Alabama-Florida Council
Boy Scouts of America
Upcoming Events and News
BSA Fleurdelis
The Journey newsletter is dedicated to helping volunteers and parents deliver the 'Promise of Scouting' through information on upcoming council events and news.
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  • Camp Alaflo Open House    
  • Show & Sell Popcorn Pick-Up       
  • Scouting University
  • Akela Cub Campouts
  • Council Website Address Change
  • Scout Office Closed Saturdays
Camp Alaflo Open House
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Camp AlaFlo
1687 County Rd 156
New Brockton, AL 36351

For the second year, Camp Alaflo will host an Open House. Grab a buddy and spend the morning at camp shooting BB guns, bows and arrows, slingshots, riding canoes, playing arena soccer and GaGa ball!!  It's fun for the whole family and it's FREE!!!

All currently registered Cub Scouts that bring a buddy to sign up for Scouting will receive a special edition recruiter patch.  The Trading Post will have hot dogs, snacks, and drinks for sale, as well as Camp Alaflo t-shirts. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact
Show & Sell Popcorn Pick-Up
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wiregrass Foodbank
A reminder to all units selling popcorn that Thursday, September 19, is Show & Sell Popcorn Pick-Up at the Wiregrass Foodbank.

Also, Monday, September 30, is the deadline to qualify for the Fill-It-Up Early Bird XZ SoftDart Crossbow!
Scouting University
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Troy University, Troy, AL

It's time again to celebrate fall and ready ourselves for Merit Badge University.  2013 marks the fourth anniversary of heading to Troy University's beautiful main campus in Troy, AL. 

New to this year's class lineup is Discover Scuba -- Scouts can see what it's like to breathe underwater and decide if a full scuba course is right for them.  We will still host lunch in the campus dining facility where Scouts can feast from six different food bars. 

Registration is $40.00 for Scouts and $25.00 for Leaders and includes a patch, t-shirt, and lunch.  Register at 
Akela Cub Campouts
Saturdays in October & November, 2013
The BB guns are loaded. We have strung up the bows and dusted off the targets. The lakes are clear and fish are jumping. Camp Alaflo is ready. Are you? Have you signed up for the Akela Cub Campout? Remember, we have four dates for you to choose from this year.

We are offering games, crafts, BB guns, archery, fishing, races and much, much more. We will provide Saturday's supper.

You need to bring a tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, and a sack lunch for Saturday. If you need camping equipment, contact the Scout Service Center at 334.793.7882. Check-in will be from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

The Cost is $25.00 for a Cub Scout and 1 parent, $10.00 for an additional Cub Scout, and $5.00 for each additional family member (to cover the cost of their food and insurance).  

Menawa Akela date / location
Oct. 5 / Camp Alaflo

Creek Akela date / location
Oct. 12 / Camp Alaflo

Muskoke North Akela date/location
Oct. 19 / Camp Alalfo

Muskoke South Akela date/location
Nov. 2 / Florida Caverns

You are welcome to attend any and all of the campouts. You are not limited to just your district's campout.
Our council website address has changed to  The old address has been discontinued and will not link to our website. 

The change is part of a process to improve our website.  We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Please pass this information along to all your leaders. 
Scout Office Closed Saturdays
Scout Service Center
With the retirement of Ms. Bonita and shifting work responsibilities, the Scout Service Center will be closed on Saturdays.   
Scheduled Events and News
Camp Alaflo Open House
Show & Sell Popcorn Pick-Upys
Scouting University
Akela Cub Campouts
Council Website Address Change
Scout Office Closed Saturdays
Join Our Mailing List!
Contact Information
Jerry Freyberg
Alabama-Florida Council Boy Scouts of America

David McArthur
The Journey E-newsletter Editor