Rosie Guagliardo's InnerBrilliance Coaching
Stop Dimming...Start Living

As Fall begins, I think about how I'd like to finish out 2013 so that I'm motivated to go for what I want next year.  I start by looking at what drains my energy, or as my business coach asks...where are your "leaky holes?"  Simply addressing those "leaks" immediately fires me up to go for what I want!  
Those energy drains can be perceived or real.  I'm reducing things I feel like I "have to do" and replacing them with activities I am way more lit up to do. 

Here's my easy mindset tip for an instant upgrade: shift from an activity that feels like one you "have to do" to one that you "want to do" by re-connecting with the purpose of WHY you're doing it.  
Reminding yourself about your intention for the task transforms your energy, so you'll look forward to accomplishing it
For example, with this newsletter, I remind myself about how excited I am to share info I learn with you (in easy to digest bites).  So, I've added new sections such as:
  • "Rosie Reveals" where I provide offers and insights.  This week, it features my latest secret "activity" that keeps me going all day.  I finally share it as I see reports of this activity in breaking news - from social media sites to major newspapers.    
  • "My Favorites" where I share resources that enhance all areas of life.  My latest find is a nutritious snack that tastes like dessert!  YUM:-)

I look forward to sharing with you as I transition to having even more inspired actions in my life.  So, join me in looking at where we're disconnected from our life purpose and intentions.  We can get back on track, do things we love to do, and be ready to strive for those new year's resolutions - and actually achieve them:-)  In fact, check out my offer below in the P.S. for how I can help.      


Take Care,  


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P.S.  Are you tired of trying to get everything done on your "to do" list, maybe even going for a set of goals you're not sure you want anymore? 

Would you rather be:
  • lit up about your next steps? 
  • more excited daily?
  • inspired to take action on your goals + desires

If so, get ready to delve deeper into YOUR perfectly-inspired life.  Join me as I guide you AND design with you.  Get started with my complimentary 'Inspired Life' Session .  Go from dimming to REALLY living & out of hiding and into ultimately, shining the REAL you, click here to set up a time to meet.

Rosie Reveals...
DaVinci & Ben Franklin's Secret To Success - Naps!
Profile Photo
True confession...
I nap MOST days of the week.  Yes, DURING the work week!  And, it is EVEN scheduled on my calendar. 

Plus, I have discovered just the perfect way for me to nap so I can get the MOST out of it... (i.e., being more alert, improved functional performance, and better cognitive memory
Why is creating the perfect nap all the buzz?  ~ Learn More  
My Favorites...
Most Amazing Snack Bar - Mark Bars
I'm addicted...these Mark Bars taste like dessert, and I love eating them knowing I'm nourishing and fueling
my body. 
I'm 100% Italian.  Being Italian means you DO NOT sacrifice flavor for health.  Good news is being Italian often means we eat healthy foods that taste delicious.   


And this snack fits that bill!  ~ Learn More ~ 

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