St. Stephen's Weekly Touchstone
The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost    
November 10, 2013

Last Sunday's message

St. Stephen's held a beautiful confirmation service last Sunday. Bishop Donovan gave a wonderful sermon, directed especially to the confirmands. His inspiring words to them on living their lives as Christians brought to mind this meditation from Teresa of Avila, the 16th century Spanish mystic:

Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours, no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which to look out
            Christ's compassion to the world;
Yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
Yours are the hands with which He is to bless men now. 


 Weekly Images:

The confirmands and Father Bob prepared for meeting the Bishop.

Our Music Director, James Turner, chose beautiful music for the occasion.

The Right Reverend Herbert Donovan

Bishop Donovan and the confirmands after the service.

A St. Stephen's tradition: a celebratory lunch after confirmation

Confirmation sweatshirts: you saw it here first!  

Announcements at St. Stephen's Church

HOLIDAY SHARING DRIVE: Once again this year, St. Stephens will be participating in the Annual Holiday Sharing Drive sponsored by the Junior League of Northern Westchester.  Working with community agencies, the JLNW provides donors the opportunity to help local families by supplying them with food and gifts to help them celebrate the holiday season.  We have received the profiles of four families in need, each of which has four family members.  Please consider taking one or two members and providing them with at least an item or two from their list.  Gift cards to supermarkets, Kohl's or Target are also needed.  Information/cards will be available at church on Sunday and thereafter.  We ask that you deliver any items purchased to St. Stephens by Sunday morning, December 1st.  Feel free to contact Trina Fontaine at or 765-0395 with any questions. 

SEEKING VESTRY MEMBERS: In January several current vestry members will be ending their terms. Are you interested in serving on the vestry? It's a great way to learn more about the church, while applying your business judgement and personal skills in a new venue. If you are interested, or wonder about what this might entail,  speak to our Wardens, Annlee Milani and Jerry Brown, or our Vestry members, Laura Johnson, Laura Desmarais, Carolyn Billet, Mari-Anne Baumann and Charity Lunder.

FRIENDSHIP SUPPER THIS FRIDAY:  We will hold our first Friendship Supper of the year this Friday, November 8 at 7 pm, hosted by Neal and Mari-Anne Baumann. These suppers are held to give us all a chance to get to know our fellow parishioners in an informal setting. Please come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, food and drink. The Baumanns have a family friendly house and children are welcome. Please RSVP to Laura Johnson, letting her know how many people are coming and what you will bring: an appetizer, main course, side dish, beverage or dessert. You can reach Laura at 914-273-0836 or at

Weekly Readings

First  Reading:  Haggai 1: 15b-2:9

Sunday Servers

Ushers:  Fran and Howard Davies   
Acolyte:  Harrison Fontaine
Chalicist:  Laura Desmarais 
Reader First Lesson: Howard Davies 
Reader Second Lesson:   Trina Fontaine    
Altar Guild:  Tina Wolf  
Flower Guild:  Ruth Clausen  
Coffee Hour:  Kaiser 

Nursery care is available at the 10 am Sunday service.
Our Saturday evening service is held at 5:30 pm.
More information can be found at our website:


For any questions or needs, you can contact the church office

at 914-273-3812 or

Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 to 2:30.