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September 2015

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Women Senior Pastors
Speak Out: An Interview

Logo: Church of God Ministries  


From the earliest days of the Church of God movement, women have skillfully served as senior pastors and evangelists. Church of God pioneers like Mary Cole and Lena Shoffner paved the way for more recent heroes of the faith, like the late Lillie McCutcheon (and countless others), who faithfully demonstrated by their gifts their divinely-called roles in the body of Christ. Today, women ministers in the Church of God are speaking out. Offering a glimpse into what it's like to serve in the vastly male-dominated field of ministry leadership, the following women senior pastors responded to a series of questions in a recent interview with Church of God Ministries: Cheryl Sanders (Third Street Church of God, Washington, D.C.), Diana Swoope (Arlington Church of God, Akron, Ohio), Donna Rothenberger (Whole Life Community Church of God, El Cajon, California), Melissa Pratt (Teays Valley Church of God, Scott Depot, West Virginia), and Shannon New-Spangler (Harvest Point Church of God, Lordstown, Ohio).






Wildfires out West: 'God Was Watching Over Us'

Photo: Wall of fire and smoke that forced the evacuation of Sonya Allen and her family.  


Wildfires have scorched more than 600,000 acres in Washington State alone this year. Massive infernos rage on in seventeen states, mostly out West, including the particularly hard-hit states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. Fueled by prolonged drought, these fires have forced the evacuations of thousands, destroyed hundreds of homes, and claimed the lives of three firefighters. For the first time in the state's history, Washington has had to ask for the help of volunteers as they battle blazes beyond their control. Local churches have stepped up to help by offering space for evacuees, collecting supplies for firefighters, and rallying believers to unite in prayer. Many have witnessed firsthand the power and destructive force of these fires, as well as the opportunities for being the hands and feet of Christ.

Pastor Track Added to 2015 Retreat
to the Cove

Photo: The Cove surrounded by fall splendor in Asheville, North Carolina.


How many hats does your pastor wear? Maybe you are that pastor, and you know all too well that we're not talking about fashion. From preacher to teacher, from administrator to janitor, today's pastor continually juggles responsibilities at the church, the hospital, the nursing home, the second job, and more--not to mention his or her own household. It's time to relax, take a deep breath, and make plans to get away for just a few days in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. The annual CBH Retreat to the Cove could be just the break you need. Pastors will be intrigued this year by the first-ever Pastor Track added to the schedule. So, churches, would you consider making it possible for your pastor to "retreat to The Cove" this year? After all, the October 18-21 event takes place smack dab in the middle of Pastor Appreciation Month.




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is published by Church of God Ministries.
Jim Lyon, general director, publisher;
Carl Stagner, editor; Sandra Gustin,
layout and design. 


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