2014-15 Colloquium Series
 The 2014-2015 Alberti Center Colloquium Series kicked off on September 23, 2014 with presenter David Whalen, founder and project director of the First Responders Disability Awareness Training program at Niagara University. Whalen spoke about how a lack of education on disabilities can promote bullying. Here is a link to his presentation.
 The series continues on Monday, November 17, 2014, in 280 Park Hall on the UB North Campus with Dr. Matthew Grizzard, assistant professor in the Department of Communication at UB, speaking on "The Moral Sandbox of Media Entertainment." Register for this event here!
Sessions Available
The Alberti Center is an approved provider of the NYSED DASA Training workshops. Registration information and winter through spring session dates are available on the Alberti Center's NYS Dignity Act Training webpage.
Featured Resources
The New York State Special Education Taskforce is a grassroots advocacy initiative offering advocates and families monthly trainings on education related topics. The group has produced two guides for families and others, the first is called "Special Education in Plain Language" which is available on their website. The second guide, "Bullying and Students with Disabilities" can be seen here.
2013-2014 Annual Report
The Alberti Center Annual Report, highlighting the projects, events, publications, and contributions of the Center during the 2013-2014 fiscal year is complete and can be viewed on our website.
In Review: 2014 Alberti Center Annual Conference
The October 2nd Alberti Center conference featured a keynote
Dr. Gentile, keynote speaker and Dr. Nickerson, director of the Alberti Center
presentation by Dr. Douglas Gentile addressing the effects of media violence on children, adolescents, and adults. The conference also offered posters, exhibitors, and several breakout session options to
150 attendees.
Additional presentations from the breakout sessions can be viewed on our events page here.
A special thank you to the 2014 Alberti Center conference sponsors: embraceWNY, Buffalo Teachers Federation, Hodgson Russ, New York Association of School Psychologists, UB Graduate School of Education, UB Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and Pearson.
2014 Alberti Center Early Career Award
 Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Greif Green, winner of the 2014 Alberti Center Early Career Award for Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Bullying
Abuse Prevention!
Dr. Green is an assistant professor in Special Education and a child clinical psychologist. Her research focuses on understanding the role of schools in providing services to students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Dr. Green also specializes in assessing bullying and determining how assessments can be used to inform school safety planning. She co-founded the Social Adjustment & Bullying Prevention Laboratory at Boston University and is also a member of the Bullying Research Network (BRNET). Dr. Green and Dr. Melissa Holt will be hosting the 2015 BRNET Think Tank at Boston University next summer.
Kudos to Two Alberti Center Faculty Affiliates
Congratulations to Dr. Darren Treadway, a faculty affiliate of the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention, for being named as a founding fellow to the U.S. Academy on Workplace Bullying, Mobbing and Abuse. Dr. Treadway is an associate professor of organization and human resources in the UB School of Management. Learn more about Dr. Treadway here.
And congratulations also to Dr. Amy Reynolds, faculty affiliate and co-chair of the Alberti Center Advisory Council, who was named fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology). Dr. Reynolds is an associate professor and director of training for the combined doctoral program, counseling psychology/school psychology, at the UB Graduate School of Education. Learn more about Dr. Reynolds here.
DASA Research Study Conducted
Heather Cosgrove, doctoral student in Counseling Psychology at UB, under the supervision of Dr. Nickerson completed her dissertation study on The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) to assess NYS school practitioners' perceptions of school climate, current practices in bullying prevention and intervention, and the effectiveness of these practices both before DASA was implemented, as well as afterward.
Compliance with DASA mandates was related to educators' decreased perceptions of bullying and harassment, increased feelings of a positive school climate, and an increase in prevention and intervention efforts.
This study highlights the potential impact of DASA, however, there is still much more to be done to bridge the gap between legislation and current school practices.