USF Health Division of Infectious Disease & International Medicine E-Newsletter
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Faculty News
Creative Education Models
Entrepreneurial Models
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January 2013 

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The USF Health Division of Infectious Disease & International Medicine (USF ID) would like to wish everyone a happy new year! We hope your year is off to a great start and that you enjoy our first e-newsletter for 2013!

This edition contains new and very exciting changes that happened within our Division at the end of 2012, such as a change in our Directorship! Check out our announcements section to read more about it!


USF Health Division of Infectious Disease
& International Medicine

Dr. John T. Sinnott, who served as Director of USF ID and Associate Dean of USF Medicine International, has been appointed Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at USF Health's Morsani College of Medicine, effective December 1st. Dr. Sinnott will be the third person to serve as Chairman for the largest department within the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine.

Dr. John Sinnott replaces Dr. Allan Goldman (right) as Chairman of Internal  

Medicine at USF Health's Morsani College of Medicine, effective December 1st.   



Dr. Sinnott has been a part of USF for nearly 30 years. He became a faculty member in 1983 after completing his residency in internal medicine and fellowship training in infectious diseases & tropical medicine. In 1991, Dr. Sinnott was selected Director of USF ID.


As Director, Dr. Sinnott brought in federally funded research grants, trained countless subspecialists and students, created international training programs, established global partnerships, and helped create mobile healthcare education applications such as ID Podcasts and MD Stats. To read the full press release, click here.


Dr. Douglas A. Holt, Andor Szentivanyi Professor of Medicine, succeeds Dr. John Sinnott as Director of USF ID. Dr. Holt served as Associate Director of the Division since 2006.

"We are lucky to have a leader like Dr. Holt," said Dr. Sinnott, Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine. "He is a thoughtful, effective and learned physician who inspires all of us to excel."                                                   
Dr. Holt will continue to serve as Hospital Epidemiologist & Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Tampa General Hospital (TGH) and as Director for the Hillsborough County Health Department (HCHD). USF ID would like to congratulate Dr. Holt on his new leadership role, which began December 1st. To read the full press release, click here.

Dr. Todd Wills, Associate Professor and Fellowship Director for USF ID recently accepted an appointment as one of the new Vice Chairs for Internal Medicine at the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine. He will serve as Vice Chair of Operations, Research & Education, and work towards increasing research and funding opportunities while enhancing research, education and training. 


Dr. Wills has been active in research and education since joining USF ID as a faculty member in 2003. He has served as Assistant Clinical Director of the Signature Disciplinary Program in Allergy, Immunology, and Infectious Diseases, Associate Director of the Southeast Region STD/HIV Prevention Training Center, Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center faculty member, lead clinician for the Hepatitis C Treatment Expansion Initiative, and Medical Director for Polk County HealthPlan. He has been the Program Director for the USF ID Fellowship program since 2009 and serves as Principal Investigator for multiple HIV clinical trials at the USF/HCHD HIV Clinical Research Unit.   

Polk County Health Department

The Division would like to congratulate Dr. Daniel Haight, Associate Professor, USF ID and Director of the Polk County Health Department (PCHD) on his recent appointment as Associate Vice President of Community Health for Lakeland Regional Medical Center (LRMC). For over 16 years Dr. Haight has served to prevent and protect against disease and promote awareness in the Polk community.

Under Dr. Haight's leadership, the PCHD received national recognition for public health emergency preparedness, created a flu monitoring system, opened several clinics, and secured grant funding for the Department's varied health initiatives. In his new role, Dr. Haight will oversee Lakeland Regional Hospital's Community Benefit Plan, which seeks to increase access to outpatient preventative care, particularly for the uninsured or underserved populations within the community. Click here to read more.


Effective November 19th, Dr. Ulyee Choe, Assistant Professor with USF ID, will serve as Interim Director for the PCHD in Dr. Haight's place.

Dr. Choe is Chairman for the Health and Medical Committee for the Eight County Tampa Bay Regional Domestic Security Task Force. He is also active with USF Medicine International, where he serves as Preceptor/Liaison for their medical observership program in partnership with Yeungnam Medical School in South Korea.


Dr. Choe received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree in 2005. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine. Dr. Choe graduated from the USF ID Fellowship program in 2011 and became an Assistant Professor with the Division.

USF Medicine International

Dr. Lynette Menezes, Assistant Professor with USF ID, was recently appointed as Assistant Dean for International Affairs for the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine. She will also assume a new role as Assistant Vice President for International Affairs across USF Health.

                                                Dr. Lynette Menezes.

After receiving her PhD in Public Health from USF College of Public Health, Dr. Menezes joined USF ID in 2004 as a faculty member and directed international efforts for the Division. In 2008, she became the founding Director of USF Medicine International. She currently serves as Co-Director of the Scholarly Concentration in International Medicine.

In her new role, Dr. Menezes will oversee affiliations, encourage multidisciplinary collaborations, and direct programs at an international level for USF Health and the Morsani College of Medicine. To read the full press release, click here.

Faculty NewsEvents

On December 11th, Dr. Todd Wills attended a conference for the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment. As a guest speaker, Dr. Wills presented the SPNS Hepatitis C Treatment Expansion Initiative to a Joint meeting including the CDC and HRSA directors.

The HCV treatment expansion initiative is a network of 30 demonstration clinics across the country creating novel approaches to expanding HCV treatment for HIV/HCV coinfected patients.  USF serves as the Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center (USF ETAC) for the project and Dr. Wills is lead clinician for the effort.  He was joined at the meeting by Adan Cajina the chief of the HRSA SPNS (Special Projects of National Significance) Branch.

Dr. Richard Oehler, Associate Professor & Director of Clinical Education, USF ID,
and Assistant Epidemiologist & Program Chief for Academics & Teaching, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, authored a review article on social media in the practice of infectious diseases. The article was published by the journal of Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice in November 2012.  



Dr. Oehler discusses the use of blogs, microblogs, social  networks, and multimedia in medicine today. Through his  personal use, knowledge, and research, he shares how ID clinicians can utilize different forms of social media in their daily practice. Dr. Oehler acknowledges that while social media provides a greater platform to share ideas, opinions, experiences and raise awareness, it can also compromise privacy and trust. Click here to read the full article.


 Creative Educational ModelsCreativeEd
Ron Hytoff (back, center), President & CEO of Tampa General Hospital, welcomes the
 Gansu delegates as they begin the hospital administrator training program.

USF Medicine International led its third, three week hospital administrator training program for 23 doctors from Gansu, China beginning October 29th. Directed by Dr. John Sinnott, Dr. Lynette Menezes, and Ms. Kristy Andre MSM, this collaborative training program between USF and TGH provides a series of interactive sessions led by leadership at both institutions, as well as guided tours through major medical centers at USF, TGH, Henry Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, and the HCHD
John Sinnott MD FACP gave a lecture on Leadership in Academic Medicine
on day one of the Hospital Administrator Training Program.

USF ID faculty and staff, Drs. John Sinnott, Robert Brooks, Daniel Haight, Lynette Menezes, and Ms. Kristy Andre led some of the sessions on Leadership in Academic Medicine, Cost Benefit & Cost Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care Management, Health Care Reform, Communicating with the Media, Strategic Planning and Training & Outcome Evaluation.

HCHD chinese training program 2012
Physicians from Gansu, China tour the Hillsborough County Health Department as part of
USF Medicine International's Hospital Administrator Training Program.
Entrepreneurial ModelsResearch

In September, the USF ID successfully launched the "Connect Florida" initiative in partnership with the Florida Infectious Diseases Society (FIDS). The Palm Beach Infectious Disease Institute (PBIDI) graciously funded this endeavor, which established a state-wide electronic listserve for Florida Infectious Diseases (ID) physicians.

Members are able to share literature, recent publications, meeting information, alerts to emerging trends in ID, job openings in the field, discuss recent outbreaks and management strategies, and more.
Currently the listserve connects 120 ID physicians across the state! 


The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) held its annual ID Week October 17th-21st in San Diego, CA. This year's theme was Advancing Science & Improving Care. 
A number of USF ID faculty and fellows attended ID Week and presented posters during sessions on Clinical Practice Issues, Hepatitis, and Mycobacterial Infections:   



World AIDS Day Dec 2012


On December 7th, the HCHD hosted its 8th annual World AIDS Day event, open to the public! The event was coordinated by USF ID/HCHD's HIV Clinical Research Unit and had numerous vendor booths with promotional items as well as presentations by staff, attendings, fellows, and patients. Community partners were there and HIV and STD testing was free all day. Attendees were also able to learn about currently enrolling HIV research studies. The HCHD welcomed nearly 200 attendees to this year's event!


The HIV Clinical Research Unit's informational booth at the 8th annual World AIDS Day event. 


ID conferences banner


ID Conferences are weekly lectures, typically held on Mondays, where fellows and faculty come together to enhance their knowledge of infectious disease. Recent topics included HPV in HIV Positive Women, Vaccines for Childhood Immunization, Pertussis, and more! For more information, contact Tammy Grice at      




John Sinnott MD FACP FIDSA
James A. Cullison Professor of Medicine
Chairman, Internal Medicine, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine

Andor Szentivanyi Professor of Medicine
Director, USF Health Division of Infectious Disease & International Medicine

Director, Hillsborough County Health Department

Our mission is to be an internationally outstanding academic center. We conduct research, analyze policy, deliver clinical care and provide training to healthcare providers locally, nationally & internationally. Our goal is to be a resource for infectious disease identification, prevention & treatment issues.