Febuary 2015


February is here and we are all tucked in and cozy
at Maryholme, and we trust you are keeping safe & warm
as well. May you hear whispers of encouragement, strength and love during this quiet season...

"Take all, even the least thing, as coming directly from God."
Mary Ward 1585-1645


"Use what talents you possess:
the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there
except that sing best."
Henry van Dyke

Maryholme Winter Events & Retreats
The Lenten Journey
5 Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18 & 25
During these 40 days,
we are called to spiritual renewal 
through the practice of prayer,
fasting and almsgiving.
Share a meal of soup and crackers
from 6pm-7pm, followed by prayer,
reflection, and music from 7pm-8pm. 

Alsmgiving: Donation for Loretto Missions
in India or items for the Georgina Food Pantry.
No registration necessary.
The Joy of The Gospel
5 Thursdays 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Apr. 9
Here's an opportunity to taste
the enthusiasm of Pope Francis.
Sr. Mary is offering a 5 wk. reading/
discussion group starting Mar. 5 
at Our Lady of The Lake Church
from 7:00-8:30 pm.
His book, "The Joy of The Gospel"
is thought-provoking, wide-ranging,
and challenging to every person of faith.
Freewill offering for Namaste Fund*
Register by Feb. 18th & order your book ($20).
Call Kim at  905-476-0097,
or drop by the Parish Office 9-3pm weekdays
at Our Lady of The Lake Parish, 129 Metro Road N., Keswick.
*The Namaste Fund provides financial assistance for women who would not otherwise be able to experience Maryholme.

Check out the new programs & retreats in our  2015 schedule 
which include a Writing Retreat, 5-Day Silent Retreat, 8-Day Silent Retreat,  
Women's Holiday and an Art Retreat - reserve your spot now!
Coming this Spring... save your spot! 
Hidden Gold ...
... writing to uncover life's surprising gifts ...
Friday May 1 - Sunday May 3, 2015
This weekend retreat will combine reflection, writing exercise
and reading in a group circle with an intention to look for "gold" 
that has been, and is already present in your life story.  
This retreat invites you to stop, to rest, to look with different eyes 
at what is and what has been, and to express it in whatever form
of writing is best for you. Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew, RSM.
Arrival 5-6:00 pm      Supper 6:30 pm      Departure 3:00 pm
Private Room $225 p.p.       Shared Room $210 p.p.
Commuter $170 (supper & lunch)
Register by April 17th by emailing [email protected]
Deposit $75
Keeping Our Recovery Alive
Friday May 29 - Sunday May 31, 2015
An opportunity for women in Twelve Step programs to spend time away from the daily busyness of life and to practice "easy does it" 
within their recovery process. Facilitator: Elaine Dombi, 
Sister of St. Joseph, educator, addiction counsellor & spiritual director.
Arrival 5-6:00 pm   Supper 6:30 pm   Departure 3:00 pm
Private Room $225 p.p.      Shared Room $210 p.p.
Commuter $170 p.p. (supper & lunch)
Register by May 14th by emailing [email protected]
Deposit $75
From the Staff ...

One of the first things people see when they walk in the front door, is a basket filled with hand-knit slippers ... an invitation
to get cozy!

Many thanks to those who have knit new slippers and sent them
to us to freshen up the basket. All sizes and colours are greatly appreciated!  We are so grateful - as are our guests!

International Concerns ...

Int'l Day of Prayer against Trafficking
February 8, 2014
The Loretto Sisters have taken a stand against trafficking and continue to invite others to join them by using this prayer and spreading awareness...

Check out this clip                                  

One Billion Rising ...
February 14, 2014
One Billion Rising is the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. Find an event locally and join it!

Fast For The Climate
It's time to fast for the climate in North America. Let's join in this worldwide initiative to draw attention to the urgency of climate action. Pick a day that works for you every month and make it a voluntary fast day. You could also engage in letter writing, talking with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and/or hold events in your community.  These all help to support action on the climate.  The simplest? Just fast.  What is our planet worth to you and to your children?



Are You a Tea Lover?
Take Action to end trafficking from the tea plantations of Assam.

"Did you know that the living and working conditions in the tea gardens of Assam, North India are creating an environment where thousands of children (mainly girls) are trafficked out of the gardens? You can do something about it today by sending a message to the owners of the gardens (who also own Tetley). Please join us and sign STOP THE TRAFFIK's petition. 

Winter at Loretto Maryholme ...  
... view our photos year round on our Facebook page ...
Like us on Facebook 


For accommodation details, visit
Comments from our guests...
Many thanks to our wonderful visitors who take the time to write in our guestbook and send us notes ...
"Thanks so much for the gift of space, time
and heartwarming hospitality. My soul has been rejuvenated & re-energized with the spaces of silence
and heartbelly laughter. God bless!"

 "I arrived tired and am leaving rested & refreshed.
Thanks for sharing this special place with us!"
Loretto Maryholme is a sacred space of peace and beauty on Lake Simcoe for those seeking to restore energies needed for personal and communal transformation. 
The Centre is available for use by individuals and groups whose activities reflect 
the Centre's mission. Facilitation of a workshop, a day of reflection, or an opportunity
for spiritual direction can be arranged. For accommodation arrangements, 
please email  [email protected]