The Employers' Association
 An E-newsletter for TEA Members
TopJuly 17, 2014 Volume 34, Issue 10
In This Issue
Why TEA is Offering The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®
Awareness and the HR Audit
How to Navigate Stormy Weather: Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Quick Links

Upcoming Programs



 Core Leadership Skills

4 Wed, August 6 - 27, 2014


This program is geared to newer supervisors and team leaders. Through a combination of hands-on coursework, assessments, case studies, and presentations, students will leave the sessions eager to practice new skills and strive for greater success.  


New Catalog of Services & Training Programs


Leadership Development 


We have finalized the new schedule for our Leadership Development programs:

  • Introduction to Supervision
  • Core Leadership Skills
  • Situational Leadership (SLII�) and One Minute Manager (OMM�) 
  • NEW - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People� Signature Edition 4.0 

Reserve your seats today, they fill up fast!!


 More information will be included in our NEW Catalog of Services & Training Programs coming this month.

Last Chance Registration

HRG / TEA Golf Outing
Wednesday, July 23, 2014 

Thornapple Pointe Golf Club 


Register by Friday, July 18 - open to anyone who would enjoy a day of golf, networking and fun.


Time: Registration and driving range - 11:30 a.m. Shot gun start -12:30 p.m.

Price: $90.00 each - includes 18 holes of golf and dinner buffet.

$25.00 each - dinner buffet only.


More details and registration

President Dave SmithFrom the President - 

Do You Make a Difference?


Human Resources MAY once have been a field where individuals having a true love for people could serve their organizations well by acting as an advocate for employees and a conduit in expressing Management's expectations. Having been "seasoned" by nearly 30 years of experience, I would suggest a "people person" stay as far from this critically strategic role as possible!  The role of HR Professional has become much more than making and keeping people happy (if ever it truly were that simple!).  A strategic HR Professional makes decisions requiring logical consistency and a reasonable sense of right and wrong - made to minimize risk as an organization moves towards the accomplishment of its goals and objectives rather than out of a concern for acceptance.

Today's HR Professional must become an integral part of his or her organization.  HR must not limit its impact to finding and hiring people to fill available openings.  HR must expand its role to identify and cultivate a talent pool that will be ready when needed (which assumes an intimate knowledge of operations and company direction to know who will be needed and when they will be required).  HR should not simply track turnover - it should analyze trends, anticipate turnover and act to avoid unwanted turnover before it becomes a factor.  HR should not become the "police" in regards to issuing discipline for rules infractions or safety violations - it must develop practical policies that can be "owned" and enforced by managers recognizing their value in maintaining sound operations.

People WANTING to make a difference often avoid "correcting the boss or Owner" for fear of reprisal.  Professionals truly MAKING a difference will not compromise their integrity or values by treating individuals differently - regardless of the position held within the Organization.

Though HR is intended to be the lifeline between employee and employer - the advocate that insures employees are treated with respect - an HR Professional must also advance and defend those things that are best for the business REGARDLESS of how fair (or unfair) they may seem to employees.  The Human Resource profession, having emerged from the shadows of "personnel management," serves as a vital watchdog for business AS WELL AS an essential advocate for employees.  People accepting this critical role must be consistent in their actions (and unafraid to act) as they anticipate obstacles that might detour success while minimizing risk by insuring compliance with a plethora of employment-related legislation and ever-increasing regulatory activities.  HR is not for the weak of heart - or for the "lover of people."

We all share space within the HR Universe - yet assume vastly different roles. Are you a "doer" (focused upon the road you must travel) or a "dreamer" (focused more clearly on where you are going than how you will get there)?  How has your world changed during the past several years? Have you embraced the opportunities change has presented or fought to minimize the disruptions?  Have you continued to study - to expand your mind as you enhance your abilities - or have you become content with the way things are (and will probably always be)?  Your honest answers define the role you will play as your organization moves into the future - with our without your hand upon the helm!


Visit our BLOG (Dave's Deliberations) to view recent posts.

Welcome New Members


The new members listed below represent employers within the West Michigan area who have joined the ranks of those committed to strong, positive employee/employer relations. It is a pleasure to welcome these new members into our family:


*Baudville, Inc.

*Great Lakes Caster

PHR/SPHR/GPHR Certification Study Course

What's It All About?



FREE Webinar

8/15/14, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Are you thinking about PHR/SPHR or GPHR certification? Wondering how it will help you, and what the best way to prepare for the examination is? Then register for this FREE 60-minute session provided by our "sister" Association in Raleigh, N.C. and see what it's all about.

Stay Connected with Us!!



Find us on Facebook  View our profile on LinkedIn  Follow us on Twitter  Visit our blog  View our videos on YouTube


Providing practical solutions to Human Resource-related issues BEFORE they escalate into legal problems.

Why TEA is Offering The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People�

by Ron Scott, SPHR, Director of Training & Member Engagement


The Employers' Association has supported the West Michigan community for more than 75 years by providing leadership training programs developed and facilitated by local professionals familiar with the unique needs of our region - programs that help high achievers become exceptional leaders and managers by identifying their strengths and helping them to motivate others.  While staff-developed training will continue to comprise the majority of TEA's course offerings (more than 25 training programs featured in our catalog and on our website), we often are asked to provide "higher level" leadership training that can help to strengthen the skills of established managers AND change organizational culture.  After much research and consideration, TEA is pleased to announce that we will begin facilitating the 4.0 Signature Series of Franklin Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People� (all program materials, videos and situational examples have been updated from previous "7 Habits" offerings) to members this fall.


We will initially offer the "7 Habits" two-day program to TEA members on a first come first serve basis to the first 16 participants who register (see dates available here).  We chose the two-day program because it provides time (preferably a week) between sessions to practice and apply the concepts and materials covered.  We have scheduled several public offerings throughout the year so that employees can learn from both the Covey's insights and other participants but could also facilitate the program at your site for 10 or more people if you would prefer.  Please watch for TEA's new services catalog and promotional emails informing you of upcoming 7 Habits of Highly Effective People� training seminars within the next few weeks or check online to access our current schedule.


For those who are not familiar with the book or the author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People� was written by Dr. Stephen Covey (1932-2012) who has been recognized as and remains a hugely influential management guru. Covey's most famous book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People�, became a blueprint for personal development. The principles are not limited to workplaces, management, leadership, etc. but can be used for life in general as we proactively prioritize while beginning each journey with the end in mind as we seek to understand so that we can be understood.  The "7 Habits" are a remarkable set of inspirational standards for anyone seeking a full and purposeful life.  Covey's values are built upon integrity and humanity, contrasting strongly with the authority-driven process-based ideologies that characterized management and leadership thinking in earlier times (AND that are so often adopted by new leaders as they attempt to impose their will rather than leading others by example).


Give us a call at 616.198.1167 if you wish to discuss the program more fully OR email Ron Scott at to learn how you can initiate change within yourself AND your workplace by internalizing a "win-win" attitude while implementing these highly effective habits.  We have provided practical Human Resource Solutions to West Michigan employers since 1939 and are pleased to offer this new solution to members as we begin serving the community for another 75 years as one of the 101 Best and Brightest Places to Work For.


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Awareness and the HR Audit 

by Maggie McPhee, PHR, Director of Information Services


Working in the HR department of an organization can make one feel pulled in several different directions at the same time.  Each issue addressed brings with it the thoughts, "Do we have the documents to back that up?" and "Does the employee know about this policy?"  Other critical HR concerns would include employee classifications and their HR files - constantly changing considerations that, if correct, have little impact on operations but if incorrect could cause huge employee relations issues and financial penalties.  Reviewing your HR Records through an "HR Audit" can ease some of these worries and allow HR to focus on more strategic projects, knowing the foundation in place for the department to run smoothly.


A good HR Audit does not so much focus on "laws and regulations" but on how the organization conducts its HR-related business in relation to how it says it will treat employees.  Some of the areas reviewed during an Audit should include:


*   Hiring practices

*   Employee benefits

*   Compensation policies

*   Safety

*   Discipline

*   FLSA exemption criteria

*   Posters

*   Documentation


While many organizations complete regular reviews of their HR Practices, if an organization has not kept up with the ever-changing regulations OR if HR practices and policies have not been a priority within your group it can be a daunting activity.  TEA has helped many of our members through the review process and would be happy to conduct an HR Audit of your HR function (reviewing your processes and procedures) then confirm what is being done right while helping adjust those areas that could be refined to improve compliance with the myriad of HR regulations.  We can objectively observe your company's practices, procedures and strategies to make sure that appropriate safeguards and best practices are in place OR help to develop such structure to help your business thrive.


It takes a time commitment to conduct an HR Audit beginning with the completion of a baseline instrument (you can do it or TEA staff can walk through it with you) followed by collecting and gathering samples of policies, practices and files for review.  Once all has been assembled, TEA can review the materials and make recommendations for increasing compliance by outlining an action plan and prioritizing items that need to be addressed, again saving time and effort.  A good audit should "set the table" by identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement.  Once accomplished it will be your job to coordinate and facilitate the implementation.


Are you comfortable that all is in order in your HR function?  If not, contact Maggie at or 616.698.1167 for further information about this invaluable service!


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How to Navigate Stormy Weather: Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

by Rob Strate, SPHR, Director of HR Services


The tornado that touched down in Kentwood earlier this month destroyed a strip mall that was home to a catering operation TEA has done business with for many years.  While the storm that caused such damage is rare in this area, it serves as a reminder of the critical importance for businesses, regardless of size, to have an emergency preparedness and disaster response plan in place.


Many businesses are not prepared to respond to a man-made or natural disaster. Statistics show that, of the businesses that close because of a disaster, at least one in four never reopens. Small businesses are particularly at risk because they may have all of their operations concentrated in one location that is damaged or destroyed. That is why disaster planning is a critical part of every business' operational objectives.


In researching this article, I became aware of an organization called the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS).  To help keep small businesses "open for business," IBHS has developed OFB-EZ (Open For Business-EZ), a streamlined business continuity program that gives business owners tools to better understand the risks they face; plan for how to contact key suppliers, vendors and employees; understand how to access data; and identify where to go for help after a disaster.


Every emergency plan should focus first on life safety protections, and the OFB-EZ program outlines the following key components:

  • Procedures on how to report emergencies (fire alarm, dialing 911, calling an internal emergency number);
  • Medical emergency procedures (who can perform them and to what extent, or will your business rely on the fire department or ambulatory services to provide these services?);
  • Evacuation procedures (who can order an evacuation, under what conditions, how to evacuate, and what routes to take; etc.);
  • Procedures on how to account for all employees after an emergency evacuation (sweep the area, check offices and restrooms, conduct roll call in the assembly area, etc.);
  • Shelter-in-place procedures (who can order employees to shelter-in-place, actions employees should take before and while sheltering, etc.); and
  • Shut down and start-up procedures including computer systems, special equipment, refrigeration systems if applicable, and building systems such as electric, gas and/or other utility systems.

The entire OFB-EZ toolkit is free and can be downloaded by clicking here.


This newsletter is published at 5570 Executive Parkway SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan as a general information service to all members and offers data from many sources. It is not designed to render legal advice or opinion. Such advice may only be given when related to actual situations. Our staff can assist you in interpreting and applying this information to your needs.  For questions or replies to this newsletter, email  
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