Hillview PTO Banner 2012-2013 #1
In This Issue
Joint Campaign
Back to School Night
Water Conservation Efforts
Hillview Asset Development Team
Volunteers Needed
Parent Education
Lunch Clubs
After School Care
After School Classes
After School Sports
Peru Trip
Get to Know M-A 2014-15
Community News
Quick Links
This Week

Tuesday, September 9

  • MPCSD School Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m., District Office, TERC Building, 181 Encinal Avenue, Atherton, CA 94027. Click here for more information.

Thursday, September 11

  • Back to School Night, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (all grades)

Monday, September 15

  • "Raising Teens Without Losing Your Mind, Part 1" with Principal Erik Burmeister, 6:30 p.m. Hillview PAC. Click here for more information.
  • Lunchtime Clubs begin for students. 
  • After-school homework and support programs begin for students. 
Wednesday, September 24
  • Close of PTO Membership Campaign. Click here to join. 
Monday, September 29
  • "Raising Teens without Losing Your Mind, Part 2" with Principal Erik Burmeister, 6:30 p.m. Hillview PAC

Monday, October 6 

  • No School, Staff Development Day
Sunday, October 12
  • ParentEd Conference, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m., Hillview
MPAEF & Hillview PTO Joint Campaign

Are You In Logo for 2012-2013


Better Resolution Hillview Hawk

Thank you to the 63% of Hillview families who have donated to the PTO during the first two weeks of school. We appreciate your support!

So far, together we have raised $141,465, which gets us 81% of the way to our $175,000 goal!

But, we are not there yet. If you haven't had the time to donate, there's still two more weeks to help us reach our goal - just click here to donate today! If you have questions, please email us at membership@hillviewpto.org.

MPAEF Logo 2005


Last year's shortened Annual Parent Campaign was an all-around success, so we've made it permanent! We are asking our families to make their commitment by November 20th.  Your commitment can take the form of a donation - either in full or set up in monthly payments - or a pledge made now to be fulfilled at a later date. If you're wondering what difference your support makes . . . a huge difference! This year, your donations funded more than 32 teachers, including classroom, music, art, drama, elementary science, and library teachers. Your support means smaller class sizes and a comprehensive education program for all students in our District. So make your commitment today by clicking here.

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Back to School Night
We look forward to seeing parents at Back to School Night on September 11.  Families will have received a mailer this past week detailing the event times and asking parents to fill out their student's schedule on the enclosed form.  The evening will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. with Mr. Burmeister's annual "State of the School" address.  As a reminder, Back to School Night is a "parent only" event.  


Please note: The winner of the 1-week accommodations in Maui will be announced at Back to School Night on September 11,  however the winner need not be present to win. 


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Water Conservation Efforts
Our schools have been designed and built with water conservation in mind.  The schools are equipped with programmable irrigations and drip irrigation systems throughout.  Bathrooms are equipped with hand-activated facets, ultra low flush urinals, and dual flush toilets.  Encinal School irrigation is fed from an on site well and Hillview boasts a synthetic field that uses no water!

Because of the severity of the current drought the District is taking further steps to reduce water usage by 20%.  The following steps are being taken:
  • Reduction of landscape irrigation timing by 20% and capping of sprinkler heads where irrigation is not needed
  • No washing down of concrete or pavement except for spot cleaning as needed
  • Reduction of water used in cleaning of facility floors
  • Reduce washing of school buses and vehicle to once a month
  • Request staff and students to be mindful of their water usage
Working together as a team we can reduce waste and help our State during this drought period.

Hillview Asset Development Team
Are you interested in being involved with making Hillview the best possible place for students to learn and grow? If you are, then get involved with Hillview's Asset Team. The Asset Team addresses the academic, social, and emotional needs of students so that they are engaged in both school and learning, leading to a more positive and successful future. We use Project Cornerstone's 41 Developmental Assets as a framework to guide us in creating the best environment for our students. The Hillview Asset Team will have its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 17, from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Please email Danielle O'Brien if you would like more information or are interested in attending.

Calling All Volunteers

Math Challenge Club: Volunteers are needed to support the "mathletes" who compete in online, paper, and in-person math competitions throughout the year. Competitions include: AMC, Math Counts, Math Olympiad, etc. Meetings and practice are once per week during lunch and, if desired, after-school.  A small stipend is available.  Coaches will be partnered with a teacher for support, but volunteers will get to lead the club and organize events.  If interested, please email Mr. Burmeister ASAP.


Garden: Free organic food! Now that we have your attention, we are in need of parent volunteers to take photos, herd students, and help with activities in the garden on Wednesdays from 12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. You can choose the Wednesday, no experience is necessary, and not a lot of bending or getting dirty is required!  Free garden veggies come with the job. Ms. Hilborn's Environmental Science class can't be in the garden without at least two adults, so if you are able to join us any Wednesday, please email Ms. Hilborn.  


Hot Lunch: We are still in need of a few more hot lunch volunteers to ensure that your student's lunch service runs smoothly. Please sign up to help out once or twice a month. Choicelunch offers a $4.80 credit to your account for every hot lunch shift worked. Please email volunteer@hillviewpto.org to sign up.   


After School Math and Homework Center: Volunteers needed for Hillview's After School Math and Homework Center. Both centers take place in the library with a retired math teacher overseeing the math support, and Phil Eaton overseeing the self-regulated Homework Center. In addition, we would like to begin offering a Writing/Editing Center this year. Our PTO offers this for free to all Hillview students but needs daily on-site support with one additional volunteer for each section. The Centers will be open after school every Monday and Tuesday from 3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday from 2:40 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. when school is in session. If you can help weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, please contact Elizabeth Shane.



Parent Education

The Hillview Speaker Series 

Please join us for another year-long series filled with great topics and engaging speakers discussing important parenting issues facing us today. Click here for this year's line up and put the dates on your calendar now. These events are open to all district parents and community members and take place in the Hillview Performing Arts Center. Free childcare is provided for all potty trained children. You won't want to miss the kick-off event with our own Hillview Principal, Erik Burmeister.
Raising Your Teens Without Losing Your Mind - Part 1
Erik Burmeister, Principal
Hillview Middle School, PAC
 Monday, September 15
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

From mood swings, to puberty, to the complex life changes that are a result of growing up in the 21st century, raising a healthy and responsible teenager is a task that can boggle the mind of even the most seasoned caregivers. Join Hillview Principal, Erik Burmeister, as he discusses the difference between how girls and boys react to their changing physical and emotional environments, the way in which our daily routines can affect how our kids grow and perform in and out of the classroom, and the boundaries and limits we can expect to have challenged as our kids strive to become more independent. For more information, contact Jennifer Allen.

The Menlo-Atherton Parent Education Series
Join us for an informative, engaging presentation with Dr. Kent Pekel, CEO and President of Search Institute. M-A Parent Education Series events are free of charge, sponsored by the Menlo-Atherton PTA and the Sequoia Healthcare District. This event is made possible by generous funding from the Esther Ting Foundation. SUHSD parents, students, faculty/staff, and community members welcome!  Spanish interpretation will be available.

"The Perseverance Process: Strategies for Strengthening Academic Motivation and Persistence"
Kent Pekel, Ed.D., President and CEO of Search Institute
M-A Performing Arts Center (PAC)
Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Recent and emerging research suggests that persistence or "perseverance" can improve students' academic motivation and increase performance. In fact, the evidence suggests that noncognitive character traits like grit may be more predictive of future academic achievement than IQ or SAT scores. Fortunately, a growing body of research demonstrates that when schools, youth programs, and families act intentionally to influence motivation and persistence, it is possible to significantly increase both.  To bridge the gap between research and practice, Search has created a new resource called "the Perseverance Process" to turn the research on motivation and persistence into a set of explicit and actionable strategies.  Click here to register. For more information, contact Charlene Margot, Parent Education Series Program Director.

Lunch Clubs
Lunch Clubs begin the week of September 15 and include the following: Anime, Art, Book, Chess, Dance/Cheer, Drama, Math Competition, Music Appreciation, Quiz Bowl, Science Fair, Service, and Tech. HV also offers two drop-in activity programs--Game Room and Intramural Sports. Click here for more information.

Hillview Quiz Bowl Club: Does your student enjoy watching Jeopardy?  Do they wish they could push the buzzer?  Now they can!  Announcing the Hillview Quiz Bowl Club.  We meet Tuesdays at lunch in room G-5.  Bring your lunch and have fun buzzing in to answer a wide variety of questions.  For more information, contact Sue Kayton or call (650) 853-1711.  Sue is also the parent advisor for the Menlo-Atherton High School Quiz Bowl club.


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After School Care

Newton Center is an educational non-profit providing on-site after-school care to MPCSD students.  Currently, Newton Centers is determining whether to operate on-site at Hillview, depending on enrollment.  Newton operates each school day (including Minimum Days) from dismissal until 6:00 p.m., according to the school Hillview's calendar.  The daily program provides a supportive environment for homework, reading and supervised 'downtime'.  Newton staff is carefully selected and trained to offer a safe environment where a child can get the help they need with their studies. Newton emphasizes promoting self-esteem and socializing skills while achieving academic goals.  For more information, please contact info@newtoncenters.org or (650) 345-4043, or register by faxing this form to (650) 286-9585.


After School Classes and Support Programs

Click here for more information and registration instructions for classes such as Mandarin Chinese, Speech and Debate, and Writing.   After School Support Programs start on September 15 and include the following:

The drop-in Homework Center (HWC) provides a credentialed teacher and high school tutors in a quiet study environment. HWC is available Monday & Tuesday from 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. and Wednesday & Thursday from 2:40 - 4:30 p.m. in the library. 


The Math Clinic is sponsored by the PTO provides guided support in all levels of math; the Math Clinic is open during the same times as Homework Center in "The Tank" next to the library.

Flight School is an after school mentor program which partners small groups of Hillview kids with paid high school and college mentors and role models. 


Hawk Stars partners sixth graders with a volunteer high school tutor a couple times per week. 

For more about these free after school support programs, please click here.  Also, for assistance with transportation, see the Homework Club Bus section below.


Homework Club Bus
Beginning on September 15, MPCSD will operate a late bus home for students with referrals to after-school academic programs.  The bus will leave Hillview at 4:45 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays and at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Students with after-school academic program referrals will receive information about the bus with the referral.  MPCSD will offer 10 seats to students without academic referrals starting on September 23 and to only these stops: Oak Grove & Laurel, Laurel & Linfield, Gilbert & Marmona.

Registration will be open online from Monday, September 8 through through Thursday, September 11.  Click here for more information.

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Intramural and After School Sports

Intramural Sports: Lunchtime intramural sports will begin the week of September 15. Intramurals will occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The first sport will be volleyball.  All students are invited, but there is a cap on how many may play at once. Limit is approximately 36 players.   


Fencing: Classes will take place on six Fridays from 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. in the Hillview Fitness Room, beginning on October 3 (excluding October 10).


Flag FootballPractices will be held at the Hillview field on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., starting on September 9.  Players should be prepared and on time with appropriate footwear, clothing, water, sunscreen, etc.  First games are scheduled for September 25 and 26.  Schedules are forthcoming. 


Lacrosse: Back for another year, boys and girls in all grades and experience levels have the chance to learn the hottest new sport in West Coast schools. This class is taught by Menlo-Atherton Grizzlies Director and founder of SixFifty Lacrosse, Matt Bond.  Classes take place on Mondays from 3:00 p.m. to 4;15 p.m. on the Hillview turf field.  Click here for more information and to register.  Questions? Please email Matt Bond.


Girls Softball: Practices have begun and take place on Wednesdays at Hillview.  Coaches may hold additional practices and will let the students know.


Girls Volleyball: Player registration is now closed and anyone trying to sign up now will be placed on a waiting list.  Team placement workouts are scheduled for Wednesday, September 10 in the Hillview Gym.  Parents interested in coaching are encouraged. 

Tournament Team Volleyball: The team has been selected.  Known matches are: Tournaments on October 12 at San Mateo High School and October 18 at the Foundry in Redwood City.  Other individual matches will take place on Thursdays from September 18 through October 16 plus at least one other match likely on a Tuesday.  During tournament team season, players are expected to attend at least one Burgess League Team practice per week.  

For more information see Hillview After School Sports, or click here to register. Questions regarding any of these programs should be directed to Harry BellAthletic Directoror call (650) 483-4049. 

Visit Peru

7th and 8th graders, come join us this coming February break (2015) as we journey to Peru, visit the ancient Incan ruins at Machu Picchu and spend two days of meaningful service in the Sacred Valley.  While taking in the breathtaking sights and sounds from atop the mighty Andes, we will volunteer at a local school, participate in local agricultural projects, and discover the ancient traditional weaving techniques used to this day.  If you are interested in joining us, please contact Se�ora Haight at nmarsh@mpcsd.org for more information.  

Get to Know M-A 2014-15
Calling all 8th graders!  Click here to learn about Menlo-Atherton High School's Get to Know M-A program. This website includes important dates and sign-up information for M-A tours, shadowing, preview days, and 8th grade information night.  M-A's shadowing program pairs prospective 8th graders with a 9th grade host so they can attend classes during a typical day at M-A. The program runs from October through April.  Shadowing is very popular and appointments fill fast, so sign up early on the M-A website to reserve your spot. The appointment window for the first semester will open September 8, 2014

Community News
The Adopt A Teacher program, part of the Ravenswood Education Foundation, is looking for volunteers to "adopt" a teacher for the 2014-2015 school year in East Palo Alto and Menlo Park.  For more information, please contact Jennifer Wythes Vettel or Dianne Child.

hackaway offers electronics and programming for kids (ages 9-18). hackaway teaches kids how to create technology, build projects, and collaborate with each other through electronics and programming classes starting September 2014. Every course includes expert instruction, engaging curriculum, and personal attention. Click here for more information about the course and the curriculum as well as how to register.

Jeff Arons Fall Tennis Program: Classes for adults and juniors begin September 3 at Sacred Heart Schools. Jeff Arons founded and directed the East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring Program, has coached a Wimbledon doubles champion, and is the Director of Tennis at Sacred Heart Schools. For more information, please visit our website or email us.

Menlo Mavericks is now accepting new members for its year-round Menlo Park swim and water polo teams! The Menlo Mavericks is an USA Swimming-certified swim team for youth ages 5 to 18 and also offers water polo for boys and girls, 13 and under. Practices take place at Burgess and Belle Haven Pools. Click here for more information.

Menlo Park Martial Arts & Character Development Academy is sponsoring a community wide collection of non-perishable food for the Second Harvest Food Bank.  The collection barrel is located in the lobby of the Arrillaga Recreation Center at Burgess Park at 700 Alma Street in Menlo Park and is available during regular Recreation Center business hours.  Please drop off things like canned protein (tuna, sardines, soups, etc.), peanut butter & jelly, canned fruits and veggies, fruit juices, and staples (beans, rice, pasta, etc.).  Menlo Park Martial Arts offers classes for kids ages 4 and up at the Arrillaga Recreation Center.  Click here for more details. 

Menlo Park Traffic Study: The City of Menlo Park's El Camino Real Corridor Study will review potential transportation and traffic safety improvements to El Camino Real between Sand Hill Road and Encinal Avenue.  The City is inviting the community to provide ideas and feedback on El Camino via a 10-minute survey on the project website.  The survey will be only be open through the beginning of September so quick responses would be appreciated.


Menlo Tennis Academy offers year-round weekly group tennis lessons for kids age 6-12 years, right in Burgess Park. Head Coach Jake Vu uses a dynamic style of instruction designed to keep kids engaged, while building a foundation of essential skills important to the development of youth tennis players. Click here for more information.

Norcal Crew Open House: Join us at our boathouse to learn about competitive rowing!  No experience required!  Why row with Norcal crew?  Norcal is a nationally competitive rowing club that creates an environment where athletes discover the ultimate way to stay in shape, make new friends, learn to achieve goals,and develop as a person both physically and mentally.  Rowing in high school can lead to college recruitment opportunities.  Visit our website for more information.

Parents Place Palo Alto offers numerous Parent Education Workshops on a variety of topics. Upcoming events include Navigating School District Services: Children with Special Needs" and "For Dads Only: The Joys and Challenges of Raising Daughters." Click here for more information about upcoming workshops, dates and times, and how to register.

Play Tennis with Player Capital: Happy Fall Everyone! We're looking forward to our fall session of group clinics starting August 25 at Holbrook-Palmer Park in Atherton. Click here for a link to our schedule. Please email Player Capital to register or to find out more! See you on the courts! 

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Newsletter Details
This newsletter is published by PTO parent volunteers every Sunday of school weeks.
Submissions: The deadline to submit for the Sunday Hillview Newsletter is Wednesday at noon. Please email your submission to newsletter@hillviewpto.org.  Please note that submissions may be edited for content and/or length.  Submissions received after the deadline will be eligible for inclusion the following week.

To submit an announcement for an off-campus community event, please email your announcement to communitynews@mpcsd.org.  The submission deadline is Wednesday at noon for the following Sunday newsletter.

Archives: Missed an exciting edition of the Hillview newsletter or letters from the school or PTO? Look up past mailings in our online archive.