2014-15 Colloquium Series
The 2014-2015 Alberti Center Colloquium Series continued on Monday, November 17, 2014 with a presentation from Dr. Matthew Grizzard, assistant professor in the Dept. of Communication at UB. Grizzard spoke on The Moral Sandbox of Media Entertainment. His presentation can be viewed here.
The series returns on Thursday, February 12, 2015 back in 120 Clemens Hall on the UB North Campus. Dr. Paul Poteat, associate professor of Counseling and Developmental Psychology at Boston College, will present on Advancing Research on Bias-Based Bullying and Intervention Approaches. Register for this event here!
Sessions Available
The Alberti Center is an approved provider of the NYSED DASA Training workshops. Registration information and January through June session dates are available on the Alberti Center's NYS Dignity Act Training webpage.
How do participants feel after attending the training? Read for yourself!
Postive. Empowered. Ready to make a change-in myself & for others who need me!
More prepared to handle & react to situations within my school.
Full of knowledge that I want to share with my staff members.
I love leaving professional development feeling energized and that's how I feel leaving today. Very energized and interested in engaging more with this topic.
BAND Against Bullying 2015
Save the date for BAND Against Bullying 2015! The event will take place on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at the University at Buffalo Center for the Arts. This year, thirteen schools from across Western New York are registered to participate in this dignity-themed competition! New this year, one middle school is also scheduled to perform at the event. For more information, visit the BAND website or follow us on Facebook at BAND Against Bullying, or on Twitter at @NYBANDBullying. Ticket information and celebrity guest judges will be announced soon!
Alberti Center Team Submits Final Grant Report to NYS DDPC
(Standing left to right) Michele Crandall, Dr. Amanda Nickerson, Erin Cook, Brie Kishel, Tiara Handy, Joseph Prior (Seated) Dr. Kathleen Allen, Jilynn Werth, and Dr. Danielle Guttman
Alberti Center team members (pictured to the left) recently submitted the final grant report sponsored by the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council addressing Bullying and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. A needs assessment and strategic plan for implementation were included in the report using qualitative and quantitative data obtained from focus groups and surveys administered by the Alberti Center throughout the past year.
Presentation at Bullying and Youth With Disabilities Conference in Brooklyn, NY
On December 8, 2014, Dr. Kathleen Allen, training and evaluation specialist for the Alberti Center, participated in a conference on Bullying and Youth with Disabilities in Brooklyn, NY. The conference was organized by Carrie Banks, director of the Child's Place for Children with Special Needs, part of the Brooklyn Public Library system. The conference included a showing of the movie, Bully, and two panel discussions. Dr. Allen presented on the first panel, reporting on the findings of the Alberti Center's needs assessment for the NYS DDPC. Other participants included a YAI self-advocate, a NYSED supervisor for youth development services, and a restorative justice coordinator from the New York Peace Initiative. Approximately sixty people attended the conference, which was held at the main Brooklyn Public Library.
Alberti Center Adopts-a-Family for the Holidays
Brie Kishel, program and operations manager (left), and Dr. Danielle Guttman, adjunct professor and Alberti Center research assistant (right) enjoy the Adopt-a-Family Breakfast.
The Alberti Center recently participated in UB's "Adopt-a-Family" program for the holidays. The program, coordinated by the Office of Community Relations, identifies local families in need or those who are experiencing financial difficulties. The families selected are then matched with a department at the University to receive gifts for the holidays that the families otherwise may not be able to provide. The Office of Community Relations provides a breakfast where the families have the opportunity to pick up their gifts and meet the UB employees who participated as sponsors in the program.
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