Rosie Guagliardo's InnerBrilliance Coaching
Radiate Your REAL Essence
As the holidays approach, I get emotional surveying the year...what has gone my way and what has not headed in the direction I hoped.  And, this year has been one of the most exciting AND tumultuous years...from going full time with my coaching career (which I LOVE:-) to negotiating my parents' health care needs.

As I've held on to my positivity and appreciation for the process of life, I've also felt moments of defeat during the tough times.  And, although I know I need to feel my feelings, I've is my attitude of positivity and gratitude paying off?!  It doesn't always feel better.  

That is when I catch myself.  I notice that in those moments of feeling deflated, I'm worrying about what will happen in the future and generally coming from a place of fear.  So, I recover and remind myself that gratitude is a choice and to practice it again. (I call it "practice" for a reason:-)  

In fact, scientific studies show that practicing gratitude DAILY improves your emotional and physical well-being.  It makes you 25% happier!  So, it's especially important to be appreciative of life during tough times when all you want is to feel happier.

Here are the FOUR keys to practice gratitude and how I did it when I thought about my parents' healthcare needs:
  • Live in the Moment:  In this moment, I choose to focus on the fact that my parents are with us and my family is spending more time together than ever. 
  • Notice the Blessing(s): I've known that my nieces and nephews are funny, loving, and interesting people.  And now, after seeing how they are going above and beyond expectations to show my parents how much they are deeply loved, I find them even more admirable and respectable.  I'm prouder and happier to know these young adults. 
  • Choose an Empowering Perspective:  I remind myself of the perspective I took on earlier this year when we first learned about my parents' health care needs...that we are afforded the gift of time...the opportunity to help them think about how they'd like to live the rest of their lives while we support them every step of the way like they have supported their children and grandchildren.
  • Feel the Feelings:  Beyond writing or thinking about what you're grateful for, you must also feel the feelings associated with what you're appreciative about in your life.  As I write this, I'm overwhelmed with the love I've felt being with my parents, my extended family, and my supportive friends.  I can't help but be grateful for all of this love coming our way.  
What is a more empowering perspective you can consider - especially during a difficult situation?  Start by focusing on this very second of your life and ask yourself what is a nugget of positive truth.
Take Care,  


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P.S.  If you're starting to think about New Year's Resolutions - forget it!  It's like walking straight into more struggle, more suffering and more failure. And, they don't work.


What does... is creating a life designed perfectly for you inspired by your truth, core values, desires, and HOW you want to feel daily.  It IS possible AND you don't have to wait till 2014. Your evolution can begin now.


My program  Be "Perfectly" You is a personalized journey to delve deep into connecting within, exploring possibilities for your life, and re-creating what's 'right' for you now. Check out the program before December 31st!

P.P.S.  To learn more about being grateful, stay tuned for my chapter in the book Roadmap To Success being published soon!
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