Issue 4

October 29, 2012


Tuesday, Oct. 30, 9 to 10 a.m. - IVC Videocast featuring Mark  

Larese-Casanova, Extension assistant professor and Utah Master Naturalist program coordinator, and Brian Greene, Utah Water Watch program coordinator, USU Water Quality Extension. 

Presentation summaries:
  • Mark Larese-Casanova - The Utah Master Naturalist Program trains citizens and educators to provide education, outreach and service to promote citizen stewardship of natural resources within their communities. Complete curricula and resources are available for three Utah Master Naturalist courses- watersheds, deserts and mountains.
  • Brian Greene - Do you enjoy visiting lakes and streams? If so, and you want to learn more about water quality and how to help protect it, join Utah Water Watch!
  • USU Extension is publishing a new consumer friendly magazine with articles written by agents and specialists.  The magazine will be published semiannually. The spring/summer edition will be distributed in March and the fall/winter edition will be distributed in September.  The first edition will be ready for distribution at annual conference. The deadline for article submissions is December 15, 2012 and you can e-mail articles and photos directly to or fill out this form.

  • EzPlug Satisfaction Survey
  • Call for FAQ Submissions
    • Please help populate the new USU Extension FAQ database by submitting 3-5 FAQ's using this form by November 9.  
  • Call for Videocast Presentations
    • If you are interested in presenting a statewide IVC Videocast, please fill out this form. (If you have already scheduled a presentation, you will not need to fill out the form.) 


  • Best Practices Call for Abstracts - Utah 4-H In-Service
    • If you are interested in presenting at the Utah 4-H In-service on Nov. 6-8 at Thanksgiving Point, please fill out this form
Media Mentions

Warts on pumpkins, James Barnhill


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To submit an event to the Extension calendar, click here.
Recent Publications 
  • 2013 USU Extension Gardening Calendars are now available for sale for $12 to the public and only $6 for Friends of the Garden. These are ready just in time for the holidays!  For ordering information, contact Britney Hunter at

Utah State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. 
Copyright � 2012 Utah State University Cooperative Extension.
Administration Office | 4900 Old Main Hill | Logan, UT 84322 | (435) 797-2200
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