Alabama-Florida Council
Boy Scouts of America
Upcoming Events and News
BSA Fleurdelis
The Journey newsletter is dedicated to helping volunteers and parents deliver the 'Promise of Scouting' through information on upcoming council events and news.
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  • Fireside Chat on BSA Membership Standards  
Fireside Chat on BSA Membership Standards
Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 6:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church of Enterprise
Baptist Center
109 E. Lee St (next to Sessions Cleaners)
Enterprise, AL


Thursday, March 21, 2013, 6:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church of Dothan
3012 West Main St (1 block west of circle)
Dothan, AL

 In order to provide an opportunity for local councils to communicate the impact of change or no change in the current policy on Membership Standards, the National BSA has developed a course of action that includes education on the current status, opportunities for local discussion and fact gathering on impact.  This process will assimilate the input of information from local councils to form a Regional Recommendation, and an education phase for voting members.  For this purpose, our Council Key 3 is hosting two Fireside Chats for our volunteers and charter partners to discuss this important topic and provide feedback to National BSA on the potential impact in the Alabama-Florida Council.

Please note that to facilitate the Fireside Chats, the Creek District Roundtable and Muskoke District Roundtable scheduled for March 21 have been canceled.

A FAQ page is available at our website at under the news tab. 
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Contact Information
Jerry Freyberg
Alabama-Florida Council Boy Scouts of America

David McArthur
The Journey E-newsletter Editor