St. Stephen's Weekly Touchstone
     The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost      
July 12, 2015






With St. Stephen's approaching our 175th anniversary in October of 2017, we have convened a Steering Committee of volunteers to begin planning for this historic event. The committee is chaired by Meg Gregg (whose father was the chair of our celebration for our 150th anniversary!)  In addition to Father Nils, the committee members are Carol Mortell, Michael Ramsey, Tom Billet, Barbara DiGiacinto and Paul Lashmet.


We plan to hold a 12 month celebration, with key events focused on different themes. With our church history running parallel with the town of North Castle's history, we see the celebration year as an opportunity to involve the local community, building new links with it.  It will also be a fundraising opportunity.


We envision various events requiring sub-committees, and expect members of the parish and the community will serve. It will be wonderful to include people of all faiths and none in this endeavor, since we will be celebrating not only the 175th anniversary of an Episcopal parish but 175 years of one of Armonk's founding institutions.


You will be hearing more about the 175th Anniversary Steering Committee and upcoming events, and we hope all will join in bringing about this upcoming celebratory year.


Weekly Images:

Nils and Kelly took advantage of their trip west to the Diocesan Convention, and traveled to Zion National Park, where they hiked the Narrows of Zion Canyon.

Send us a vacation photo for the Touchstone!

Announcements at St. Stephen's Church

SUMMER SERENADE: An evening of music and song will take place at St. Stephen's on July 17 at 7:30. The concert will feature the local talent of soprano Kimberly LeDone and pianist Joseph Martin. Both classically trained musicians and Master's graduates from Manhattan School of Music, these two musicians are teaming up to bring the community an evening of operatic and concert repertoire. Program selections will include music by Mozart, Bernstein, Brahms, Rachmaninoff and more. This concert is free.



A CALL TO REBUILD BURNED CHURCHES:  A message from the bishop asks that people of the New York Diocese join in contributing to the rebuilding of seven African-American churches in the south that have burned since the shootings in Charleston SC on June 17. Some of the fires have been determined to be cases of arson. Bishop Dietsche said, "These fires are a sad reminder of years past, when burning and bombing were tactics of intimidation directed at churches which have long been the heartbeat of the black community. It is a testament to these communities of deep faith that the response to violence has been a spirit of forgiveness and an unshakable commitment to justice and opportunity for all." 




St. Stephen's will collect an offering for this purpose this weekend. You may put a check in the collection plate made out to "Rebuild the Churches Fund", or mail a check to Mission Office, Episcopal Diocese of New York, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York NY 10025. Credit card donations may be made by going to and entering "Rebuild the Churches Fund" in the "Description: Purpose of Payment" box.


Weekly Readings

First Reading:  2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19      
Second Reading:  Ephesians 1: 3-14 
Gospel:  Mark 6: 14-29

Sunday Servers
Ushers:  Marshall and Peggy Corey
Acolyte:  Michael Ramsey 
Chalicist:  Sue Brown                
Reader First Lesson:  Jerry Brown   
Reader Second Lesson:  Doug Campbell       
Altar Guild:  Sue Brown 
Flower Guild:  Sarah Hoyt      
Coffee Hour:  Mortell

Our Sunday service is at 9:30 am.
Our Saturday evening service is held at 5:30 pm.
More information can be found at our website:


For any questions or needs, you can contact the church office

at 914-273-3812 or

Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 to 2:30.