St. Stephen's Weekly Touchstone
The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany     
February 15, 2015 

3rd Annual Pancake Supper!

Due to our schools holding February break during the week of Shrove Tuesday, we have moved the Pancake Supper back one week, to Tuesday 24 February at 7 pm. We are fortunate that the Boy Scouts have agreed to once again play their central role as chefs de cuisine! They will cook the pancakes and sausages, and help with set up and clean up.

What remains is for St. Stephen's parishioners to supply the following:  fruit, sausages, orange juice, wine, champagne, milk, seltzer and soft drinks. Please email Charity Lunder at if you will contribute.  All are welcome, and bring your friends, to our "Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper +7," as Father Nils aptly christened it.

Weekly Image:

Announcements at St. Stephen's Church

RECTOR MEETS TOWN BOARD TONIGHT:  Father Nils and Kelly will be introduced to our Town Board at their regular Wednesday night meeting at the Town Hall tonight, February 11, at  7:30. This introduction will be short, and is the first item on the agenda, so if you can attend in support, please be prompt!


LENTEN PRAYER PARTNERS: Lent begins next Wednesday, so sign up now to be a Lenten Prayer Partner, a practice where each participant is assigned another to pray for during Lent. While keeping their identity a secret, each partner mails a card to their recipient weekly, reminding their partner that they are praying for them. On Palm Sunday the prayer partners reveal themselves, and give a small gift to their partner, such as a book, a plant, a cross, etc. Fill out the sign-up form at church this Sunday, or email Kathie Ramsey at with your name, phone number and mailing address. Kathie  will email participants with their partner assignments before Ash Wednesday, so sign up now!

(Sunday School class circa 2009)

SEEKING SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS: As our Sunday School students grow, we need to divide into more age cohesive classes. This will require new Sunday School teachers. We hope to partner two teachers for this new class of middle schoolers, so the  responsibility and the fun can be shared. If you are interested or have questions, speak to Father Nils, Kathie Ramsey or Charity Lunder, or email Father Nils at


FRIENDSHIP SUPPER:  Thank you to Neal and Mari-Anne Baumann for hosting last Friday's Friendship Supper. It was a wonderful evening and a delicious meal. Thanks to all who brought dishes, it was a varied buffet of delicacies and more than we needed. If anyone is willing to host the next supper, please email

COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES: Our annual mailing to the college students of St. Stephen's, reminding them that we think of them and pray for them while they are away, is about to take place. This year we have 14 college students, and our intended packaging date is this Sunday, February 15, for mailing the following day. We are collecting small items such as pens, pencils, gum, mints, Kleenex packs, tea bags, lotion, sanitizer and toothpaste.  Freshly baked snacks may be donated, and require an ingredient list, due to allergies. If you can donate to the packages, please let Laura Desmarais know at


FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION: Next Tuesday, 17 February,  we staff the Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry from 4:45 to 7:30 at the United Methodist Church in Mount Kisco. Please let Laura Desmarais know if you can join in by emailing her at The food pantry is collecting black beans, dried or canned. Please place donations in the lobby bin.

Weekly Readings

First Reading:  2 Kings 2: 1-12    
Second Reading:  2 Corinthians 4: 3-6  
Gospel:  Mark 9: 2-9

Sunday Servers
Ushers:  Doug Campbell and John Desmarais
Acolyte: Harrison Fontaine 
Chalicist:  Laura Desmarais                  
Reader First Lesson:  Doug Campbell      
Reader Second Lesson:  Rich Fontaine              
Altar Guild:  Tina Wolf  
Flower Guild:  Nan Bircham             
Coffee Hour:  Johnson 

Our Sunday service is at 10:00 am.
Our Saturday evening service is held at 5:30 pm.
More information can be found at our website:


For any questions or needs, you can contact the church office

at 914-273-3812 or

Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 to 2:30.