Michigan Birth to Three Programs & Policies Discussions

On March 9 and 10 ECIC partnered with several organizations to host two days of in-depth discussion among a diverse group of early childhood stakeholders, advocates, and practitioners about birth to three programs and policies.  On March 9th, we considered the state and federal landscapes for home visiting and child care.  The Investment Corporation collaborated with the following organizations to plan the March 9th meeting: Council for a Strong America, Michigan's Children, the Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health, the Michigan Department of Education - Office of Great Start, and Public Sector Consultants.


On March 10th, we had an opportunity to learn about Early On� Michigan as well as about how other states across the country have structured the implementation and funding of their Part C of I.D.E.A. early intervention policies and programs. The session included information about our state and local level implementation as well as a presentation by Maureen Greer, Executive Director, IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association.  Consultants from Zero to Three and the Ounce of Prevention Fund facilitated our discussion.  Our focused discussion on Early On� was planned and implemented in partnership with Michigan's Children with funding from the Alliance for Early Success. 


Presentations and additional resources from the convenings are available on the Early Childhood Investment Corporation website

  ECIC Expertise Shared Across the State

The core strength of the Early Childhood Investment Corporation is its dynamic, creative, and dedicated team of early childhood experts.  Staff are frequently asked to present at research and practice conferences and convenings across the state. You can catch them at the following upcoming conferences:


Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children (MiAEYC) Early Childhood Conference - Grand Rapids

Date: April 23, 2015

Presentation:  "Race to the Top with Great Start to Quality"

ECIC Team Members: Kelly Kreider and Sheri Butters


Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children (MiAEYC) Early Childhood Conference
Location:  Grand Rapids, MI
Date: April 24, 2015
Presentation:  "Is There a Hole in my Bucket? Understanding Authentic Parent Engagement & Key Drivers to Success"
ECIC Team Members: Bryn Fortune and Holly Wingard


Michigan Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference
Location: Mt. Pleasant, MI
Date:  May 1, 2015
Presentation:  "Is There a Hole in my Bucket? Understanding Authentic Parent Engagement & Key Drivers to Success"
ECIC Team Members: Bryn Fortune and Holly Wingard 


Click here to see the history of past presentations.

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