Ann Martin CenterSEPTEMBER 2015


Donor Appreciation Breakfast

Tuesday, September 22nd
Thank you for your incredible support and generosity! Because of you we can continue serving more at-risk children and families in our community. As thanks, we would like to invite you for a Breakfast gathering at Ann Martin Center on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 to meet our Board of Directors and experience a personal tour of the center.

We will be honoring Ann Martin Leadership Circle Honoree and past board president, Evelyn Apte.

Light breakfast, coffee and refreshments will be served. Casual attire welcomed.

Donor Honor Roll
Fiscal Year 2014-15

Ann Martin Center is grateful to all the individuals, corporations and businesses that supported us through financial and in-kind gifts last year. 

Special thanks to our Foundation and Corporate Partners 
($10,000 and above) 

Avery Fuller Welch Children's Foundation

Clorox Company Foundation

Clarence B. & Joan Coleman Charitable Foundation

Dodge & Cox

Kaiser Permanente Foundation

Thomas J. Long Foundation

The Nicholson Family Foundation

Robert S. & Helen P. Odell Fund

Louise & Arthur Patterson

Bernard E. and Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation

Thank you!

APA Accreditation Update
By Beth Berkowitz, Psy.D
Director of Training & Quality Assurance
As our new training year is getting underway we are putting the final touches on our program in preparation for an on site visit and review of our Doctoral internship program by the Coalition on Accreditation for the American Psychological Association. Our 10 month long study was submitted to the APA at the end of April and we were quickly approved for the next step in this long process. 

We are very excited to welcome two representatives from the CoA who will spend two days with us in November observing, reviewing documents, and interviewing trainees, supervisors and administrative staff. 

We are confident that this coming year will be our first of many years as an APA approved training agency.

Upcoming Professional Development 
Friday, October 2, 2015
12:30 - 2 p.m.

Dr. Macheo Payne and Christine Stoner-Mertz, LCSW, President and CEO, Lincoln Child Center
Presenters will discuss how early investments on a community level can help to dismantle educational barriers created by poverty, trauma and race. They'll offer new approaches to long-standing issues, which can improve attendance, restore students' mental health and create school communities that can thrive. Lincoln's social impact model for reducing chronic absenteeism and their partnerships with school districts, parents and funders to achieve healthy school environments will be highlighted.


How You Can
Support Us

Getting a head start on holiday shopping?

Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Ann Martin Center.


 Contact Us


1375 55th Street

Emeryville, CA 94608

Tel. (510) 655-7880

Fax (510) 655-3379


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David Theis, DMH
AMC Executive Director

Dear Friend,  


September launches a new training year that brings renewed energy to our services and programs. Thirty graduate students in psychology and social work will participate in case conferences and didactic seminars at Ann Martin Center over the year. Under careful clinical supervision, trainees and practicum students will provide reduced-fee psychotherapy to children at our main clinic and in nine elementary schools located in underserved neighborhoods of Oakland. 


This year is especially exciting since we are preparing for the final step in our quest for accreditation from the American Psychological Association. Accreditation is a prestigious achievement and opens our training program to the best applicants from across the nation. While we have had a strong and well respected training program for many years, accreditation will bring us to a whole new level of recognition.


We continue our collaboration with Oakland Housing Authority that promotes emotional wellness for residents. OHA is the largest landlord in Oakland and provides subsidized housing to nearly 16,500 families. Ann Martin Center has developed a mix of services to OHA that includes parent support groups, parent education workshops, and individual therapy. The project is an example of focusing prevention and early intervention services at strategic engagement locations in high risk communities. This newsletter features an interview with Dr. Frank Davis, a psychologist who facilitates parent groups at OHA. 


Through our school, community, and clinic-based programs, Ann Martin Center works closely at the intersection of learning readiness, social and emotional well-being, and positive  health outcomes. We are part of a larger movement to strengthen health equity, i.e. improving access to quality health and behavioral health care, education, economic opportunities and safe, healthy school environments. 


In addition to direct treatment services, Ann Martin Center also disseminates current research and best practices through our Professional Development Lecture Series (open to the community of educators and child mental health professionals). Visit our website to sign up for our fall speakers program that features engaging experts such as developmental pediatrician Brad Berman and speech-language therapist Susan Diamond. We also look forward to a timely presentation by our colleague Chris Stoner-Mertz, the executive director of Lincoln Child Center. 


We're grateful to all of our supporters who are investing in Ann Martin Center. Your confidence in our work is helping propel us into an impactful future.





David S. Theis, DMH

Executive Director 


Ann Martin Center partners with Oakland Housing Authority (OHA)
Dr. Frank Davis, Clinician
In March 2015, Ann Martin Center forged a new partnership with the Oakland Housing Authority (OHA) that enables us to reach parents in West and East Oakland communities. To describe this partnership, we interviewed Dr. Frank Davis, a clinical psychologist who trained at AMC and now leads parent support groups at OHA. 
A Focus on Trauma-Based Treatment
By Denise Jakob, Psy.D., Assistant Clinical Director, School Based Services

As we begin the 2015-2016 academic year and reflect on our accomplishments this past year, I am most proud of our dedicated clinicians who provided over 16,500 treatment hours to children and families in eight different OUSD Elementary Schools and one Charter School. 

Many of the children we serve have been impacted by traumatic events, and often experience overwhelming emotions that interfere with their ability to learn in class. Our staff works closely with principals and teachers to identify and intervene when children exhibit social-emotional challenges and symptoms that may initially look like acting out behaviors.
Brandon's Story
By Betty Peterson, MEd, Learning Program Director

"My son Brandon loves working with our therapist at Ann Martin Center. She helps Brandon remain organized and feel on top of his school work and has helped my son gain confidence in his abilities. He struggles with reading and spelling, and our therapist has created an environment in which my son does not feel humiliated, so he is more willing to take risks. 

We felt like we had someone who was knowledgeable and helpful who teamed up with us to help him in different areas. Not only did she help Brandon with his academic progress, but also gave me valuable parents' education and strategies to work with my son at home. In fact, he's disappointed if we aren't able to see her on a scheduled day. A first!" -Parent, Client Survey

*All names have been changed to protect confidentiality

Hamid Hussain
Hamid Hussain joined the Ann Martin Center Board of Directors as its newest member in August 2015. Hamid is a Senior Vice President at Wells Fargo Bank and the Regional Manager for the East Bay Commercial Banking Office based in downtown Oakland. He oversees a group of professionals who handle large commercial, corporate and real estate investor relationships for the bank. Hamid grew up in Toronto, Canada and has a B.A. in Economics from the University of Toronto and an M.B.A. from Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. He became a member of the board through an introduction to David Theis from mutual associates and spending time with other board members Linda Baker, Buzz Blackett and John White to learn more about the Center. On his decision to join the Ann Martin Center Board of Directors, Hamid shared:
"Growing up in Toronto as the youngest son of a working class immigrant family, I didn't have many luxuries other than a stable and supportive family.  Having that foundation afforded me the opportunity for a good education which I believe to be the great equalizer in any society.  I love that the Ann Martin Center has truly caring individuals who make a difference every day in the lives of families who may not have the good fortune that I had.  I am in awe of the dedication of the people at the Center and the work they do.  I am honored to be a small part of this very worthy organization and I hope to help support and increase the awareness of the Center.

In my free time I like to mountain bike and now have a new hobby of fly fishing through an introduction from David."

Annual Spring Gala 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016
Oakland Scottish Rite Center 

Patrick Martin, Entertainer
*All new show!

Selected to entertain for the White House,  television specials, and more, Patrick Martin is a world-class illusionist. He blends humor, visual mystery and audience participation for a fresh and enchanting evening that is unforgettable. Get ready to be amazed!

Auctioneer Keith McLane will dazzle the crowd with getaways, dinner parties, and more! The evening will include a live and silent auction, seated dinner, program, entertainment, video presentation and special appeal. 100% of proceeds will benefit Ann Martin Center's vital programs and services providing psychotherapy and educational support for at-risk youth in the East Bay.

Auction Donations & Sponsorships

We are seeking donations for the live and silent auction.  Wine, gift certificates, get away packages, and private dinner parties all make terrific items that will generate valuable bids to support Ann Martin Center's work. 

Ann Martin Center is currently inviting Bay Area businesses to participate in sponsorship opportunities.  To receive promotional materials and information about sponsorship benefits, please contact Lynn Peralta, MSW, Development Director (510) 655-7880 ext. 308 or

For more information on sponsorship, table hosting, and auction donations, please email Emily Chen at or call (510) 655-7880 ext. 304. 

We hope you can join us for 
A Night of Magic!


 Ann Martin Center |

1375 55th Street, Emeryville, CA 94608 | 510.655.7880