SPISE Announcement
Student Program for Innovation in Science and Engineering (SPISE)

Please be reminded that the deadline for submission of student applications to the 2014 Student Program for Innovation in Science and Engineering (SPISE) is only TWO weeks away (March 31, 2014).  


SPISE Students Work On Their Underwater Robots


The goal of SPISE is to help groom the next generation of Caribbean science, engineering and business leaders who will help to diversify the economies of the Region. SPISE is a rigorous 4-week residential program for gifted Caribbean high school students interested in pursuing careers in disciplines related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and is modeled after the well-known MITES program at MIT.  SPISE offers university-level classes in calculus, physics, biochemistry, and hands-on classes in robotics, electronics and programming along with entrepreneurship, Mandarin and seminars on Caribbean unity. SPISE has served 26 stellar students in its first two years. Please view 2012 SPISE Video.

We are proud to report that six SPISE graduates will be enrolling this fall at some of the world's top science and engineering universities, and some of these students have been offered full scholarships.  Participation in the SPISE is free to all students.  The program uses the facilities of the Barbados campus of the University of the West Indies.  A full description of the SPISE program, a set of frequently-asked questions, and all application materials are on the: CSF Web Site.

Application forms for teaching Assistant and Instructor positions are also available at the same website.


Corporations and Individuals are urgently needed to support students applying to the 2014 SPISE, especially from Jamaica, Guyana and the OECS countries.  The cost of supporting a student is USD6,000 plus roundtrip travel for the student to and from Barbados.

The CSF and its founding Diaspora organization, CADSTI, also arrange Internship opportunities for SPISE graduates. Corporations conducting science and/or engineering applied research are needed to provide summer internships in 2015. We are proud to announce that three technology companies are offering a total of 6 internships to SPISE graduates in the summer of 2014.  This is a great recruiting tool for the corporations, and the students gain valuable hands-on experience not only in technical fields, but also in the running and the operations of a technology corporation - a win-win opportunity.

The CSF is extremely grateful and appreciative of its 2012 and 2013 partners who have supported students into the SPISE.  These supporters include Scotiabank, Williams Industries (Barbados), Light and Power Holdings, St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC), MIT Sea Grant Program, Neal & Massy Foundation, Central Bank of Barbados, Caribbean Development Bank, Belize Telemedia Limited, Belize Public Utilities Commission, National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Education, BG Energy Holdings Limited, National Milling Co. of Guyana , US Embassy (Barbados and E.C.), Family of Linda Su-Nan Chang Sah, WERI LLC (Korea), Nicholas Brathwaite's PETNA Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cobham, Friends of Guyana and Friends of Jamaica.

If you are an individual interested in sponsoring a student, or you represent a corporation which would like to add the CSF or SPISE to your list of corporate social responsibility initiatives, or if you would like to offer a summer internship, please contact Prof. Cardinal Warde at: warde.csf@gmail.com or by telephone at: 1-617-699-1281. 

Donations at any level, at any time, by anyone to the CSF can be also be made by:
1) Credit card at the CADSTI Web Site. CADSTI is the Diaspora organization that founded the CSF.
2) Check made payable in US dollars or Barbados dollars to the Caribbean Science Foundation, and mailed to:
Caribbean Science Foundation
CARICOM Research Building
UWI Cave Hill Campus
St. Michael
3) Wire to:
Bank Key (bank + branch code): BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (40055)
Bank Address: Broad Street, Bridgetown, Barbados
Account Name: Caribbean Science Foundation
Account Number: 9013083
The Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF) is an independent, non-profit non-governmental organization.  The work of the CSF is supported in part by the Caribbean Diaspora for Science, Technology and Innovation (CADSTI) which founded the CSF as its implementation arm in 2010. CADSTI (see CADSTI Web Site) has its center of gravity outside the Region, and its primary function is to mine and mobilize the resources in the world-wide Caribbean Diaspora in support of the CSF.

The mission of the Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF) is to assist with the diversification of the economies of the Caribbean Region by harnessing science and technology for economic development, and to help raise the standard of living of Caribbean people.  Specifically, the CSF will continue to:
1. Stimulate technology-based entrepreneurship - by identifying and funding science and technology projects in new and existing enterprises that are relevant to the economic development needs of the Region.

2. Accelerate education reform that supports technology-based entrepreneurship by promoting and funding programs that focus on:
 - The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) disciplines

 - Business and entrepreneurship education

 - Foreign languages and communication skills in schools, universities and other educational venues


3. Provide scientific and engineering advisory services to Caribbean governments by working with CADSTI to leverage the expertise that resides in the Diaspora.

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