre in Beijing has welcomed 6,000 patients since it opened its doors in 2006;
- The military-style bootcamp claims to have cured 75 per cent of their addiction to electronic gadgets;
- Internet addiction or wangyin is said to affect 24 million of the China's 632 million web users.


Tech Addiction - An open letter from a bright 14 yr old girl

Sent by Maya Heinselman to ReStart

My name is Maya Heinselman and I am an eighth grade student living in Colorado. I am intrigued with the subject of an addiction to technology and, despite being only 14 years old, I have developed an opinion on a few aspects of Internet addiction.


What Journalists, Lawyers, Laypersons and Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Psychotropic Drugs  

By Gary G. Kohls, MD April 6, 2015

There is an epidemic of legal drug-related deaths in America, so I submit a few questions that people - as well as journalists and lawyers who are representing drug-injured plaintiffs - need to have answered, if only for educational and preventive practice purposes. 


Video Games & Porn


Computer, Video Games & Psychosis: Cause for Concern
By Victoria L. Dunckley M.D. on Jun 30, 2012 in Mental Wealth
Can screen-time trigger psychotic symptoms?


What Russell Brand Says About Porn Is Shocking-and Makes 100% Perfect Sense 

Video published on YouTube February 23, 2015


How Porn Affects Your Brain

Video published on YouTube July 8, 2013

Exposure to pornography affects the decision making area of the brain.


New Alarming Research about Children 

Published March 10, 2015

A new research study from The Internet Watch Foundation and Microsoft was released this week showing that there is a rise in youth-produced child pornography. The study established that 85.9 percent of content depicting children aged 15 or younger was created using a webcam and 93 percent featured girls.


Should parents ever worry about Minecraft? 

BBC News Magazine March 30, 2015

In the space of a few years, the computer game Minecraft has come to dominate the spare hours of millions of children, and has even entered the classroom. But is this an entirely good thing, asks Jolyon Jenkins.


Strippers Go Undercover on Snapchat

By Nick Bilton February 25, 2015

Snapchat, and its unintended foray into pornography began in November, when the service unveiled a feature called Snapcash, which allows people to send money using Square, a payments platform. 


Detoxing & Unplugging


Have an unplug story to share? 

Do you unplug regularly? Willing to talk with a reporter about your unplugging experiences and what motivates you to put down your phone? Email


Getting back to nature in a digital age
By Tiffany Crawford, March 3, 2015 Vancouver Sun
Mentor your kids about the world away from their digital screens, says paleontologist Scott Sampson.    


Education Technology


Parents Nationwide Are Questioning the Safety of Wireless Radiation in Schools 

Published by Environmental Health Trust March 23, 2015

A recent Washington, DC WUSA-9 News Report showcasing a concerned parent group and the newly introduced Oregon Education Bill informing parents of the potential health risks of Wi-Fi speak to this emerging issue.


Tech Radiation


iPhone 6 SAR: Radiation Levels and Separation Distance 

By Joel M. Moskowitz PhD February 22, 2015
Based upon the weight of the evidence from several decades of research including thousands of peer-reviewed published studies, many experts worldwide have signed declarations calling upon government to adopt stronger radiation standards to protect consumers from low intensity, non-thermal exposures from radiation associated with wireless communications, and to alert consumers about how to reduce their risk of harm.  


Social Media & Mobile Technology


That Ping In Your Head
Stay connected? Will the smartphone obsession make us a race of duds?

By Pragya Singh April 2015
By serving everything up to us in a jiffy, is the smartphone changing us fundamentally-how we think, how we process information, how we're wired to interact with society? Particularly in the West, these questions are being increasingly raised.


The Karen App
One of the London developers of the Karen app said, "She develops a kind of friend crush...And over the next 10 days or so, she feeds back to you things she's learning about you - including some things you're not quite sure how she knows or why."  With the user's permission, the app will gather all of your personal social media sites information, Google search history and government information about you that can be found on the internet. 




No slackers allowed: Active Parenting

By Melanie Hempe March 13, 2015
If you are using your brains or your brawn, you are being "productive."  The rule around here is that everyone needs to be productive most of every day.

To Siri, With Love

By Judith Newman Oct 17, 2014

How One Boy With Autism Became BFF With Apple's Siri.


A bunch of skeletons kiss, hug, and dance in front of a crowd 

Video published on Mar 3, 2015 





But It's Just A Game 

By Julia Cook (Author), Michelle Hazelwood Hyde (Illustrator)
(Recommended grades 2-6) Meet Jasper! A young boy who is totally absorbed with playing video games... "With my game controller in my hands, I'm the boss of my whole world! I can be who I want and do as I please. I can get the highest score. I get all the chances that I need. If I make a mistake it's ok. Everyone thinks I'm 'it on a stick!' And the bad stuff all goes away." Video game addiction is on the rise, but it can be prevented. This creative story book teaches both kids and adults how to switch out their game controller for a "life controller." Video gaming is becoming a part of our culture, and we must be strategic in creating a healthy gaming balance.

Debunking Popular Technology Myths
By Richard Freed
In Wired Child, child and adolescent psychologist Dr. Richard Freed exposes the powerful myths that underlie our kids' use of technology. These myths have encouraged the "wiring up" of a generation of youth, seducing kids to spend endless hours with digital self-amusements that damage family bonding and education, and put kids at risk of addiction. Wired Child shows that the science of behavior and brain function makes a much better guide to giving our children and teens what they need.
Zone'in Products

Sedentary, neglected, isolated, and overstimulated, the new millennium child can no longer pay attention and learn. Zone'in Products are designed by an occupational therapist to enhance child development and learning, ensuring successful futures.


Zone'in - enhancing attention, learning and self-regulation.

Move'in - teaches children to print, the foundation for literacy.

Unplug'in - builds skill and confidence in activities other than technology.

Live'in - media literacy guide for home, school and community.


Product Preview  


Virtual Child - The terrifying truth about what technology is doing to children

Virtual Child

By Cris Rowan, pediatric occupational therapist.

Virtual Child documents the impact technology has had on the developing child, and proposes tools and techniques to manage balance between activities children need for growth and success with technology use. 

Need more info? Visit


About the Author
Cris Rowan is a pediatric occupational therapist committed to enhancing child health and academic performance. Well known activist, speaker, sensory specialist and author, Cris is the "Go To" expert on child learning, development and technology overuse. Cris has provided over 200 workshops for health and education professionals, and is currently developing the Creating Sustainable Futures Program for a First Nations Community.
Training & Consultation

Instructor training for Foundation Series Workshops places pediatric occupational therapists on the cutting edge as experts in the field of technology's impact on child development.

Zone'in Training

Innovative team-based approach to manage balance between activities children need to grow and succeed with technology use.

Cris Rowan is now offering private phone/Skype consultations. 

Care to Donate?
Zone'in Programs Inc. and Cris Rowan are seeking your support and assistance to ensure sustainable and productive futures for our children. Find out more about how you can help us!
Contact Us
6840 Seaview Rd. Sechelt BC V0N3A4 
Tel: 1-888-896-6346
Fax: 1-877-896-6346
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