August 16, 2012 

East Baton Rouge Parish School System
A SACS-Accredited School District
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Open House Schedule for All District Schools

Friday and Saturday,
August 17 and 18

3-7 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, East Baton Rouge Madrigals & Guys Chorus Auditions, Broadmoor High School, 10100 Goodwood Blvd., Open to Students Parish Wide in Fourth-12th Grades

Saturday, August 18

9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.,
LSU Community Bound / Volunteer LSU and ARAMARK School Cleanups, Nine Different School Sites

Thursday, August 23
5-7 p.m., Baton Rouge Magnet High School Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Grand Re-opening, 2825 Government St. 


Thursday, August 30
5-7 p.m., "Dive Into Delmont:  The Big Reveal," Delmont Elementary School, 5300 Douglas St.
Now that the chalk dust has settled, the children are in their assigned seats and the true work of educating our young people is getting underway, I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our staff, faculty, administrators, students and parents back to school.


Our district is filled with a vast supply of talented teaching professionals. If any other school district in the country had the kinds of academic performance growth you've had over the last few years, people would be singing your praises. So the first thing I have to say is thank you to all our teachers and administrators for all you have done.

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS) officially began the 2012-2013 school year Wednesday morning, August 8, as students and teachers hit the hallowed halls of all the public schools in the parish to start a new year of learning. More than 42,400 students were enrolled on the first day of school.


School Superintendent Bernard Taylor, Jr., who began his tenure in July, experienced his first opening day in the district and declared it a success.   










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Dr. Bernard Taylor, Jr., Superintendent of Schools
Chris Trahan, Director for Communications & Community Engagement
Sonya T. Gordon, APR, Public Information Officer/eNews Editor
Demetris B. West, Webmaster/Videographer and Special Events Coordinator