Apply for the Alberti Center Early Career Award!
This $1,000 award recognizes an early career professional for distinguished scholarly contributions to bullying abuse prevention. More information can be found on our website.
Deadline: July 17, 2015
Fall 2015 CCPE Courses
Fall courses in Bullying and School Crisis Prevention and Intervention are available through the Center for Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE). Register NOW to take advantage of scholarships! Registration is open through August 28, 2015 for:
CEP 754 - School Crisis Prevention & Preparedness
(6.5 CE credits from NASP)
CEP 756 - School Crisis Intervention & Recovery
(13 CE credits from NASP)
and through August 15, 2015 for:
CEP 752 - Bullying Prevention & Intervention (ONLINE)
Gain valuable knowledge and training through these 1-credit courses! More information can be found on our website.
Featured Resource
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has released a new tool to help middle and high schools address secondary students' need for effective social and emotional learning (SEL).
CASEL is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school.
The 2015 CASEL Guide can be
accessed here:
Sessions Available
The Alberti Center is an approved provider of the NYSED DASA Training workshops required for certification. Registration information and July-December 2015 session dates can be found on the Alberti Center's NYS Dignity Act Training webpage.
What recent participants said:
I have a better understanding of the importance of educators in building a positive school culture, which makes me feel like I can influence my students and their relationships with each other.
The feeling like I can do this. I can improve my students with disabilities' outlooks on their lives.
Interested by New York's
approach to this issue. West Virginia does not, as of yet, have legislation of this nature. Therefore, punishment is always the first response. It's comforting to find stronger responses that empower the student.
BAND Against Bullying III
 BAND Against Bullying III took place on Tuesday, April 26, 2015 at the University at Buffalo's
Center for the Arts. A record-breaking 12 high schools participated in the annual performing
arts competition.
All of the students who appeared on-stage at the event displayed
a tremendous amount of energy and did an incredible
job conveying their messages! First Place went to Kenmore West High School! Lancaster High School was the Runner-Up. More information can be found on the BAND Against Bullying website and pictures from the most recent event can be seen on Jeremy Cooper's website!
2015 Alberti Center Annual Conference
The Alberti Center Annual Conference will take place this year on Monday, October 19, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We are excited to be hosting the event at a new venue this year, Classics V Banquet & Conference Center on Niagara Falls Blvd. in Amherst!
 Our keynote speaker for the conference will be Dr. Maurice Elias. Dr. Elias is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Rutgers Social-Emotional Learning Lab
as well as Co-Director of SEL Academy at Rutgers. Dr. Elias will be presenting on "Ending Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidations in Our Schools: The Hard Steps Not
Yet Taken."
Registration is now open! More information about the conference and registration can be found on our website. We are also accepting proposals for posters through Monday, August 3rd!
Erin Cook Elected to Student Representative Position for NYASP
 Congratulations to Erin Cook, a graduate assistant at the Alberti Center, on her election
to the position of Student-Representative-Elect for the New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP)!
The primary function of the student representative is to provide reciprocal communication between the executive board of NYASP and with graduate students in training programs across the state, focusing on representation of the perspectives and ideas of graduate trainees to the board, and encouragement of graduate students to become members of the organization. Erin will serve a 2-year term beginning August 1, 2015.
Bullying Research Network Think Tank at
Boston University
The Bullying Research Network (BRNET) is designed for researchers to promote and assist international collaboration among bullying and peer victimization researchers. To facilitate this collaboration, BRNET holds an annual Think Tank. This year's Think Tank took place June 9-10 at Boston University. The 2014 Alberti Center Early Career Award winner Dr. Jennifer Green and her colleague Dr. Melissa Holt co-hosted this event, which included exciting presentations from colleagues from diverse disciplines and working meetings to discuss articles for an upcoming special issue on bullying in adolescence. Visit the BRNET website for useful links and resources.
Play (and Live) with Character:
Preventing Violence through Leadership Presentation
 The Federal Bureau of Investigation Buffalo Division presented the inaugural NYSPHSAA Section VI Team Captain Leadership Seminar, focused on four responsibilities of successful leaders: Courage, Character, Competence, and Collaboration. Over 100 scholar-athletes and 50 high school athletic directors attended the event, held on May 22, 2015 at Erie County Community College, South Campus. Speakers included Brian Gionta, Captain of the Buffalo Sabres (Courage), Bruce Baumgartner, Director of Athletics at Edinboro University (Competence), Dr. Amanda Nickerson from the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse (Character), Vicki Mitchell, UB Track/Field Coach (Collaboration), and Scott Pilkey, Head football coach at Erie County Community College (Meaning of Being a Captain).