November 14, 2014   
In This Issue
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November 19
ME 1111: Intro to Mechanical Engineering Service-Learning Project Showcase

Where: Griffis Room, Palmiero Cetner

When: 3:30 - 5:00 pm.


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Ms. Lindsey Miller' students meeting with Mr. Troy Weaver at the MAFES Sales Store. 
Fall 2014 Service-Learning Highlight
Ms. Lindsey Miller's (College of Architecture, Art, and Design) ID 3614: Interior Design Studio III class is working on a redesign of the beloved MSU "Cheese Store" with Mr. Troy Weaver, the store's manager. MAFES Sales store's interior will be getting a makeover to help accommodate game-day crowds and make day-to-day operations more efficient. Mr. Weaver encouraged the students to "think big" and propose bold and creative solutions. The proposals will be complete at the end of the semester.
Thanks For Stopping By!
On October 28-30, CASLE hosted an Open House as a part of the Annual Extension Conference. It was a pleasure to see our Extension colleagues, build relationships, and to brainstorm ideas for service-learning projects.

Congratulations to Ms. Karen Benson, Extension Agent IV with the Mississippi State University Neshoba County Extension Service Office. She is the lucky winner of an iPad mini, which we raffled off during the conference.

Couldn't make it to our Open House? We can come to you! Let us know if you'd like us to host an informal "open house" in your department. We will be happy to set up an information booth and answer any questions.
Stop Hunger Now Meal-Packing Event a Huge Success! 
On October 17, the freshmen
undergraduate students enrolled in First-Year Experience True Maroon classes along with other student, faculty, and staff volunteers packaged over 10,300 meals for Stop Hunger Now to be distributed to those in need in the U.S. and abroad. The event was the brainchild of Dr. Mark Keenum, Mississippi State University President.  Dr. Jerome Gilbert, MSU Provost, spoke and participated in the event. 

Prior to meal packaging, Dr. Sylvia Byrd, Dr. David Buys, and Ms. Rahel Mathews from the Department of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion conducted presentations to the True Maroon classes on issues of hunger in Mississippi and prepared tastings of the meals that were packed on October 17th.
Thanks to all of our volunteers!
Dawn Brancheau Foundation Executive Director Visit
Thanks to the generosity of the Dawn Brancheau Foundation, CASLE was able to offer four service-learning scholarships during the 2014-2015 academic year for students to complete individual service-learning projects addressing one of four areas: love of children, love of gardening and the environment, love of animals, and love of cards through art and graphic design.

We had the pleasure to host the Foundation's Executive Director, Ms. Deborah L. Frogameni, who has visited us to meet the four Dawn Brancheau Scholars and their faculty mentors, and to learn about the projects. Stay tuned for more information on the DB Scholar service-learning project presentations in Spring 2015!
Service-Learning Project Ideas for 4-H 
Cool weather is upon us! As the temperatures drop, it is important to prepare for the winter months ahead. Learning about cold weather

preparedness and sharing that knowledge makes a great potential 

4-H project. 4-H youth can investigate how to winterize doors and windows, prevent water pipes from freezing, and determine which outdoor plants can benefit from mulching to protect them from frost damage. They can then disseminate what they have learned through social media, 

4-H websites, create informational booklets to be distributed in their community, or present an educational program in a public library.


Let us know if we can help with with your service-learning projects!

Service-Learning Highlights
Publication venue
Focus Area:
Campus-community partnerships
Publication Title:

PRISM: A Journal of Regional Engagement  is a multi-disciplinary, quarterly publication featuring peer-reviewed research articles, reflections, case studies and applied research articles. PRISM's focuses on highlighting and promoting partnerships between the universities and the surrounding regions. 
Service-Learning Fact 
Results of an analysis of 62 service-learning studies involving 11,837 students suggest that participation in S-L projects has resulted in increased self-esteem, more positive attitudes toward school and learning, increase in civic engagement, better social skills, and higher academic performance in students then in their non S-L participating counterparts.

Celio, C. I., Durlak, J., & Dymnicki, A. (2011). A Meta-analysis of the impact of service-learning on students. Journal Of Experiential Education34, 164-181. doi:10.5193/JEE34.2.164

Service-Learning Funding Sources
In each of our newsletters we feature a number of grants which can be used for a variety of initiatives. Perhaps browsing through them will spark an idea for a service-learning project; let us know if we can help.
Youth Development

 * Baseball Tomorrow Fund

The Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF) awards grants to non-profit and tax-exempt organizations involved in the operation of youth baseball and/or softball programs and facilities.The funds may be used to finance a new program, expand or improve an existing program, undertake a new collaborative effort, or obtain facilities or equipment necessary for youth baseball or softball programs. Grants are designed to be flexible to enable applicants to address needs unique to their communities. Applications are reviewed quarterly; next deadline is January 1, 2015.
Health Promotion and Nutrition
The goal of this program announcement is to encourage methodological intervention and dissemination of research for understanding and promoting health literacy. Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions (Ratzan & Parker, 2000). Submission deadline: January 25, 2015.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
The Office of Naval Research seeks proposals for developing innovative solutions that directly support the development and maintenance of a robust STEM workforce. The goal of any proposed effort should be to provide "game changing" solutions that will establish and maintain a diverse pipeline of U.S. citizens who are interested in uniformed or civilian STEM related workforce opportunities. 
Submission deadline: February 28, 2015. 
Economic and Consumer Development

Approximately $9M will be made available in cooperative agreements to transit agencies and other entities to promote innovative nationally and regionally significant public transportation workforce development models and programs that invest in America's economic growth and help build ladders of opportunity into the middle class for American Workers. Submission deadline: December 23, 2014.

Global Affairs

The Carrefour Foundation funds projects linked to food in countries where Carrefour is present. Examples of eligible projects include the development of social grocery stores and agricultural production, the promotion of the food and catering professions, and the implementation of nutrition programs to encourage healthy eating. Countries where Carrefour is present include Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, France, India, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey. Proposals may be submitted throughout the year. 

Center for the Advancement of Service-Learning Excellence
311 Bost Extension Center
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: (662) 325-2370

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