the birth (and graduation) of ideas                  issue 5: may 2016
what's the story? 
Dear loyal readers:
Over the past few months, I've been to three tech-related conferences and talked to hundreds of start-ups. Are we in the golden age of innovation or is the boom going bust? In the midst of graduation season, let's all throw our caps in the air and think about our futures (and how to make them brighter). 

Disruptively yours,
Nancy A. Shenker & 
trends & useful facts
No more allowance boys and girls!
Venture capital funding dropped 25%...the biggest decline since the dot-com bust. 

One word...plastics. That was the hot tip for a new grad in this classic film. For today's top magic words for career planning, check out this article. I am building my own career as a "professional triber." Here's what that means.

be content (content marketing that drives ROI)
The Bad Girl Good Business blog covered topics like summer interns,
how to win awards, and various other insights into working motherhood, fashion tech, and new (and old) wisdom.

What's sheBOOMing this month? Money and migraines! Barely 90 days old, this online content community from Booker already won its first creative award! What are women reading? Stories about pain and how to make a cool million. 

Is the marijuana industry anti-social? Read my article on how Facebook and Instagram are dealing with this $35 billion business. 

Contact us if YOU need great writing (or an award-winning content marketing strategy) for YOUR business! Our rates are reasonable and we're versatile and prolific (as evidenced above!)
Making the honor roll...

We've graduated to a whole new level of branding and integrated marketing maturity. Big brand quality for small businesses. Peruse our latest work and you too can go to the head of your class!

Here's your summer reading list. Check out digital version of the new Magazine we produced for Farrell Building Company. Plus, a real estate broker e-marketing strategy

What else is smart? Payment terminals! It all started in a saloon (like many great ideas). This infographic was our brainchild for Booker. Need a picture to tell YOUR story? Please contact us!

Are your kids still looking for summer jobs? Here's why being a counselor may be as great as being an intern. (We produced this animation and our intern Bridget wrote this article!)
let's get digital: online marketing trends
A glimpse into VR...

Virtual Reality
Called the "gateway drug to virtual reality," YouTube introduced live streaming 360 degree video. Google is working on its own VR initiatives with Daydream and Cardboard. Learn some of the ways businesses can use VR by reading this article

If you want to enjoy the original VR experience, you can check out the next-gen View-Master here. 

Will the next generation simply watch stuff rather than experiencing it live? (I hope not!) 

Feeling nostalgic? Here's how View-Master began.
Can't wait for next month's 
"Wedded Bliss" issue? 
Need business or marketing help?
(Simply e-mail us or call 800.515.1958!)
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