Iowa State University Extension Master Gardeners
In This Issue
Super Sleuth
Jan. Mystery Plant
Reporting Hours
Winter Training
2013 Garden Calendar
Continuing Ed Ideas
Shade Tree IPM Webinar
Iowa Hosting Conferences
International MG Conf.
Gardens & Castles Tour
Tree Doctor App
Upcoming Events
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January 2013     Volume 4     No. 1
Super Sleuth

The December Mystery Plant stumped everyone. Some guessed that it was a type of aloe, which is distantly related, but not in the same family. The correct identity of the plant is Veltheimia bracteata, sometimes listed as V. undulata (a reference to its undulating leaf margins) or V. viridifolia (in reference to its vivid, waxy green leaves). Common names include veldt lily, forest lily, and winter red-hot poker. This member of the asparagus family is quite unusual, but it is a favorite of mine for its tough, easy-care nature and gorgeous winter blooms. A bulbous native of South Africa, veldt lily's growing season is reversed from most Iowa plants. New growth emerges from bulbs in late summer or early fall. In early winter flower stalks appear, eventually developing dozens of tubular pink blossoms. By late spring the foliage dies back and the plant remains dormant all summer.

     Veldt lily is not hardy in Iowa, so it must be grown in the greenhouse or in a bright location indoors. It needs little water or fertilizer to thrive. My original plant once survived two years in an unlit basement with no care while I was an exchange student--a testament to its tough nature.

Denny Schrock
State Master Gardener Coordinator
veldt lilyFeatured Plant
from December

Veldt lily
January Mystery Plant
What am I?
To become our Super Sleuth for this month, be the first to correctly identify this foliage houseplant both by its common and botanical name in your reply to Denny.  

 Jan Mystery Plant

Master Gardener Hours Reporting

Report Your Hours

Remember that the number of hours of volunteer service required to remain an active Master Gardener has increased to a minimum of 12 per year as of January 1, 2013. Educational hours required remain at 6 hours per year. Log in to the online Master Gardener hours reporting system to record your hours. Reports for 2012 are still trickling in, but it appears that for the year we'll be close to 90,000 hours of volunteer service from Master Gardeners. That's a value of almost $1.9 million in volunteer service!        

     Congratulations on the great work that you all are doing!

Winter 2013 Master Gardener Training

New MG Classes StartiNew MG Logong

The Winter 2013 Master Gardener class is under way. We have 170 trainees registered at 14 sites around the state. New this training cycle is an optional Adobe Connect session on Good Agricultural Practices related to food safety in home food production. Current Master Gardeners are invited to participate in the session at their county extension office. The GAP training is set for Tuesday, March 19 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Also, for anyone who needs to make up the class-on-campus session, that date is Saturday, February 23. Check with your local Master Gardener coordinator about getting signed up for either of these dates.


2013 Garden Calendar Available

Gardeners, both novice and experienced, will be inspired to preserve their garden bounty with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach's 2013 garden calendar. The full-color, 12-month calendar is filled with stunning photography and information.


Each month has several gardening activities and chores listed, so homeowners can easily stay on task as they plan, prepare for, plant and take care of their 2013 garden.


"Garden Bounty - 2013 Garden Calendar" (PM 0815) is available for $6 from the ISU Extension and Outreach online store  or from local extension offices.  
 2013 calendar
Continuing Education Training Opportunities

Early winter is prime time to learn more about horticulture in Iowa. It's a good chance to bank all the continuing education hours that you'll need for the year. Some commercial horticulture conferences that may also be of interest to Master Gardeners are:


Iowa Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Conference, January 24-25


Iowa Turfgrass Conference, January 29-31


Quad City Vegetable Transplant Production Workshop, February 22


Iowa Shade Tree Short Course, February 27-28

     For more details see Upcoming Events below.

Shade Tree Webinar

bur oak
Learn About IPM for Shade Trees

A webinar, Growing Healthy Shade Trees with IPM, especially designed for North Central states Extension Master Gardeners will be held on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Planting and care of shade trees, especially oak, maple and ash, will be covered. Time for questions from participants will be included. For registration and more information log in to the extension events site. Registration for sites hosting groups will be free; individual registrations are $10.

Upcoming MG Conferences in Iowa

Iowa to Host Regional and International Conferences  

Iowa will get a chance to showcase numerous Master Gardener projects as host of two upcoming Master Gardener events. The Upper Midwest Master Gardener Conference is set for June 25-28, 2014 in Davenport. An excellent team of Scott County Master Gardeners is serving as the steering committee. The theme for the conference is "Growing Along the River".


The following year, Iowa and Nebraska will co-host the International Master Gardener Conference September 22-25, 2015 in Council Bluffs. The theme of this conference is "Horticultural Horizons in the Heartland".

International Master Gardener Conference

Alaska Flowers, Fjords & Friends 

Join nearly 1000 other Master Gardeners from around the U.S. and Canada at the 2013 International Master Gardener Conference, which will be held September 7-14, aboard an Alaskan cruise ship. If you go, you'll need to register for the conference and book your stay on the ship at the conference website

Gardens & Castles of the British Isles
Join Denny in England and Scotland
Spaces are still available for the Gardens & Castles Tour of the British Isles. We hope that you'll be able to join us! We have been delighted at the amount of interest expressed so far in this trip. You won't want to miss the 100th anniversary of the Chelsea Flower Show! To request a full brochure and registration form, contact Denny
Beds at Chen
Tree Doctor App Available

Purdue University has released a new smart phone app to help diagnose 175 tree problems on more than 60 varieties of trees common in the Midwest. You can use the app either to help diagnose problems or to find management tips for identified problems. As of now the app is available only for the i-phone and i-pod, but an Android version is expected out later this spring. The Purdue Tree Doctor app costs $1.99 in the iTunes store.
Upcoming Events

What: Iowa Fruit & Vegetable Growers Assn Conference

When: Thursday & Friday, January 24-25

Where: DMACC

Who: Iowa Fruit & Vegetable Growers

Price: variable, registration available on site


What: Iowa Turfgrass Conference

When: January 29-31

Where: Downtown Marriott Hotel, Des Moines


Price: variable, onsite registration is available


What: Tree Pruning Workshop

When: Saturday, February 16 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Where: Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens

Who: Dubuque County Extension

Price: $10 per person ($5 for Master Gardeners), call 563-583-6496


What: Winter Gardening Fair

When: Saturday, February 16, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Where: Kirkwood Community College

Who: Linn County Master Gardeners

Price: $49; call 319-447-0647


What: Quad-City Vegetable Transplant Production Workshop

When: Friday, February 22, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Where: Scott County Extension Office

Who: Dr. Ajay Nair

Price: $30 per person by Feb. 15; $35 thereafter; call 515-294-7080


What: Buchanan County Master Gardener Symposium

When: Saturday, February 23, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Where: First Presbyterian Church, Independence

Who: Buchanan County Extension

Price: $25 per person by Feb. 1; $30 thereafter; call 319-334-7161


What: Think Spring! Garden Seminar

When: Saturday, February 23 9:00a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Where: Simpson College

Who: Warren County Master Gardeners

Price: $45 by Feb.13 call 515-961-9420


What: Iowa Shade Tree Short Course  

When: February 27-28

Where: Scheman Building, Iowa State University

Who: Iowa Nursery & Landscape Association

Price: variable, onsite registration is available


What: Dubuque Master Gardener Spring Seminar

When: Saturday, March 2, 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Where: NE Iowa Community College

Who: Dubuque County Extension

Price: $20 per person in advance; $25 at the door; call 563-583-6496


Do you have another educational opportunity coming up? Email Cindy or Denny with details. Thanks. 

Department of Horticulture, Iowa State University
Header image credit: Dr. Cynthia Haynes, Department of Horticulture, ISU
Other images credit: Dr. Denny Schrock, Department of Horticulture, ISU