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MCCPTA News and Updates                                                  November 2012

In this edition of MCCPTA News and Updates find information about PTA advocacy, more membership successes, the upcoming MCCPTA Presents program featuring Superintendent Joshua Starr, our Student Involvement Committee-led Food Drive, and important MCCPTA delegates nuts and bolts. 


Janette Gilman

Montgomery County Council of PTAs
CIP Advocacy Season is Now
Your school need a new roof?  Permanent classroom space? Classroom technology? All of this and more fall under the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget.  Read the Superintendent's proposed CIP budget HERE.  
MCCPTA cluster coordinators and representatives from each high school cluster will be testifying before the Montgomery County Board of Education of Education on Monday Novmeber 12 or Thursday November 15 from 7 PM (to roughly 9:30 PM) at the Carver Educational Services Center. View the schedule of cluster testimonies and speakers HERE.
Local PTAs Lead Support of the MCPS Technology Initiative
Leaders, students, and PTA members of S. Christa McAuliffe ES PTA and Belmont ES PTA did more than vote on Tuesday November 6th, they came out and spoke to the Montgomery County Council about the benefits of technology in our schools and the belief that access to these tools should be equitable among all in our school system.  S. Christa McAuliffe ES PTA started an online petition that had garnered over 900 signatures from across the county as of this writing; view and access that petition HERE.   
The County Council is scheduled to vote on the supplemental funding that would enable this initiative the week of November 12th. If you want your voice heard, the time is now.
PTA Membership Taking Off All Across Our County

PTA in Montgomery County is on the grow!  Local PTAs and PTSAs from every corner of the county are welcoming parents, students, staff, and community members to be part of PTA at their schools and THEY ARE JOINING!  Indeed, membership success has been so strong that some schools can't get enough membership cards to meet their demand!
It's never too late to grow your PTA and engage your school community.  If you or your PTA would like ideas or help, visit our Membership Tool Kit and/or contact our MCCPTA Membership and Engagement Chair who is working with our Multicultural Awareness Committee leaders and Student Involvement Committee leaders to grow local PTAs in support of every child at every school in our community.
Next MCCPTA Presents:
Social-Emotional Learning with Superintendent Joshua Starr
Our next MCCPTA Presents program will take place on Tuesday, November 27, 6:30-7:30 PM in the auditorium at the Carver Educational Services Center in Rockville; the program features Dr. Joshua Starr.  
If you missed our October MCCPTA Presents: Building Successful School Partnerships featuring an elementary classroom teacher and principal, a director of school support and improvement, a community superintendent, and a parent, you can still catch that program on MCPS TV Comcast channel 34, Verizon channel 36, and RCN channel 89 at 11 AM and 8 PM this Saturday and Sunday, November 10 and 11.  
Student Involvement Committee Leading November Food Drive
If you have any extra cans in your pantry, please be sure to bring them to MCCPTA's November Delegates Assembly OR MCCPTA Presents program. The Student Involvement Committee will work with the Richard Montgomery SGA to collect canned food and deliver it to the Manna Food Center. 
Our MCCPTA Student Service Learning  (SSL) Subcommittee also will be on hand with an information table to answer questions on the State of Maryland SSL graduation requirement and opportunities.   
Show your PT(S)A spirit by helping to fight hunger in Montgomery County!  
November Delegates Assembly
The next MCCPTA Delegates Assembly (DA) will be held on Tuesday, November 27, starting at 7:30 PM in the Auditorium of the Carver Educational Services Center.  This month's agenda will feature updates MCCPTA's budget advocacy, discussion of our proposed 2012-2013 Legislative Platform, and a brief greeting and introduction of the awards given by the Marian Greenblatt Education Fund by Dr. Marshal Greenblatt. 
Delegate Cards will be distributed starting at 6 PM in Room 127 (straight down the hall and to the left from the "usual" auditorium entrance). Delegates may pick up the cards in Room 127 from 6-8 PM. Current PTA membership cards are required.   Cards are required to vote at the DA.
Visit the New MCCPTA Website
You haven't checked it out yet?  WHAT are you waiting for? An invitation?  Here it is!
MCCPTA unveiled our new web presence last month at This site, designed and built by our MCCPTA volunteer Webmaster Doni Stassel, is a user-friendly resource for local PTAs and their and members, county PTA leaders, and all in our community who are interested in the work, activities, and scope of the Montgomery County Council of PTAs. Our original website remains "live" and serves as an archive of previous MCCPTA position and activities.

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Upcoming Dates

Board of Education Hearings on Boundaries and Facilities 
(Capital Improvement)
Monday, November 12
Auditiorium, Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

Board of Education Hearings on Boundaries and Facilities 
(Capital Improvement)
Thursday, November 15
Auditiorium, Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

MCCPTA Presents:
Social-Emotional Learning featuring Superintendent Joshua Starr
Tuesday, November 27
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Auditorium, Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

November Delegates Assembly
Food Drive for Manna
Tuesday, November 27
Auditorium, Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

MCCPTA Presents:
Equity and Excellence - A Practical Team Approach
Tuesday, January 22
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

January Delegates Assembly
Tuesday, January 22
Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

MCCPTA Presents:
FY2013 Operating Budget Forum
featuring elected county leaders
Tuesday, February 26
Auditorium, Carver Center
850 Hungerford Drive

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