MCCPTA News and Updates                                            February 2014

February looks to be a whirlwind of PTA advocacy; how better to warm up and escape the brutal cold we've faced this winter than by breaking a sweat to win funding for our students and schools?


I'm no gambler (sorry, Maryland Live!), but if YOU, our PTA leaders, members, and supporters reading this will put in a couple nights this month at County Council CIP hearings and Maryland PTA Night in Annapolis, I'd bet we just might get the nearly $2 billion we require from our county and state to build the schools our kids need now. Not ten or twenty years from now, but within the next five years. This is our opportunity. This is your opportunity. You can't count on someone else to show up; not this time.  Either you seize the moment, or "You get what you get and you don't get upset."  I can say we are 50,000 members strong all I want--we are, and I will--but politicians actually need to see you, too. Show them PTA. 


So join me this week in Rockville.  And come out again on the evening of Thursday, February 13th to Annapolis; we've got five buses coming from all parts of Montgomery County so you don't even have to drive if you register!  Bring your friends, family, and students.  Wear your school spirit finest.  And, make a difference.


Janette Gilman

President, Montgomery County Council of PTAs
Annapolis, We're Coming Back!

PTA and MCCPTA leaders trudged out to Annapolis on Friday, January 10th, and came home optimistic and keenly aware that to get the funding our schools need--and support for our other priority issues--we must go back to Annapolis.  Not by the dozens, but by the hundreds, with our children in tow.   


And that is why, on Thursday evening, February 13th, we are asking every one of you to join us--and to bring your friends, neighbors, grandparents, and students--when we go to Maryland PTA Night in Annapolis. You are welcome to meet us there OR to take one of the five (5) school buses MCCPTA is sending from points throughout Montgomery County; CLICK HERE for details and links to register to ride free free from Bethesda, Germantown, Poolesville, Rockville, or Silver Spring. 



SSL hours will be given to middle and high school students who come prepared to tell delegates and senators why our schools need their support; students must be accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian(s). SSL forms will be provided by MCCPTA in Annapolis.  


Please remember that due to security in the State buildings, ALL ADULTS MUST BRING A PICTURE ID TO ANNAPOLIS. 
County Council CIP Hearings: PTA Must Be Seen to Be Heard
MCCPTA cluster coordinators, leaders, and PTA representatives will be testifying before the County Council on the critical capacity, revitalization and expansion (rev/ex), and maintenance needs of our schools on Wednesday, February 5 at 1:30pm and 7pm, and on Thursday, February 6 at 7pm, in the Council Hearing Room, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville.  
We need YOU and members of your school community--including the kids--to come to those hearings and let our elected officials see that schools are our #1 priority, and we expect them to be their #1 priority as well.  To see when your school cluster leader will be speaking LOOK HERE on our MCCPTA website; testimony times are pending final Council scheduling and confirmation. We encourage you to come out in support to one of the three sessions even if it is not the one at which your cluster or school is represented; support for public schools is support for every school.
You can also be seen by sending an email...RIGHT NOW, before you read another word! County Council President Craig Rice said on January 20th that he wants to get emails from parents and PTA members countywide if they really support the push for funding for our schools. Send Councilman Rice an email by CLICKING HERE. We gave you a start....add your own thought about increasing county funding for schools, including school construction and maintenance.  Tell Craig Rice about YOUR school's capacity, rev/ex, and/or maintenance needs. It's quick and easy, and it will make a difference.
MCCPTA Annual Operating Budget Forum
MCCPTA will be hosting our annual Operating Budget Forum on Tuesday, February 25th, 7:30-9:00pm in the Auditorium of the Carver Educational Services Center. All members of the Board of Education, several County Councilmembers (Berliner, Floreen, Navarro, and Reimer), and Superintendent Starr already have confirmed their attendance; County Executive Leggett and several other County Councilmembers have tentatively reserved the night for us. Councilmember Andrews has declined.
This year we will provide panelists questions in advance; we will draw those questions from member input. CLICK HERE to send an email with your questions to our MCCPTA Forum Inbox; we are requesting input by Friday, February 7 so questions can be finalized and provided to our panelists in advance of the forum.
Push to Waive MSA Testing Gaining Even More Support
Concerned that federal law is forcing our students to take statewide assessments that no longer align with curriculum, the MCCPTA Board of Directors (BOD), in early December passed a resolution to advocate for the cancellation of MSA exams this school year.  Pursuant to that resolution, the president of MCCPTA sent letters to Maryland State Superintendent Lowery, the Maryland State Board of Education, and the Montgomery County Board of Education, urging their support to have the tests waived in 2014.

Our position continues to gather momentum. Two members of the Montgomery County Delegation, Senator Nancy King (District 39) of Montgomery Village and Delegate Eric Luedtke (District 14) of Burtonsville, have pending legislation before the Maryland General Assembly to have the tests waived. The superintendents of 22 of 24 Maryland school districts also have signed on to a letter which, among its key concerns, asks state and federal officials to drop the MSA testing requirement. 
MCCPTA Annual Achievement Award Nominations Now Open
Nominations are now open for 2013-2014 MCCPTA Achievement Awards--as well as a range of awards including annual awards from MCPS, MSDE, the Washington Post, and our MCCPTA Special Education Awards--for the special volunteers, educators, students, and/or staff members in your community. Award information can be FOUND HERE on our MCCPTA website; our Awards Toolkit is one of many resources to be found under "Tools" on the menu bar. Don't delay; many award nominations close early this month. The deadline for MCCPTA award nominations is March 7, 2014.  
Urge Your Community Members to be Heard on Bell Times
MCCPTA urges every PTA and PTSA to encourage the members of their school community to share their views on the Superintendent's recommendation on bell times.  MCPS has created a Neighbor-to-Neighbor toolkit to facilitate providing input; CLICK HERE to access this program and resources.   
There will be parent, student, and staff surveys coming out shortly; and one last Bell Times Community forum is coming up at which the members of your community may provide input. The remaining forum will be held Monday, February 10: Montgomery Blair High School, 51 University Blvd., East, in Silver Spring.  The forum will be held 7-8:30pm; free child care (ages 4 and older) and interpretation services will be provided.
PTA Logo

MCCPTA Officers  

Janette Gilman

VP for Educational Issues 

Vice President for Administration 
Frances Frost

Vice President for Programs  
Paul Geller

Vice President for Legislation
Lynne Harris

Susan Burkinshaw

Recording Secretary -
Board of Directors 
Karen Collishaw

Recording Secretary - Delegates Assembly 
Kellie Schoolar-Reynolds
Office Administrator
Pamela Loebach 

Upcoming Dates

County Council Hearings 
on FY 2015 Capital Budget
Wednesday, February 5
1:30pm and 7:00pm
Council Hearing Room
100 Maryland Avenue

County Council Hearings 
on FY 2015 Capital Budget
Thursday, February 6
7:00pm ONLY
Council Hearing Room
100 Maryland Avenue

Maryland PTA Night in Annapolis
Thursday, February 13
Get on the Bus!


MCCPTA Student Service Learning (SSL) Night
Wednesday, February 19 
Cafeteria, Carver Educational Services Center
February Delegates Assembly
Tuesday, February 25
Auditorium, Carver Educational Services Center
MCCPTA Operating Budget Forum
Tuesday, February 25
Auditorium, Carver Educational Services Center
MCCPTA-MCPS Literacy Curriculum Night
Wednesday, March 12
Location TBD
MCCPTA Presents!
Tuesday, March 25
Auditorium, Carver Educational Services Center
March Delegates Assembly
Tuesday, March 25
Auditorium, Carver Educational Services Center
MCCPTA 3rd Annual Performing Arts Festival
Saturday, April 5 @ Rockville Town Center
Sunday, April 6 @ Downtown Silver Spring
MCCPTA Presents!
Tuesday, April 22
Auditorium, Carver Educational Services Center
April Delegates Assembly
Annual Meeting 
Tuesday, April 22
Auditorium, Carver Educational Services Center
MCCPTA-MCPS Math Curriculum Night
Thursday, April 24
Location TBD 

MCCPTA Presidents and Principals Dinner
Thursday, May 1
North Bethesda Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
MCCPTA 26th Annual Special Education Awards Ceremony
Monday, May 12
Rockville High School
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