March  2015


We are seeing and hearing the promise of spring
 just around the corner!  Warmer rays of sunshine
on our cheeks, new bird songs in the woods, 
and a contagious excitement in the air...
And it is always best to share all of these
with our treasured Maryholme friends and guests!

"I listened to God`s dream for me and felt a desire to respond.."
Mary Ward 1585-1645


"Nature soothes, heals, teaches with her silence."
Kenneth S. Leong

Coming this Spring... save
your spot! 
Hidden Gold ...
... writing to uncover life's surprising gifts ...
Friday May 1 - Sunday May 3, 2015
This weekend retreat will combine reflection, writing exercise
and reading in a group circle with an intention to look for "gold" 
that has been, and is already present in your life story.  
This retreat invites you to stop, to rest, to look with different eyes 
at what is and what has been, and to express it in whatever form
of writing is best for you. Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew, RSM.
Arrival 5-6:00 pm      Supper 6:30 pm      Departure 3:00 pm
Private Room $225 p.p.       Shared Room $210 p.p.
Commuter $170 (supper & lunch)
Register by April 17th by emailing
Deposit $75
Keeping Our Recovery Alive
Friday May 29 - Sunday May 31, 2015
An opportunity for women in Twelve Step programs to spend time away from the daily busyness of life and to practice "easy does it" 
within their recovery process. Facilitator: Elaine Dombi, 
Sister of St. Joseph, educator, addiction counsellor & spiritual director.
Arrival 5-6:00 pm   Supper 6:30 pm   Departure 3:00 pm
Private Room $225 p.p.      Shared Room $210 p.p.
Commuter $170 p.p. (supper & lunch)
Register by May 14th by emailing
Deposit $75
Check out the new programs & retreats in our   
At Maryholme ...

The first batch of wicker
furniture sent out for some
repair and restoration.. 
We have learned that most
of our wicker pieces included
in the purchase of Maryholme
in 1946 are not only original   to this area,  but are also in top condition for their age.
They are now quite rare ...
We are proud to know                 that not only has our furniture been so lovingly cared for
over the years, but that it has also been so enjoyed by our guests, and will continue to be so, for many years to come!


Congratulations go out to Carol Ivens, 
our Executive Assistant, on her graduation
from Alive Academy of Natural Health  
as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. 
Stay tuned for useful resources 
in the coming year!

From the Staff ...


We grieve with members of our Maryholme family
as they journey through sorrow
in the loss of their loved ones recently...

For Sandra Vasik, our summer garden team manager,
in the loss of her husband, Michael,


For Linda Ivsins, one our advisory team members,
in the loss of her mother, Elaine.

"And we are put on this earth, a little space,
that we might learn to bear the beams of love."
William Blake
International Concerns ...

Some information about topics that are important
to all of us who live in the Great Lakes Watershed...

Int'l Day of Forests...
March 21, 2015

The best way to see the various media is to click on  design materials 
in the paragraph near the bottom of the first page - some wonderful posters,
logos and links!      


World Water Day ...
March 29, 2015
Water is the earth's most plentiful but most abused resource. 
Water is life. 1.1 billion people don't have drinkable water
& every day 22,000 people (half of them children) die 
from diseases borne by polluted water.

water is nature

Ecosystems lie at the heart of the global water cycle.

(Check out  #LoveWater - Unify in the Love of Water")
Earth Hour
March 28, 2015 
Use your power to change climate change ...
This is the day you can join the whole world in turning out lights
between 8:30-9:30pm. 



World Conference on Women ...

March 21, 2015

Twenty years ago the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China produced a ground breaking impetus in the advancement of women.  The IBVM NGO associated with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations invites the community and network of colleagues, students and friends to celebrate the 20th Anniversary with a web conference.


Beijing at 20

Saturday March 21, 2015




In acknowledgement of
Int'l Women's Day...
Twitter goes viral - "Why is it so hard to see
black and blue?"

    "It's the same dress that blew up on social media last week as people debated whether it was blue and black, or white and gold (it's blue ad black, it turns...) One in 6 women are victims of abuse."
Winter at Loretto Maryholme ...  
... view our photos year round on our Facebook page ...
Like us on Facebook 




For accommodation details, visit
Comments from our guests...
Many thanks to our wonderful visitors who take the time
to write in our guestbook and send us notes ...
"The beauty and tranquility of this place
 has found a home in my heart ...  Thank You!"

"Your space is so wonderful.  I was honoured
to stay here and connect deeply with my spirituality."
"I am so grateful for those three days that I was able      to spend there - difficult as it was to face some               of what came up for me as I prayed and wrote,                    I felt so welcomed and  'held'  by the whole spirit             of the place, which is very loving and accepting              and very beautiful. I look forward to coming back      some day."
Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre is a sacred space of peace and beauty   on Lake Simcoe for those seeking to restore energies needed
for personal and communal transformation. 

The Centre is available for use by individuals and groups whose activities reflect 
the Centre's mission. Facilitation of a workshop, a day of reflection, 
or an opportunity for spiritual direction can be arranged.

For accommodation arrangements, please email