St. Stephen's Weekly Touchstone 
The Third Sunday in Lent   
February 28, 2016 


Surprising facts about local hunger:
  •  7% of the clients served at The Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry are seniors.
  • Seniors, living on fixed incomes in expensive Westchester, are the fastest growing constituency at the Pantry.  Their numbers have more than doubled in the past five years.
  • 33% of the Pantry's clients are children.
  • February can be a particularly tough month. Charitable giving from the holidays ebbs, seasonal workers have no income, home heating costs escalate, and school closings mean kids have reduced access to subsidized school lunches.
Now through Palm Sunday, we are hosting a Lenten Food Drive for cans and jars of tomato/pasta sauce to donate to the Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry.  We hope to gather 125 jars in time for our neighbors' Easter holiday. Please deposit your donated cans and jars in the brightly decorated bin in the parish hall lobby.
Profile in Local Hunger:

"Linda" is a warm and talkative senior. Several years ago, a spinal condition caused her legs to swell, limiting her mobility. At first, she was able to work at a local cleaners, but when they went out of business she couldn't find another job.  While Linda has family who live locally and can help in emergencies, she needed to find a way to meet her on-going nutritional needs on a tight budget. Linda reached out to the Pantry and began receiving weekly grocery deliveries. She is grateful for the fresh fruit and tomatoes as well as the cereal, tuna fish, and milk.  She speaks fondly of the team of two regular volunteers who make the deliveries. Recently, her medical condition worsened:  Her legs gave out, and she was rushed to the hospital.  She spent the next five months rotating through the hospital and rehabilitation facilities.  Happily, she is now home.  But, she is confined to a wheelchair, making the Food Pantry weekly home deliveries even more essential.  

Weekly Images:

A tour of religions for our Cub Scout troop 

A big Thank You to Rabbi Strom of Congregation B'Nai Yisrael and Father Chevian of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary for hosting Armonk's Pack 94 cub scouts on Thursday, February 11.

The program was modeled after a tour.  From Jerusalem to Armenia to Armonk, all within 60 minutes! 

The third grade Bear Den thoroughly enjoyed learning about different faiths throughout history.  

The scouts were treated to a delicious dinner by the seminarians too!
Thanks also go to the North Castle Police for getting the scouts across Rt 22 safely by blocking the road and flashing lights!

Announcements at St. Stephen's Church 

PRAYER PARTNER:  By now you have received the name and address of your prayer partner. Remember to pray for them daily during Lent. Once a week send them a card anonymously, reminding them that you are praying for them.

COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES SENT: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of our college care packages ... ten packages were sent out, full of comfort and love.  We had wonderful contributions of  freshly baked treats, toiletries, gum, mints, Starbucks gift cards, socks, a note from Fr. Nils and ... best of all ... hand-decorated cards from our parish kids! Thanks to all who contributed!

NO 8 A.M. SERVICE THIS SUNDAY: There will be no 8 am Sunday services in February.

Weekly Readings

First Reading:  Isaiah 55:1-9
Second Reading:  1 Corinthians 10:1-13  

Sunday Servers
Ushers:  Annlee Milani and Trina Fontaine
Acolyte:  Sophia Fasano
Lay Eucharistic Minister:  Sue Brown
First Reader:  Don Gregg
Second Reader:   Cynthia Barger    
Altar Guild:  Renate Golden     
Coffee Hour:  Gregg

Our Sunday services are at 8 am and 10 am.
More information can be found at our website:


For any questions or needs, you can contact the church office

at 914-273-3812 or

Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 to 2:30.