City of Orinda est 1985
"The Nation's 2nd Friendliest City"
For the week of September 23, 2013
By City Manager
Janet S. Keeter
The Orinda Restaurant Tour is
Tuesday - September 24, 2013!
Enjoy a night on the town in Orinda and
support your Chamber of Commerce!
San Francisco's East Bay area food lovers will again have the opportunity to join a fun, culinary gathering to savor and sample their way through Orinda restaurants. On Tuesday, September 24th, The Orinda Chamber of Commerce is conducting the Sixth Annual Orinda Restaurant Tour. Guests can walk or ride a San Francisco Trolley to sample fine restaurants throughout Orinda, with each establishment providing a small portion that best represents the establishment at no cost to ticket holders.
Human Resources
Flu Shot Clinic: The flu shot clinic hosted by Sutter Hospice will be held on Tuesday, September 24th from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in Room 4 of the Community Center. This clinic is open to the public with cost per vaccination at $25. For those members of the public that have Medicare Parts A & B, Sutter will take care of billing. No appointment is necessary.
The 9th Annual Orinda Classic Car Show
was a success in spite of the weather!
Photo provided by J. Keeter
Despite the rain on Saturday, visitors enjoyed viewing vintage and modern exotic cars and motorcycles, food, music and more. The show featured over 200 American and European cars ranging from the 1920's to the classics of the 50's 60's, as well as modern exotics. Proceeds from the car show benefits Seniors Around Town, The Educational Foundation of Orinda, Orinda Association, Orinda Arts Council, Orinda Historical Society, Orinda Rotary, Orinda Chamber of Commerce and other fine causes. congratulations on a fun event in downtown Orinda.
Police Activity
Orinda Police arrests include, 1 arrest for petty theft, 2 arrests for DUI, 1 arrest for public intoxication,3 arrests for commercial burglary, and an arrest for domestic violence.
Officer Patacsil did a presentation to approximately 50 scouts, ranging from 6 to 11 years old in Cub Scout Pack 225. He spoke with the boys about how to be safe, when to call 911 and since school is back in session, he spoke with them about what to do if approached by a stranger. Officer Patacsil enjoyed the time with the troop.
Chief Haggard attended the Lamorinda Radio Group meeting. Some of the discussion revolved around the upcoming Great Shake Out training. Their service will be greatly needed in the event of a major disaster in the area.
Theft statistics:
1 Residential Burglary: 50 block of Via Floreado
Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) - Last week TSAC held their monthly meeting. Vice Mayor Sue Severson, as liaison to the Committee was also in attendance. Topics included: - After hearing from two residents along Whitehall Drive, TSAC unanimously recommended to the City Council to continue the prohibition of U-turns and Left Turns along Moraga Way at the Whitehall Drive intersection between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. when school is in session.
- Provided an update on the status of the Miner Road Rule 20A Undergrounding project. We are planning on setting up public workshops with the 25+ residents directly affected along Miner Road by the proposed new PG&E service connections and also a subsequent workshop with the residents within the Miner Road corridor. These workshops will focus on the proposed undergrounding of utilities and a potential widened roadway for pedestrian access to Camino Pablo.
- There was in-depth conversation regarding enforcement of traffic laws - especially in the Theatre Square area. TSAC is strongly in favor of stricter enforcement such as no left turns across double yellow lines into angled parking on the opposite side of the road. A member of public voiced her concerns with receiving a ticket for this offense even though in her opinion it is done all the time and she is unaware of anyone else receiving tickets for this maneuver. TSAC wants to engage the Chamber of Commerce about this issue and will look to invite a representative to the next TSAC meeting.
Clean Water Program/Municipal Regional Permit - Late last week the City completed and submitted the Annual Report for our NPDES Stormwater Discharg Permit to the Contra Costa Clean Water Program (CCCWP). The CCCWP collects the reports from all Contra Costa cities and combines the reports into one CCCWP Annual Report that will be submitted to the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Board. Special recognition should go to our recently hired Associate Engineer, Wendy Wellbrock. This was Wendy's first Annual Report and she did an excellent job gathering the data and completing a long and detailed report.
New Recycle Cans - Public Works purchased five new recycle cans to be placed in the downtown. The cans are being installed this week and next week.
Parks and Recreation
Recreation Program - we have just marked the start of both the Orinda Flag Football and Water Polo programs. In its second season, the flag football program at Wilder nearly doubled in size; growing from 24 participants last year to 45 participants this year. This program is designed to teach children the fundamental skills and basic rules of football in a safe, tackle free environment. Each week participants take part in drills for 45 minutes followed by a 45 minute game. The Water Polo program is back for its seventh year. This program introduces a new group to the sport of water polo by teaching them the three basic skills of the eggbeater kick, properly picking up the ball from underneath, and passing techniques. This year the program has 35 new participants and takes place at the Miramonte pool on Sunday nights.
Red Cross Blood Drive - Thank you to everyone that participated in the Red Cross blood drive last week. Nine City of Orinda staff members registered; many of those were first-time donors!! A total of 22 people registered and 16 units of blood were collected. Our goal is to double this number for the next drive. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at the Orinda Community Center.
Upcoming Senior Outings - Lamorinda Wine Trip
(Thursday, October 3, 10am-4pm, $65 (Orinda resident)/$75 (non-resident)
The Livermore Valley is home to more than 50 wineries and is rich in viticulture history dating back to the 1840's. Join us on October 3rd for our first "Lamorinda Travelers" day trip to the wine country. Taste amazing wines at Concannon, Bodegas Aguirre and Garr�. Enjoy lunch on the Garr� patio. Afterwards you may challenge a friend to a game of bocce! Transportation is provided.
New Adult Classes - Art (Figure Painting), Bridge (Rusty, Diamonds, SLAM Bidding), Cooking (Soul Food), and Fitness (Dancercise, Yoga/Meditation Workshop). For more program, class or trip information, click here or call (925)254-2445. Photo Contest - The Parks Make Life Better Photo Contest winners were selected. Incredible photos were submitted for the first-time City of Orinda Parks and Recreation photo contest. The winners of the Gathering Places and Exercise categories are posted below: Gathering Places (and Best Overall Photo) North Star Grove at Cal Shakes' Bruns Amphitheater Stefanie Kalem

Exercise Down Dog Sophie Bubrick

Janet Keeter
City Manager
We would like to hear from you!
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or call 925-253-4291
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