Pacific Northwest Writers Association
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  JUNE 2010 E-NOTES:

E-Notes is your monthly electronic newsletter full of the latest news about the literary world. Our newsletter is a PNWA Member Benefit.

Please send us an email if you would like to place an announcement in next month's E-Notes:

(Announcements must be received by the 19th of
the previous month to be included).



Monthly Speaker Meeting

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Downtown Bellevue Barnes and Noble @ 7:00 P.M.
(626  106th Ave. NE, Bellevue, WA 98004)

Presenter: Janna Cawrse Esarey
Topic: Pitching to agents and editors


With PNWA's summer conference on the horizon, many writers are gearing up to pitch to agents and editors. But how do you boil down an entire book to a few compelling sentences? This hands-on workshop will tell you how. We'll cover the elevator pitch, the extended pitch, pitching etiquette, and useful tips specific to the PNWA Conference. Attendees will write, deliver, and get feedback on their pitches. If you're planning on pitching this summer, be sure to join us.
Janna Cawrse Esarey pitched her book, The Motion of the Ocean: 1 Small Boat, 2 Average Lovers, and a Woman's Search for the Meaning of Wife, at PNWA three years ago. Her book came out with Simon & Schuster last summer.  Visit her at



Conference Announcements/Updates

There is still plenty of space available for the One Day Novel Writing Seminar on Thursday, July 22.  This brand-new option is perfect for those who would like to experience the summer conference but don't have the time or money to attend it in its entirety.   Taught by bestselling author Bob Mayer, the seminar runs from 9:00am to 4:00pm on the first day of the conference.  Cost is $150 for PNWA members, and $200 for non-members.  The registration form is available here.  Please note that registration for the seminar does not include tickets to Thursday evening's conference keynote address by Andre Dubus III. 


Speaking of which, individual tickets to any of the keynote or featured speaker events are also available for purchase.  Prices are as follows:

   Thursday, July 22 - Keynote address by Andre Dubus III / dessert: $65 each

   Friday, July 23 - Featured speaker Lisa Gardner / dinner: $70 each

   Saturday, July 24 - Featured speaker C.C. Humphreys / lit contest awards ceremony / dinner: $70 each

   Sunday, July 25 - Featured speaker Elizabeth Lyon: $35 each

Please contact us at to purchase tickets.


The deadline for Book Doctor submissions has been extended to June 8.  This is a great opportunity for conference attendees to have the first 25 pages of their manuscripts critiqued by industry professionals.  Cost is $50.  Details are available here.  


Pitch Doctor - brand new!

Tighten that pitch at the conference before presenting it to the Agents and Editors!

Each group of four attendees will have half an hour to pitch their work to our very own Pitch Doctor! Attendees will have a chance to get feedback and see how other pitches may or may not work.  A great way to break the ice and get some honest feedback before stepping into that Agent or Editor appointment!


Sign up at the conference in the Whidbey room on Thursday, 10:00am - 12:00pm; Friday, 8:00am - 12:00pm

Limited slots available.


Check out the Conference Brochure for more details!


Volunteering at the conference is a great way for attendees to support PNWA!  As the hardest-working non-profit in town, we rely on the support of our amazing volunteers to keep everything running smoothly.  If you are already registered for the conference and would like to help in one of the following areas, please send an email to 

                        -Book doctor sign-ups

                        -Pitch doctor sign-ups

                        -Meal-time ticket-taking

                        -Moderating sessions




PNWA member Edward Clarkhas published his debut novel The National Tree Brigade, which opens in the Olympic Peninsula, and which lampoons Reagan era political and environmental policies.  

For more information, see

PNWA member Kaki Warner announces the June 2010 release of Open Country, Book II of the 1870s family saga, the Blood Rose Trilogy; released by Berkley.


Molly McFarlane is desperate.  Forced to flee with her late sister's children, she must provide for her wards while outrunning the relentless tracker the children's vicious stepfather has set on their trail. Out of money and with no other options, she marries a man badly injured in a train derailment, assuming when he dies, the insurance settlement will provide the money they need to keep moving west. 

Except the man doesn't die. 

Hank Wilkins doesn't recall the accident he barely survived, and he certainly doesn't remember marrying Molly.  But as he slowly recovers at the Wilkins ranch in New Mexico Territory, the idea of a real marriage takes hold...until his memory returns and that fragile trust is shattered, and the tracker follows Molly to the ranch.  Then Hank and Molly must decide how far they will go to protect the people they love.


 "...a compelling, emotionally intense read." - Romantic Times

"...a beautifully spun tale." Top pick --Historical Romance Releases/The Season

 "...a superb Reconstruction Era romance."  5 stars - Harstan Reviews

"...thoroughly enjoyable...a must read." Top pick --Night Owl Reviews


Visit Kaki at for excerpts, book trailers and information about Book I, Pieces of Sky, released by Berkley January 1, 2010.



PNWA member Shoshana Alexander and James Baraz, authors of Awakening Joy: 10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness (Bantam, 2010) will be doing readings and talks in the Northwest: 


June 3 Vancouver, BC, Banyen Books, 4 - 5 P.M.

Vancouver, BC, Masonic Hall, 7:30 P.M.


June 7 Seattle, WA, Be Luminous Yoga Studio, 7:30 P.M.



PNWA member Michael Wenberg's second young adult novel, Stringz, is scheduled for release by Westside Books next month. The story revolves around a gifted teenaged musician whose only real friend is a cello he calls "Ruby."   His life is transformed when he and his mom move to Seattle and he learns that going it alone isn't the best way to be, and discovers that he has friends in the most unexpected places.


Advance praise for Stringz:

"Stringz touched me very deeply. Michael Wenberg's done something very special, and has rare understanding of so many things - classical music, hip hop, black culture, and kids. His book has a huge heart, and a great sense of humor. And most of all, a deep love of all kinds of music."
-Greg Sandow, composer, blogger, columnist and orchestra consultant


"Michael Wenberg's vivid portrait of teen cellist Jace Adams is a revelation. As Jace navigates the terrors of school bullies, the challenge of making friends in a new high school, and overcomes a vividly disturbing home life, everything comes into sharp focus when he plays his trusty cello.  An inspiring and emotional story that teens will especially devour."
-Mark Summer,
Turtle Island String Quartet


"Jace Adams is a hero for this time, a surfer, cellist, survivor who figures out that 'It is what it is.' A fresh sound in YA."

-Robert Lipsyte, host of the PBS series, Life (Part 2), and author of "The Contender," and "Center Field."

About the author:
Michael Wenberg lives with his wife, Sandy, an architectural color consultant, and his teenage son, Lucas, on a mini-farm outside of Walla Walla, Washington, near the foothills of the Blue Mountains. Wenberg has attended Seattle Pacific University and Eastern Washington University and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Gonzaga University. He is currently the CEO of the Walla Walla Symphony, one of the finest small town orchestras in the country. When he's not writing, spending time with his family, or playing his trombone, you can find him backpacking, mountain biking, or snow skiing, depending on the season.
E-mail Michael at Visit him on the web at or



PNWA member Patricia Weenolsen announces the publication of her new book, Daughter of the Morning Star, Book II of the series Remembrance of Things that Never Happened.


In 1703, Mary emerges from captivity by the Abenaki Indians and returns to Salem, where she gathers together a band of abused children. These include Mary's niece, the endearing five-year-old Sophie, whom her mother, Letty, accuses of being a witch and locks up periodically without food or water. Letty also abuses her slave, pretty fifteen-year old black 'Chuba, whom Letty shoots for secretly feeding Sophie. Roaming the streets is Dorcas, the teen-aged, distracted daughter of a hanged witch. And taking refuge in the Pest House are the plague-scarred artistic ten-year-old Abigail and the inventive twelve-year-old Thaddeus, both cared for by Elihu, a hideously cratered hulk of a man who falls hopelessly in love with Mary. Her moral compass and spiritual knowledge guide her to rescue many victims of societal and individual injustice.


The new book is a sequel to acclaimed Book I, The Cave of Storms.


The author:   Patricia Weenolsen, a psychologist, has also written Transcendence of Loss over the Life Span and The Art of Dying, reviewed by Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Tacoma News-Tribune, Newark Star-Ledger, and others. She has also published short fiction in TriQuarterly, Southern Humanities Review, Confrontation, Buffalo Spree and many other magazines under the name Patricia Otway-Ward. She has appeared on the Today Show, the Joan Rivers Show, and on National Public Radio.


Available from fine independent book stores, Barnes and Noble, Amazon (forthcoming) and others. Information:,, ISBN-13: 978-1-935420-06-4, priced at $17.95 before discounts.


The 2011 Vilcek Prizes in Literature

The 2011 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Literature guidelines and application forms are now available here.  No entry fee.

The awards are for non-American-born writers of poetry, fiction or creative nonfiction who are living and working in the U.S., age 38 and under; one $25,000 prize, four $5000 prizes.

There is also a $100,000 Vilcek Literature Prize for one non-American-born writer of poetry, fiction or creative nonfiction who is living and working in the U.S., no age restriction, but there is no application process for this prize.



The Unbound Press Literary Competitions 2010

Two Categories:




First Prize: �100

Second Prize: �50

Length: up to 3000 words

Entry fee: �5


First Chapter of an Unpublished Book


First Prize: �75

Second Prize: �25

Length: up to 3000 words

Entry fee: �5


Closing date: 31st July 2010  


Winners in each category will receive a cash prize. The number of runners-up in each category will depend on length and quality of entries shortlisted. All winners and runners-up in our competitions will be published in the Unbound Press Journal and will each receive a free copy of the journal.


Go to for full details.


There will be one further competition during 2010:


Flash Fiction & Poetry

Opens: 1st August 2010

Closing date: 31st October 2010


We look forward to your entries. Good luck!




  • Expand your writing craft in fiction and nonfiction.
  • Understand the publishing industry and current marketplace trends.
  • Learn how to market your work.
  • Find an agent and/or editor.
  • Network with other writer colleagues.


Current Registration Fee (between May 1 and July 9) $495.00
Last-minute Registration Fee (postmarked after July 9)*
*Online registration will be closed July 9, but mail-in registrations will continue to be accepted.
Walk-up registration will also be available at the hotel, July 22 (at the last-minute registration rate).


  • Don't miss this year's KEYNOTE SPEAKER, Andre Dubus III, Thursday evening.
  • FEATURED SPEAKERS: Friday evening Lisa Gardner, Saturday evening C.C. Humphreys, and Sunday morning Elizabeth Lyon


  • Included with registration: Thursday: dessert reception. Friday & Saturday: continental breakfast, daily refreshments, afternoon snack, and evening dinners. Sunday: continental breakfast.
  • Lunches are NOT included - lunch concessions will be available in conference center.

The first Pacific Northwest Travel Writers Conference features some of the Pacific Northwest's most renowned travel writers, editors, and publishers.

This is a great opportunity for freelance writers who have been contemplating doing some travel writing to learn more about the nuts and bolts approach necessary to write successfully in this field. We don't want anyone to miss out on this opportunity.

Downtown Courtyard Marriott
Tacoma, WA
Saturday, June 26, 2010
9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.


Ten Best Reasons to Attend the Travel & Words 2010 Summer Seminar:

1. Learn why the years 2010-2011 are pivotal for freelance writers.

2.  Acquire techniques to sharpen your marketing skills for the new publishing world-freelancing at the crossroads of change.

3.  Discover the hottest topics and best opportunities for researching, writing, and marketing to NW regional markets and beyond.

4.  Hear how some of the region's hottest writers are maintaining and expanding their writer's beats, brands, and visions.

5.  Become inspired by our keynote speaker about travel trends in the greater Pacific Northwest region.

6.  Gain practical insights and how-to strategies for using social media, blogs, and web sites to expand your freelance markets.

7.  Connect with editors and staff members from regional Convention & Visitor Bureaus and regional Visitor Information Centers to gain current information and story ideas

8.  Collect dozens of article ideas by grabbing your camera and visiting historic downtown Tacoma and the scenic Puget Sound region.

9.  Network with fellow freelance writers who live in and write about the NW region.

10. Link up for the latest information and best Early Bird fees for future Travel & Words seminars.

Join fellow freelance writers and register now!




Whidbey Island Writers Association 2010 Mini-Conference      

When:   Saturday, June 12, 2010

             9:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m (Registration 8-9 a.m.)

Where:    Private Homes on Whidbey Island

Who:      18 authors and literary agents including Jamie Ford (Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet), Valerie Easton (Seattle Times gardening columnist), Kirby Larson (Newbery Award winner), and Cherry Adair (romance writer) (see for full list of presenters)

Why:    To expose aspiring and experienced writers to published authors or working literary agents with information that may improve their writings or offer the potential for publication.

Registration:; 360-331-0307

Cost:    $110 All-Day Mini-Conference ($90 WIWA members)


$40  Earlybird Class: Crafting the Perfect Pitch  7:45-8:45 a.m. ($35 WIWA members)

$20  Mini-consults with agents ($15 WIWA members)

$55  Meet Elizabeth George Benefit Dinner 5:00-8:00 p.m. ($50 WIWA members)


WWU Memoir Readings

Western Washington University students in its Creating the Modern Memoir certificate program - taught by award winning author Laura Kalpakian - will read from their works at 6 P.M. on Tuesday, May 25 at Village Books in Fairhaven.

The event is free and open to the public.

Prior to the readings, a brief information session will be held regarding a new WWU writing certificate course, "The Novel: Experience and Write Fiction," which will also be taught by Kalpakian. The three-part course will be offered in eight-week sessions during fall, winter and spring quarters.  Information will be available on the new course as well as other certificate courses, "Knock Out Editing: From Polish to Publish," "Professional Editing: For Print and Online" and "Writing Children's Literature."

Details and registration information are available at, or e-mail or call (360) 650-3308.



The Umpqua Wine, Art, and Music Festival is now accepting applications for Northwest authors for juried entry.  This is the first year that authors will be included in the festival. 


Authors will be able to exhibit and sell their books during this fun and well-attended venue. The festival has been showcasing local winery products, regional artwork, and various music acts for over 40 years.  It is a great opportunity to meet your fellow authors and network with artists who are ready for illustration and collaboration.  It's fun for both vendors and attendees -- sample our local award-winning wines, and listen to the bands as you meet with festival-goers and sell your books. The Umpqua area is a wonderful place to visit, with river and forest recreation opportunities nearby. 


This year the festival will once again be held on the beautiful grounds of Umpqua Community College, September 11 and 12.  Friday set-up is encouraged.  The Saturday hours are from 11:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M., and Sunday the festival is open from 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.  The booth fee is $15, and authors are asked to donate an item for in the Oakland Historic Auction.  Author exhibitors are expected to provide their own 10x10 booth tent, table, and booth furnishings.  Electricity for booths will be available, and overnight security will be in place so vendors can leave their tents and tables in place. Dry camping at the College is also available to vendors if needed.


To request a booth application, email your address to and an application will be mailed to you.  If you have any questions, you can email those as well.  We expect to have quite a response, so please request your application and return it as soon as possible.


Umpqua Wine Art and Music Festival website

Roseburg, Oregon Visitor Information



Seattle Free Lances Meeting
Kevin O'Brien, best-selling writer of thrillers, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of Seattle Free Lances Tuesday, June 1, at Lake City Elks Club, 14540 Lake City Way NE, Seattle.  A social hour will begin at 5:15 P.M. with dinner at 6 P.M. and the program at 7.  Reservations are required at least one week in advance.  To make reservations, Email

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