Radiate Your REAL Essence

As I'm sure you've heard, New Year's Resolutions don't work!

I've even found that traditional goal setting doesn't work. (Yep, I'm a coach, and I just wrote that goal setting doesn't work...well, traditional goal setting).

What is an enthusiastic, go-getter supposed to do with his or her life?!  

Good news! This is a great time to tap into the reflective energy of December and the renewing energy of January to...
  • Develop a new vision and paradigm for life
  • Commit to yourself and an evolved way of living
  • Approach 2015 with a WHOLE new way of planning

As my New Year's GIFT to you, I'm sharing a tool that includes the following 2 exercises that provide the opportunity: 

  1. To complete with the past year 
  2. To tune into what can motivate you moving forward.
So, if you're ready to design a lifestyle that allows you to move forward in life more naturally and enthusiastically while achieving results, try out these exercises I use.

Approach and Exercises

This approach will help you re-commit and focus all of your efforts for the coming year! The exercises are broken out into two parts. The first is about honoring and celebrating 2014.  And, then there is another exercise to inspire you to go for what you want in 2015!

Completing 2014

It's important to take time to be complete with the past. This allows you to be in a better place to develop new goals (or as I call them "desired outcomes") you wish to experience. Ideally, you can do this review close to December 21st (i.e., the winter solstice) which is an opportune time for completion.

The process begins with reviewing accomplishments, failures, surprises, and learnings experienced in 2014.  It helps to be aware of what worked and didn't work in the past so that you can determine how you want the next phase of your life to unfold and how you want to feel. Use the information from the past to help inform how you'd like to proceed.

Preparing for 2015

With a deeper understanding of how you have evolved and a renewed energy, you can move forward with creating desired outcomes for 2015 that are even more relevant and enjoyable to experience.

This approach helps you go from chasing goals to creating a life that allows you to gracefully (and excitedly) attain life results you adore:-)

Welcome 2015!   Grab your Complimentary Gift Here.  Enjoy it and let me know what you think.  Now IS the time to set the stage to call forth all you desire and want to create in 2015. Here's HOW. Give yourself some time, space and make it FUN.  You are WORTH it!

Much Love,

P.S.  If you want to feel a closer connection to who you really are and experience YOUR "perfect" life that is waiting for you, check out my 3 hour Intensive Session called "Honor Yourself" or click the icon below to schedule your "Inspired Life Session."


If you're ready to commit to experiencing all that you desire in your life and doing it with more grace and ease, sign on for the "Be Perfectly YOU!" program. 


YOUR 'Inspired Life" Session


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