Radiate Your REAL Essence
Summer lovin' is here...and, I am so happy for it.  And, I don't just mean love for others, but I also mean love for yourself.  It's been a tough month (well, a tough year) for my family.  And, last month, my dad passed away.  It still feels surreal.  But, for those of you who have been reading along over the last year, you might know I have found blessings in many moments leading up to this one.  

On the day he passed, I experienced an inappropriate response after his passing...from the last person on earth you'd expect to behave this way.  BUT, I was reminded of one of the most important coaching concepts I use in my life...that when I see the perfection in another (especially when it's a relationship that brings turbulence to my life), I can move past the issues and grow.  
This is true because the person you are in relationship with is mirroring back to you something you can learn about yourself.  The learning usually leads to more self-acceptance and acceptance of others, too.  In other words, we can feel warm fuzzy feelings for others (and ourselves) even during those times you can't imagine.
So, every relationship serves as a tool or resource for us to evolve.  As we evolve, we can expand our awareness.  We experience more emotional freedom as we learn to embrace different sides of ourselves and others.  We can also see new perspectives and become more open to opportunities that we might otherwise miss or ignore.  
Check out the blogs below to read about the important lesson I re-learned when my dad died and an exercise you can do (in 3 minutes) that will have you look at everyone in your life (including yourself) in a whole new light.
Let me know what you think about what I learned and how you experience the exercise...it's really a game-changer!  
Rosie Reveals
Wow, I Must Be Amazing!  Bet you are, too!  Find out...
You might have heard the saying "what goes around, comes around."  Or, in coaching circles, people say "You get (back) what you put out in to the world." 
Given that I've received so much love and support this last month (after my father passing away), I realized I must be exuding a lot of love and hope.)
BUT, it wasn't all hearts and roses.  Fortunately, by seeing the perfection in another person, I was able to transform a painful experience into something I'll remember forever. 

~ Learn More ~
Rosie's Favs
Ready to Look in the Mirror...and, See the Real YOU?
Some relationships can be so rewarding while some can be so frustrating.  
What if all of those relationships were a gift, a chance to grow personally, evolve your life, and help you relax a bit?  
Check out this theory I love about relationships and how they help us in our lives. 
Best part is you can do a quick exercise that will immediately help you relate to and possibly even enjoy someone who annoys you the most in this world.  I promise!

~ Learn More ~

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 P.S.  If you want to feel a closer connection to who you really are and experience YOUR "perfect" life that is waiting for you, check out my NEW (3 hour) Intensive Session called "Honor Yourself" or click the icon below to schedule your "Inspired Life Session."


Or, if you're ready to commit to experiencing all that you desire in your life and doing it with more grace and ease, sign on for the "Be Perfectly YOU!" program. 


Inspired Life Session
YOUR 'Inspired Life" Session