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4 Steps to Nozzle Selection
By: Dr. Tom Wolf

Choosing a nozzle can seem like a daunting process. Too often we choose the simple path of replacing the spray nozzle with what is currently being used. However, there is agronomic value in choosing the right spray nozzle for the job that utilizes the latest in spray technology. Dr. Tom Wolf of Agrimetrix Research & Training has developed a quick 4 step guide to help farmers select the right spray nozzle for their application.
Following these 4 easy steps will guide you to the best selection.

Meet Dr. Tom Wolf 
Sprayer Specialist
AgriMetrix Research and Training
Saskatoon, SK

Twitter: @nozzle_guy 
Tom Wolf grew up on a grain farm in southern Manitoba and maintains strong ties to the farming community. He obtained his BSA and M.Sc. (Plant Science) at the University of Manitoba, and his Ph.D. (Agronomy) at the Ohio State University, where he specialized in spray application technology. Tom formed Agrimetrix, an agricultural research company that he now operates in Saskatoon, after a 17 year career as a scientist with Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.


Tom specializes in spray drift, pesticide efficacy, and sprayer tank cleanout, and has published and spoken extensively on national and international stages on these topics. He is an active member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and is a member and past president of the Canadian Weed Science Society.


Agrimetrix provides independent advice on any manufacturer's product.  Tom's company is contracted by Applitech Canada, a manufacturer's rep for Pentair Hypro in Canada, to train sprayer operators and retailers on nozzle technology.  

Hypro. Right on Technology, Right on Target