Febuary 2016

"Love all people,
but love them
not on your own account,
but for God."
Mary Ward

Join us this Season...

In the Darkness, Light
February 10,  7:00-9:30pm
Last film in the series focusing on film as a spiritual discipline, as contemplation, and as a contemporary form of prayer. 

Men's Book Club
Tuesday February 16, 9am-noon
Men are offered the opportunity to discuss relevant
spiritual writings and books. 8-12 members.
Donation appreciated.

Lenten Journey
5 Wednesdays, 6-8pm
Feb. 17, Feb. 24, Mar. 2, Mar. 9, Mar. 16
Practice spiritual renewal through prayer, fasting, 
and almsgiving. A meal of homemade soup and crackers 
is available between 6 and 7pm, followed by one hour
of prayer, music, quiet, and scripture.
Almsgiving: cash donation for Loretto India Missions
or items for the Georgina Food Pantry.

Guided Retreat - 
The Sanctuary of Writing
Friday May 6 - Sunday May 8
Arrival 5-6pm, Gathering 6pm, Departure 3pm
This retreat will offer an opportunity to explore how personal writing can be your "sanctuary". Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew, RSM, author and writing guide.
Private Room $265 p.p, Shared Room $220 p.p.
Commuter $175 (supper & lunch)           Deposit $75

For more details on any retreats and programs, 
or to view our 2016 retreats and events, visit
 or email   
to book your spot!

At Maryholme...

Save the Date: Sat. Aug.13/16
Join with us to celebrate the 15th Anniversary
of Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre!
We will be honouring the connection of all the friends that have allowed the Centre to grow into
something more than ordinary...

Fox Spotted!
This little fella made our day! Something tells us
he knew he was being photographed...

One Billion Rising - Feb. 14th
Please visit this website to see events happening
around the globe as the revolution escalates.

From the Archives...
Early days ... how our street view and laneway views
have changed!

Spiritual Nourishment...

"Love is the most universal,
the most tremendous, and the most mystical
of cosmic forces."
Teilhard de Chardin

"Nothing is more practical than finding God,
That is, falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination,
Will affect everything.
It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning,
What you do with your evenings,
How you spend your weekends, What you read,
Whom you know, what breaks your heart,
And what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
And it will decide everything. -
Everything will be different."
Pedro Arrupe, sj

Winter at
Loretto Maryholme...

View our photos & videos all year, 
"Like" us on our Facebook page! 
  Like us on Facebook
Visit our website Gallery to see more!


For accommodation details, visit
Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre
is a sacred space of peace and beauty on Lake Simcoe for those seeking to restore energies needed for personal and communal transformation.

The Centre is available for use by individuals and groups whose activities reflect the Centre's mission. Facilitation of a workshop,
a day of reflection, or an opportunity for spiritual direction
can be arranged.

For accommodation arrangements, please email 
"Find your centre at our Centre"
Come and see ...