Boldly Loving the Least of These: Church on the Street's Practical Theology
Bold is...radically loving our most vulnerable neighbors.
What if what Jesus says is true? What if in Christ we really are all one? What if Jesus really tore down the dividing walls that separate people? What if the most despised, outcast, and least in the world really are the most honored in the church? What if all of life-companionship, family, work, government-is precipitated by God's living commandment to love him and our neighbor? In other words, what if we risked believing in reconciliation?
I am often asked by guests and during my travels about what we do at Church on the Street. Do we focus on evangelism, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or any other such ministry? My response is always the same: we are focused on learning to be neighbors and friends. But here's the catch, and the danger of such a venture: what wouldn't you do for a friend?

Anticipation Mounting for Church of God Convention 2014
Pivotal. Historic. Monumental. Different. New. Bold. These words accurately describe the one-of-a-kind gathering of the Church of God scheduled for June 23-26. The necessary conditions are coming together at just the right time for dynamic change, with the potential for movement-wide revival.
In this time of transition, pastors and congregations from Seattle to Miami have a tremendous opportunity to speak hope into the future of the Church of God...
CHOG Convention 2014: Reformation Roots in Oklahoma

Before D. S. Warner, there was Mary Cole. When historians Dale Stultz and Doug Welch released the groundbreaking book The Gospel Trumpet Years in 2011, we learned that the totality of what we thought we knew about Church of God history was only part of the story. When the Church of God converges on Oklahoma this June, it enters into vibrant Church of God community, rich with Church of God history.
"Holding the annual convention in Anderson has been a time-honored tradition," Church of God Historian Merle Strege reflects...

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CHOGnews is published by Church of God Ministries.
Jim Lyon, general director, publisher; Mary Baker-Boudissa, editor; Carl Stagner, editorial assistant; Sandra Gustin and Jennifer Engle, layout and design.
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