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CHOG Convention 2015:
Be Bold. Reclaim. 




Be Bold. Reclaim. These two challenges to the Church of God are the theme of Church of God Convention 2015, June 22-25 at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City. Though the 2014 convention is now Church of God history, the need for the movement to be bold in the name of Christ has not ceased. At this year's convention, a stellar lineup of speakers and worship leaders will encourage pastors and their congregations to boldly reclaim what hell has stolen. It's time to take back spiritual territory that the devil has conquered. It's time to stake our movement on Jesus Christ alone. It's time to rally together for the cause of Christ. CHOG Convention 2015 will be our launch pad.


"Jesus calls his followers to change the world," Jim Lyon explains. "We are not invited to a life of ease and calm, but to a daring one of action and risk. Love demands no less." Jim refers to the Mark 3 account of Jesus' good works, which are followed by accusations of being in Satan's employ. Jesus is recorded as responding that he himself is stronger than the strong man who guards a house--that one stronger than he can bind the strong man and plunder the house, setting it free.



Hope Visible Beyond Pakistan Persecution, Tragedy  



Taliban forces sent shockwaves of terror throughout Pakistan on Monday, December 15, as more than one hundred forty lives--mostly children--were abruptly cut short. Once again, the world watches as brutal violence erupts in a volatile part of the world. Christians are called to stand against such ugly displays of evil, and the Church of God has once again rallied together in prayer for peace and consolation. While tragedy has struck again in the Middle East, Pakistani Christians are standing firm. Though Pakistan has long been a hotbed for persecution of Christians, the Church of God is taking a stand for Christ there.

Human Trafficking: A World Traveler's Perspective 



When you travel all over the world like I do, you see amazing things. A hot air balloon ride over an elephant-filled savannah. An ice skating rink on the top of the Eiffel Tower at Christmas. Warm welcomes into the homes of Ukrainians, Israelis, Brazilians, Chinese, and more. Part of the wonder of travel is the serendipity of the unexpected, and I love it with all my heart.


It's not all perfect though.


There are serious needs around the world. Hunger, poverty, disease, lack of education, constricted freedoms--they're all overwhelming, unimaginable needs.



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is published by Church of God Ministries.
Jim Lyon, general director, publisher; Mary Baker-Boudissa, editor; Carl Stagner, editorial assistant; Sandra Gustin and Jennifer Engle, layout and design.


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