September 5 - 9, 2016
In This Issue
 Check Mass times, exam dates, special events, and more by clicking on the QuickLink above.
Saint of the Month  
St. Vincent de Paul

Virtue of the Month 
  To view faith events in and around Calgary, please visit the Faith & Family section of our website or click on the QuickLink above.
 Visit the Crusaders website for sports information and more! Click on the QuickLink above.
First school-wide Mass with Fr. John and Deacon Michael.
Ms. Warcop's Kindergarten class visiting Mr. Forrester, our principal, in his office.
Mr. DeLaval getting staff and teachers pumped up for another great year at Clear Water Academy!
Clear Water Academy
2521 Dieppe Ave SW
CALGARY, Alberta T3E 7J9
(403) 217-8448

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Welcome Back!

Our Annual Welcome Back BBQ will take place on Friday, September 9th from 2:15 - 5:30 p.m on the green space next to Harvey Hall (gymnasium). All our families are invited and encouraged to attend. 

Please bring your own lawn chairs! We hope to see you all there!

Save The Date! 
Mary's Meals Founder & CEO Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow Coming To CWA

We are pleased to announce that Mary's Meals Founder & CEO Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow is coming to Clear Water Academy on Monday, September 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Athlone Hall Auditorium. No RSVP or tickets required. Please spread the word and bring friends and family!

Last year, in May, you may recall that we held a Mary's Meals day, on which all of our students wore blue for Mary and contributed a toonie in support of Mary's Meals. On that single day, we raised enough money to feed 150 children for an entire year through Mary's Meals. Our goal for this school year is to raise enough funds to feed 500 children for an entire year. To learn more, visit Mary's Meals website and watch the 30-minute video below with your family.  

Magnus MacFarlane and Mary's Meals is a truly amazing story and we are very blessed to have the opportunity to learn more and help serve the poor in our world in this way. 

Child 31 - Mary's Meals
Child 31 - Mary's Meals
E-Directory and Media Consent Form

E-Directory and Media Consent Forms were distributed at the beginning of the school year. If you would like to change your contact information or permissions, please submit an updated E-DIRECTORY AND MEDIA CONSENT FORM.

Please note, if you are a returning family and your information HAS NOT changed from last year, you are NOT REQUIRED to submit another form. You only need to submit a form if you have never filled one out or you would like to change your information and/or permissions.

Questions? Please contact Karin Vetter by EMAIL .

Due to popular demand, we are pleased to offer the Healthy Hunger lunch program again this year!

The first lunch date will be Thursday, September 8th and orders must be placed at least 5 days prior. For this first lunch day, you must have your order in by no later than this Sunday, September 4th by midnight.

You may pre-order lunches in advance, and if you need to cancel, you will get a refund as long as the cancellation is made at least 5 days prior to a lunch date.

If you do not already have an account set-up with Healthy Hunger, you must first create an account. Once you have done that, you can follow the simple steps to get your order placed!

To register for lunch(es), click HERE.

Questions? Please contact Bonnie DeGroot by EMAIL.

Pray the Rosary With Us!

Please join us on Wednesday mornings after drop-off in the Bessborough Hall Chapel to pray the Rosary. This is a beautiful way to start off your day.

We hope to see many of you there!

At Clear Water Academy, we have several communication tools that we use to keep you informed:

1) Emails - the school will send out emails when there is important news to be communicated. We do try to limit the amount of emails going out, however, some weeks may have more information than others. Please add to your safe lists to ensure that you receive messages to your inbox. 

2) The Weekly - sent out every Friday to all families to announce upcoming events and important news.

3) Facebook - like us on Facebook! We will slowly be phasing out our Crusaders Facebook page and moving everything over to our main Clear Water Academy Facebook page. So make sure to like us today!

4) Instagram - follow us  on Instagram and see photos of Clear Water Academy school events, field trips, parent events, Mass, and more!

5) School Website - find information about uniforms, school forms, lunch program, admissions, and more on our website. We will be making improvements and enhancements to our current website and hope to launch in October.

Please be advised that we have decided to remove the Clear Water Academy app as a means of communication. There were some technical issues with the app itself and based on feedback from staff and parents, was not as effective as we had hoped. Thank you for your understanding.

Are You Following Us On Instagram? Have You Liked Us on Facebook?

Thank you to our MANY followers on Instagram. We hope that you're enjoying all the photos so far. We certainly are enjoying posting them for your viewing pleasure!

Our Instagram page highlights and showcases the every day activities at Clear Water Academy, we have created an Instagram Account. If you are already on Instagram, follow us now! If you don't have an account or don't want to create one, no problem! You can still view our posts HERE.

We are also on Facebook! Like our page today and stay informed on all things CWA!
Our Used Uniform Store has been very busy the last couple of weeks! 

Please note that due to an overstock of inventory, we are currently not accepting any more used items. We will advise when we will be accepting items again. Thank you for your understanding.

For future reference, any items dropped off to the Uniform Store for sale MUST be properly washed and have no stains on them. The items must be in saleable condition or they will be discarded. Thank you for your cooperation!
Uniform Requirements

Our school uniform is a part of who we are as a Catholic School of Integral Formation, and all our students should wear them with pride.

Our official uniform provider is Top Marks and you may place an order online directly from their website.

Parents may also purchase gently used uniform pieces from our Used Uniform Store open Thursdays from 8:40a.m. (just after prayers) to 9:40 a.m. and again from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

It is important that uniform pieces are purchased directly through Top Marks or from the Used Uniform Store (as long as the pieces are Top Marks items). Please do not purchase uniform pieces from other stores as we strive to have all our uniforms look consistent in colour and style. Thank you for our cooperation and understanding.

Funds raised through our on-going bottle drive will go towards High School Trips.  It's an easy way to participate and support our students in their apostolic work! 

We have placed a storage shed near the doors at Harvey Hall (gymnasium). If you have any recyclable items to return for deposit, please drop them off to the storage shed that will be unlocked daily at 8:00 am. If at all possible, please make every effort to rinse out your items before putting them in the shed. Thank you for your donations!      

High School volleyball tryouts concluded this past week.  
Junior High volleyball tryouts begin next week.  Any Junior High Boys interested in playing will have tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th (7 - 8:10 a.m.) & Thursday, September 8th (3:45 - 5:30 p.m.)

Any Junior High girls interested in playing will have tryouts on Wednesday, September 7th (3:45 - 5:30 p.m.) & Friday, September 9th (7:00 - 8:10 a.m.)
Cross Country Running
We had 5 Junior High runners attend an information meeting on September 1st. Cross Country races begin on Thursday, September 8th.   
There was an information meeting for all prospective Junior/Senior High golfers on September 1st. The High School golf tournament is on Monday, September 19th @ Redwood Meadows. The Junior High golf tournament is on Wednesday, October 5th at Springbank Links.   Watch for an e-mail for additional information.
Help Wanted
We host 4 weekend athletic tournaments per year at CWA.  The first two tournaments are volleyball tournaments. Please contact Mr. DeLaval by EMAIL if you are interested in helping out. Thank you in advance!