Better Resolution Hillview Hawk
Willy Haug

Mary Martin
Associate Principal

Danielle O'Brien
Assistant Principal

Kristyn Cardosi

Robyn Watts

Brian Darmanin
Activities Director

Chris Arrington

Cathy Garagozzo
Office Manager

Cathy Bell
Attendance Clerk
Hillview Middle School
A 21st Century Middle School
1100 Elder Avenue
Menlo Park, California 94025
(650) 326-4341

Howdy Hillview Podnuhs!

I hope that y'all will be joinin' me and wagonloads of other folks this Saturday night at the MPAEF's spring auction, "The Wild Wild West." We're gonna have a grand ol' time supportin' our schools, enjoyin' each other's company, and just plumb havin' fun at MacArthur Park from 6:30 - 10:00!

Now I reckon you may be wonderin' how you can grab yourself a spot at that auction. First off, you wanna git yourself a ticket, so follow this here link to buy one or a bunch of 'em. Next up is all them auction items y'all'll be wantin' to bid on. Click on this here other link to git yourself a spot in the silent auction and put some pesos down on all kinds of events, includin' ones with teachers and school staff. These are mighty special.

If you ain't had the time to sign up the auction, I do declare there's no better time than right here and now! I hope y'all will saddle up and mosey on over to MacArthur Park this Saturday. I reckon it'll be a regular hootenanny!

Very truly yours,

Willy Haug, Principal

P.S. The only bull in this here email is the mechanical one you'll git to ride when you come on Saturday!

Hillview Middle School | 1100 Elder Avenue | Menlo Park | CA | 94025