Presbytery of the Miami Valley

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New Network formed for "Aging Wisely"
The Network Support Committee recently agreed to the formation of a new Network that addresses a topic that affects us all whether we like it or not. Known as "The Third Thirty" network, the aim is to educate, inspire and prepare us all for the inevitable challenges as we get older and specifically approach or surpass "The big 60". Additionally, many of us in our '50's and '60s are either caregivers or actively involved in the parenting of our parents who are typically in their '80s and '90s. Started at Bath Church 2 years ago, the "Third Thirty" is run along the lines of a discussion group within an individual church. There is no rigid syllabus but there are topic areas for discussion and enlightenment. Most of the education comes from the participants themselves who share their experiences, their concerns, and gather courage, strength and encouragement from each other. Expert, guest speakers are also utilized where appropriate or so desired.
The instigator of the network, Chris Pomfret at Bath Church is supported by Stan Aultz from Sugarcreek Church, Kettering. Chris's desire is to emulate what was started at Bath and help other Churches in our Presbytery to start their own "Third Thirty" group. Chris has an introductory presentation and outlines for topics to discuss so if you want an initial meeting with a group within your Church, then Chris and Stan will be pleased to come and meet with you. Chris also envisions having Third Thirty groups come together occasionally during the year so that specific successes experienced by groups can be shared with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ as well as bringing in a special speaker. If you want to know more about the Third Thirty Network please contact Chris on937-545-6667 or
Chris was also recently elected Vice-President of the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network (POAMN) (see He attended the last 2 national conferences and conducted a workshop last year on the "Third Thirty" concept which was extremely well received. He is conducting two workshops this Fall at the POAMN conference in Richmond VA. After the recent General Assembly meeting on OR, POAMN was lifted up by the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) and below is a recent release by the Presbyterian News Service. Chris wants to ensure that both Pastors and congregants are aware of this thriving and increasingly important resource and encourage people to attend; this year, the conference is in Richmond, VA from October 10th-14th so the added benefit is that it would just be a road trip for Miami Valley Congregants.   The conference agenda and details are on

Presbytery of the Miami Valley | 1541 S. Smithville Rd. | Dayton | OH | 45410