
No. 4

Back to School!
Come join us  Thursday night, September 18th for 
a bit of fun and frivolity!!
This year we're trying something new...immediately after school, help us kick off Homecoming 2014!!

 - 4:00 Tennis Match (IWA vs Ursuline)
 - 5:00-5:30 Faculty vs Student Volleyball Game 
 - PRIOR to the varsity Volleyball game we will have a PEP    RALLY    to introduce this year's  homecoming court. 
 - 6:00 IWA Varsity Volleyball vs Barat Academy 
    (No admission cost for the game for anyone)
 - Cheerleaders & Knightline will also be performing!
4:00 to 6:30PM 
 (Cost TBD)



There is still plenty of time to plan your Class Reunion!!
If you graduated from IWA in a year ending in 4 or 9 
this is your year...
If you would like to take the lead for your class, please contact 
Kathy Bannes at kbannes@iwacademy 

Please come join us to hear this wonderfully motivating speaker!!  
Don't miss the  Class of 2014 Yearbook Party!!
Pizza, Soft Drinks and great memories!!
This Saturday August 30th from 12 Noon to 2 PM


Mark your calendar for the following Alumnae Board events:

Festhaus @ Homecoming -  September 20th

Career Day - October 15th

Holiday AlumKnight - Lleyellyns -  December 11th

Alumnae Basketball Game - January 7th vs. Cor Jesu

Day Of Reflection/Retreat -  February 21st

Easter Egg Hunt -  March 21st

Spring Boutique - April 23rd

 Rose & Candle  - May 8th 

(Alumnae Awards now  given at Rose and Candle Instead of Baccalaureate 



Where are these Red Knights...

Can you help us locate them?


The Class of 1979 is planning a Fall  of 2014 Reunion 

(Date and location to be determined)


Although we graduated with a class of 97... we only have contact information for 80 classmates!!  

Task #1--Attempt to locate the following Red Knights:

Beverly Banks

Nancy Berry Valentine

Kelly Connor

Carol Gass

Colleen Holley Hupp

Edythe Johnson

Mary Elizabeth Kolodgie

Kathy Krieger

Kathy Kustura

Kerry Langford Warner

Kelly Madden Anders

Kathleen Morrison Pisarkiewicz

Shari Parks

Kathleen Reich McMillan

Sherry Reynolds

Eileen Riley

Pam Rogers

Joanie Schrieber Benage

Jackie Steed

If you are aware of the address, email, married name of any of the above and can help in our search that would be terrific!!


Task #2  Obtain updated information(physical address and e-mail address) for  the 80 contacts that we do have.


If you would be interested in helping plan this reunion, please contact Kathleen Costello Bannes at or 314-725-5850 xt. 1183


Thanks in advance!


Kathy Bannes



The Class of 1959

Cordially invites you 

To attend the


 Incarnate Word Academy

Fifty-Five Year Reunion Celebration

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Saturday, the twentieth of September

Two thousand and fourteen

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dinner at 5:00 P.M

Spiro's Restaurant in Chesterfield

Ph#  314-878-4449

(1054 N. Woods Mill Rd.-East side of street and one block south of Olive St. Rd.)


$25.00 per person-to be paid that night

(includes tax and tip)

Dinner Choice:  Tilapia, Pasta or Chicken

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Please RSVP to Mary Ellen O'Brien Long  by Monday,  September 1, 2014

at Ph# 636-861-2647 or



Class of 1964!
Our 2014 Golden Girls  are celebrating 50 Years!  A very special day is planned this fall at our Annual Homecoming on September 20, 2014.  
The school sponsored events on the 20th are as follows:
Mass- 11:00AM (We will be taking the Golden Girl Photo just before Mass)
Parade Immediately following Mass
Luncheon immediately following the Parade
Pep Rally before Powderpuff Game (Golden Girls recognized)

In addition to the school sponsored events on Saturday there are:

Friday Night at Lombardo's Restaurant
Saturday Night (post-Homecoming) on "the Hill"
Sunday afternoon Tea with fellow Alumnae  


For additional information, please contact Ann Beckring @ 

Class of 1974 Celebrating 40 Glorious Years!
Not "Golden" yet..... but darn close...

Please save the dates for a weekend full of hysterical laughs, great stories and plenty of girl time.
September 26-28, 2014
Events will be planned for all three days with more information coming this summer. 
Rooms have been blocked for your convenience at:

The St. Charles Embassy Suites Hotel and Spa 
(August 27, 2014 is the deadline to receive the discounted rate) 
Call 1-800 Embassy and request the Incarnate Word Academy 40th Class Reunion or 
 use the following the following link:
Looking forward to September!
Phyllis Abel Timmermann  314.517.3168
Barb Bufe Heidolph  314.606.3140

Class of 2004- Celebrating 10 Years! 
Saturday, September 20th

 We will also have a DJ to keep the party going all night! AND OF COURSE, A T-SHIRT! It wouldn't be Incarnate, if  you didn't get a t-shirt!
You can say that you're paying a friend or family member, and the fee will be waived.
NOTE: Please add your t-shirt size to the PayPal Message.  Also, your RSVP will not be confirmed until you are 100% pai
For more information, please contact Courtney Hendrickson @ or 314-323-9346.



IWA Homecoming Schedule Reminder!!

Mark you Calendar for the IWA 2014, Saturday, September 20th  Let the fun begin! 

  • Golden Girl (Class of 1964) Mass - 11:00AM
  • Game booths, Food booths & Red Knight Festhaus open - 12:30 PM
  • If you have or know someone who would be willing to donate a Convertible...please contact Kathy Bannes at or 314-725-5850 xt, 1183
  •  Pep Rally (Introduction of Golden Girls and Homecoming Court) -  2:00 PM  
  •  Freshman-Sophomore "Tug of War" -  Following Pep Rally
  • Junior-Senior "Powder Puff Football" game  - Following Pep Rally
  • IWA's extremely talented  Dance Team & Cheerleaders will be performing as well to help bring excitement and enthusiasm to the events!

Lend a hand and help us to reach more Alumnae...



Please forward our "Red Knight Insider" on to Alumnae that you know may not be receiving our new publication. 


 It's very easy to join the mailing list!   At the bottom of each Red Knight Insider just click on the "join our Mailing list" icon.


We hope you have enjoyed the fourth issue of Incarnate Word Academy's official alumnae e-newsletter, the Red Knight Insider! This  issue finds its way to your inbox at the end of the month, however, check your inbox for all future issues at the end of each month. If you would like us to include any special alumnae news, 
please contact Kathy Bannes at 314.725.5850 X183 or email
Incarnate Word Academy  2788 Normandy Drive  Bel-Nor, MO  63121     314.725.5850