Radiate Your REAL Essence

Ahhh Spring...who is celebrating after this harsh winter?!  I know I am:-)  It's time for renewal and rejuvenation.  Are you ready?  
If you need a little help getting in to the spirit of Spring, no worries...I've got you covered this month.
Want to know what is at the crux of feeling good and re-energized?
TRUTH...so, let's talk about it.

I continue to see the resounding theme that we must all work on accepting our truth.
What does that really mean?   
Basically, it's about accepting ourselves and where we are in life. 
And NO, it doesn't have to be scary.  
The PAYOFF...it's really the only way to change our lives!
Without that acceptance, we can't move forward in life.  We might think we are shifting and making changes because we're feeling busy, but sometimes we focus on activities that don't really lead us to where we want to be in life or forget the deeper reason of why we're taking part in an activity.  

I see this in my own life even though I HONESTLY believe I accept myself (well, most of the time:-) and live on purpose.
But, when my intention shifts and I become preoccupied with the process of living versus the purpose of living, my self-acceptance and my truth go a little off base.  
I end up focusing more on emptying my inbox versus fulfilling my soul or my favorite activities (such as meditating, journaling, and going to yoga) land on my never ending to-do list instead of their original intent to reconnect within. 
And, when I accept myself (even the messy parts), I live from my soul, I am connected to my purpose.
My energy and intention become realigned with my truth, my purpose, and my soul, therefore I'm inspired to take action.  That action includes anything from answering work emails to practicing yoga to running errands, but I do them with a lot more grace, ease, and joy. 

So, how do we do it?

I went behind the scenes with two amazing women in Chicago - - the funny and captivating Maya James and the inspirational powerhouse Megan Chappell - - to delve deeper into experiencing self-acceptance, connecting with your truth, and FINALLY strengthening the greatest love affair you'll ever have in your life, with YOU!   
Hope you enjoy the article and video below...& find yourself feeling more alive with your truth!
With Love,
Rosie Reveals
"Let's Get Happy" by Milky Way: The Life of a Chocolate Girl in the City
Get over the Winter blues (and now the gray skies of Spring) by...
Checking out Maya's blog where I share simple yet powerful ways to connect with your truth.
Be even more motivated to go for the "goals" or "resolutions" you set in January...it's time to wake up:-)

~ Learn More ~
Rosie's Favs
Tru by Megan: How Self Love Leads to the Life You Love!
Megan Chappell (an expert in changing mindset through movement) interviewed me as part of her TRU Love series.  
We discuss how I thought I was practicing self-love.  But, OOPS...I actually wasn't and what I learned from the realization.   
Are you doing the same thing?!

~ Learn More ~

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 P.S.  If you want to feel a closer connection to who you really are and experience YOUR "perfect" life that is waiting for you, check out my NEW (3 hour) Intensive Session called "Honor Yourself" or click the icon below to schedule your "Inspired Life Session."


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