
Sponsored Students Ready for the
Test of Their Lives
Sally Lavinia

They entered high school with one pair of shoes and big dreams. Four years they have studied their hearts out preparing for this moment - and this week, efforts will be put to the test when national exams begin.

These smiling, confident faces belie the challenges each has overcome.  As children of peasant farmers, opportunity to attend high school and sit for these important exams came through a KSHP sponsor.  At that moment, their futures opened.

The promise of a university scholarship now lies in the outcome of these tests, and THAT is the goal for each of these young scholars. 
More than 90% of KSHP sponsored students receive this coveted reward - a double return on a sponsor's investment in their high school education. 

We are proud to have supported their efforts and we send them a bushel of good wishes. 

Sponsors empower a child's life through education.  Join us!  Be a sponsor in 2016. New enrollments now open.

Visit www.KenyaSelfHelp.org and learn the difference you can make.
Collince Oloo
Collince Otieno

Loyce Irene
Kenya Self-Help Project
32 Thibault Parkway
Burlington, Vermont 05401