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& TalentIgniter 
In This Issue
WISC-V Normative Testing
Unwrap the Gifted
Mensa Colloquium 2013
Young Mensans
Guide to the Introverted
Success in Failure
A Mathematician's Lament

Keeping Up With Dr. Ruf
Besides her years of expertise as an educational consultant, Dr. Ruf also is well established as a national and international speaker on all issues of giftedness.



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Is spring here? We in Minnesota greeted May with more than one snowstorm dumping lots and lots of wet snow. But now it is beginning to look a little promising, and we may be able to start digging in our gardens soon.

Dr. Ruf is starting a new project with Pearson Education Inc. She has been asked to help with normative testing for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition (WISC-V), which will be published in 2014. If you would be interested in participating in this study, please read the article below to learn of the requirements.

In last month's newsletter, I included an article about the website Alternative Multiverse. Unfortunately, I cited the author as Arlene Horwath, when her name is actually Aileen Horwath. My apologies.

Best wishes,


Kathy Hara, Editor         




WISC-V Normative Testing
Pearson testing

We are looking for participants in an exciting opportunity to assist in field research. Pearson Education Inc. will be releasing the 5th edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V) in 2014.  In an effort to ensure that the assessment tool works well for children of all ability levels, Dr. Ruf has been selected to be an examiner to help norm the test, and the group she has been asked to assess is gifted children and teens, ages 6 years through 16 years, 11 months.   


Here are some of the basic requirements:

  • Your child must have been previously tested and have an IQ of 130 at the 98th percentile or above. Pearson has requested that the primary qualifying test be no older than 2 years for children under 10, 3 years for children under 15, and 5 years for the older age range of 15-16.
  • Your child cannot have been tested on ANY intelligence measure in the previous 6 months, or on any Wechsler Intelligence test in the prior year from when we schedule the test with Dr. Ruf.
  • Your child's primary language MUST BE ENGLISH.
  • Your child must have no diagnosis of any learning disability.
  • Testing will be conducted in Dr. Ruf's home office in Golden Valley, Minnesota. We are scheduling morning and afternoon appointments for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting in May, 2013. We will consider appointment dates, at this time, between now and August 29. 


So if you believe your child would qualify to participate in this testing, please write to me at [email protected] for more information.

Unwrap the Gifted
Unwrapping the gifted
In Education Week, Tamara Fischer writes a blog for teachers called Unwrapping the Gifted. Fischer is a K-12 gifted education specialist for a school district located on an Indian reservation in northwestern Montana. Scroll down to her entries for March 24. Here you will find how students from her different classrooms answered the question of "Ten Ways Gifted Education Has Helped Me."
Mensa Colloquium 2013
Mensa Colloquium


According to Ray Bradbury, noted science fiction writer, "Anything you dream is fiction, and anything you accomplish is science." This July 2, the Mensa Education & Research Foundation will take a deeper look at the ramifications of this idea at its 2013 Colloquium in Fort Worth, Texas.

The intriguing topics for Colloquium 2013 will include the new technologies born of science fiction and those sciences that will always be fictional. So join in for a visionary event where Mensa members, scholars and the public will examine the line where science fiction becomes science! More details, including pricing and registration information, are available at www.colloquium.us.mensa.org.


Young Mensans
Young Mensans


By the way, are you aware of how Mensa works to meet the needs of kids under 18? "Young Mensans" is one of the fastest-growing segments of this organization's membership. Mensa has a full-time Gifted Youth Specialist who supports Young Mensan services and resources, and local groups have Gifted Youth Coordinators who serve as resource guides and also often plan activities specifically for Young Mensans. Check out the many benefits available on the Mensa website.


Guide to the Introverted

Just for fun, click here for a quick and definitive guide to the introverted. (This is why we at Educational Options believe it is so helpful to know one's personality type!)




Success in Failure


We often find that many gifted children (and adults) are perfectionists and are afraid to make mistakes. Or if something they take up isn't immediately easy, they will put it down again. Our friend Karl Bunday, who is active in the Minnesota Council of the Gifted and Talented, addresses the need to make mistakes in his article The Explorer is the Person who is Lost, or Courage in the Face of Stupidity.


While the article mainly addresses the study of mathematics - and in fact appears on the website of Camp Epsilon, a summer camp for highly gifted math students - the wisdom can be applied to any field of study.


In a somewhat related article in the National Post of Canada, Sarah Boesveld writes In praise of failure: The key ingredient to children's success, experts say, is not success. 

Both these articles are recommended reading!


A Mathematician's Lament


What if music and painting were taught the same way as mathematics is taught? Here's an interesting essay by a top mathematician, Paul Lockhart, on how math is as much art as science and how our educational system, in the way that we go about teaching math, strips all the beauty from it. Take a look at A Mathematician's Lament.  


Thanks for Making Us a Constant Contact All Star!
CC All Star Award
We wanted to share the great news and express our gratitude to you, our loyal customers, for receiving this honor for 2012. We couldn't have done it without you! Our newsletters are made with our customers and supporters in mind, so thank you for engaging and interacting with us.


Educational Options

EO LogoVisit www.EducationalOptions.com to learn about how Dr. Ruf's 4-Step Process will empower you to get your bright child's needs met. The website also includes many articles written by Dr. Ruf and others about gifted issues; categorized lists of books recommended for those seeking more information about their gifted children and themselves; Dr. Ruf's speaking schedule; an archive of this monthly newsletter, beginning in 2006; and more.                 
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TalentIgniter invites you to browse the many features offered on its website, including the following:

  • Dr. Ruf's TalentIgniter Blog.
  • The Parents' Picks section (with recommendations for parents of eager little learners, starting at infancy will have more age groups to be added as we find volunteers to send in their ideas to us! Please contact us at [email protected] if you have products and resources to recommend.) 
  • Book Recommendations for people wanting to learn more about gifts, talents, and how to develop both!
  • Detailed insider information about the Ruf Estimates Kids IQ Test Online Assessment, the inventory parents fill out to know how to help their own young children thrive. It's so much more than just a kid's IQ test!  
  • Self Esteem Test for Children and Self Esteem Test for Teens, filled out by the child with feedback for the parents.  
  • Milestone Tracker, a free online method to keep those precious memories and details of your child's growing years.   
  • A free resource, Ed Planner is your assistant and guide in planning and tracking your children's education for Grades 1 to 12. It will help you maximize your children's achievements as well as increase their chances of qualifying for highly selective colleges.  
5 Levels of Gifted: School Issues and Educational Options
5 Levels coverFormerly titled Losing Our Minds: Gifted Children Left Behind), 5 Levels of Gifted, published in 2005 by Great Potential Press, combines four years of data gathering from 50 families
78 children with nearly 30 years of research and experience in the field of giftedness, individual differences, and high intelligence. The book is aimed primarily at parents and vividly describes the upper 10 to 15 percent of the intellectual continuum in human beings from birth to adulthood as manifested in their behaviors, thoughts, accomplishments, and test scores. She introduces the concept of Levels of Giftedness and makes it very clear how many factors contribute to a person's intellectual levels and achievement. 
Keys to Successfully Raising the Gifted Child
Keys ebook cover
You know your child is gifted. But how does that impact day-to-day life and your role as a parent?

Written by Deborah L. Ruf, Ph.D., and Larry A. Kuusisto, Ph.D., Keys to Successfully Raising the Gifted Child is for parents who are new to the idea that their children might be intellectually advanced or gifted. This ebook addresses important parenting issues, including what to actually tell your child about his or her giftedness, how schools approach learning differences, best ways to provide emotional support, sibling rivalry, and more. The book delivers lots of provocative information that will lead to hours of good discussion, debate, and further investigation and research by group or class participants studying the gifted and talented. 

Deborah Ruf

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