Advocacy Action Alert
Email Campaign to County Council President Craig Rice for County Support of School Construction Funding

County Council President Craig Rice said on January 20th that he wants to get emails from parents and PTA members countywide if they really support the push for funding for our schools.

Do we support funding for school construction?  Of course we do.  Do you have two minutes to send an email.  Of course YOU do.  Let's write!  Let's send hundreds of emails between today and County Council CIP hearings next week.  

Send Councilman Rice an email by CLICKING HERE.  We gave you a start....add your own thought about increasing county funding for schools, including school construction and maintenance.  Tell Craig Rice about YOUR school's capacity, modernization, and/or maintenance needs. 
Take two minutes to write and send an email.  Don't put it off.  Together we can make a difference.